Sunday and Tuesday were full of sights, bright colors, textures, artists, Spot the dog, and even roller skates at Leon & Lulu's Artist's Market. There was a buzz in the atmosphere that you couldn't help noticing. Everyone was excited to be there either taking it all in or sharing their art. Leon & Lulu is a home decor/ furniture/ gift shop that used to be a rollerskating rink. They kept the original wood floors, snack bar, signs, and even the roller skates line the walls. It is a fun and whimsical place...perfect for an Artist's Market.
The store is huge and full of unusual and amazing sights.

Each artist had their own little section, most with a comfy sofa to sit on. They came around (on roller skates) and brought delicious coffee cakes, hot dogs, coffee, and even wine, yes I said on roller skates!
I ended up bringing my larger photos for the second day as well as redoing my area and jewelry board. I think it looked so much better the second day. Above is the first day and below is the "re-do."
It's like I exploded all over the place...but hopefully in a good way.
Made some new friends too like, Jenni Beamer of Tinkerdot Designs. Her work is available on etsy here.
These necklaces are made from vintage cuff links.
Even the bathrooms are cool. Found this awesome mirror in one as well as a fish tank inside the toilet tank!
Click the pictures to see them larger.

At the end of night 2.