As I begin decorating for what can be a Season of allowing your imagination, inner child and quirkiness to run wild, I realize how heavily influenced I was by an old favorite TV Series "The Addams Family". *Addams Family and Abandoned House Images cribbed from Bing Images* Not only did I adore the classic TV show and all of it's characters and never miss an episode, but I soaked in ALL of the interior decor and exterior scenes of that creepy and quirky old Mansion they lived in. I wanted to have a House like that, I thought it would be amazing to have that quirky Bohemian oppulence surrounding you and all those cool over-the-top things they collected! A stuffed Polar Bear in the Livingroom surrounded by Gothic Antiques, lush Victorian Velvet Draperies, Persian Rugs, scads of Chandeliers, Crystal encrusted Candelabras and huge Fireplaces with elaborate Mantels, I was mezmerized! As a Teen I even had a Morticia Addams PapaSan Chair that was an exact replica of hers and I felt absolutely Queenly sitting on it like a throne in my room! *wink* I was in my "Black Period" at the time... you know that dark period all Teens seem to move through *smiles*... and I was probably as flambouyant as Morticia in my style sensibility of the time... I've never be accused of being inhibited about my fashion sensibilities. *LOL*
Well, I may have slightly moved past my infatuation with the macabre... but not by much... I still can't see an old abandoned building, especially of the Victorian era, and not WANT it and feel that it needs me! I'd save them all if I could... or at the very least have them put on Historic Registers so no more could be razed! *Gasp* OMG, the razing of a Historic old Home, especially a Victorian, can reduce me to tears and I'm truly grieved every time one is lost. Even though our Historic Home was a wreck and condemned when we purchased it over a decade ago it was still a 'dream Home' to me. I feel Blessed to have finally acquired MY old House... since I've dreamed of owning one from as far back as I can remember... as I sat there watching that classic old series as a child. Now, this ole House can't hold a candle to Morticia and Gomez's fab and quirky abode... but I'm not done living yet *wink*... Dawn... The Bohemian