Now to go backwards on the process! They didn't start out brass, after all the trays are silver plated. I took my dremel and the trays outside and started cutting. The funny thing about the picture above is that I took this less than a week ago and I am wearing my down jacket and was freezing outside. I am writing this sitting in a tank top outside in the warm sunshine right now.

This is the tray that I thought would work out the best because it is thicker but actually the other one came out better.

And this one is a bit thinner.

The one on the left is from the thinner tray and has brass in the center. The one on the right is silver all the way through...or so it appears.

I stamped them first then made attempted to solder bales out of sterling silver wire.

First you give the solder some heat until it turns into a ball. Then you place it in the joint so it can melt right in there well.

I made a "New York" one with the thicker tray. The end result was that the thinner tray soldered and the thicker one did not. My theory is that the thinner tray had better quality silver plate? I have no idea.

I put oxidized both of them and found that the thinner tray oxidized better too. However it also took the finish off and left the brass. It probably did the same thing to the other one but since it is some sort of silver colored metal all the way through you can't really tell.

After sanding it and polishing it, it ended up brass. But it still looks great and it's nice and shiny!
New Photos

I love the way the composition balances all the colors and shapes. I did quite a bit to this digitally. The sky was completely overcast and white so I added the blue. I also changed the color of the wall to a more peach tone.

The urban landscape.

And this one is a bit thinner.

The one on the left is from the thinner tray and has brass in the center. The one on the right is silver all the way through...or so it appears.

I stamped them first then made attempted to solder bales out of sterling silver wire.

First you give the solder some heat until it turns into a ball. Then you place it in the joint so it can melt right in there well.

I made a "New York" one with the thicker tray. The end result was that the thinner tray soldered and the thicker one did not. My theory is that the thinner tray had better quality silver plate? I have no idea.

I put oxidized both of them and found that the thinner tray oxidized better too. However it also took the finish off and left the brass. It probably did the same thing to the other one but since it is some sort of silver colored metal all the way through you can't really tell.

After sanding it and polishing it, it ended up brass. But it still looks great and it's nice and shiny!
New Photos
Last weekend I finally took some new photos. I stopped by an abandoned cinema near the city I grew up in. I used to go here as a child and it's so weird all boarded up and falling apart. Yet I find so much beauty in it...probably more so now than back when it was open. The textures of all the different boards as well as the different tones are incredible.

I love the way the composition balances all the colors and shapes. I did quite a bit to this digitally. The sky was completely overcast and white so I added the blue. I also changed the color of the wall to a more peach tone.

The urban landscape.
Bullet holes.
I call these "Innocence Lost" because my daughter thought at first that this was a silly drawing on a building and then she found out that this was target practice. She just couldn't grasp that someone would want to shoot up a wall like that. And kudos to her for taking off her coat in the freezing cold to take these shots too!
New Jewelry
New Jewelry