On Saturday I decided to visit Eastern Market in Detroit. If you aren't from Michigan, Eastern Market is a huge marketplace for farmers to come and sell their goodies. But that's not all you can find there. It's about the history, sights, sounds, and yummy smells too. You can find the normal farmer's market fare but you can also pick up some amazing bakery goods and even cheese from local bakeries like famous Zingermanns or a cup of hot apple cider. And there are musicians playing, artisans selling their stuff, antique shops, spice shops, wine stores, and plenty of fun..jpg)
He was so pleased with his mini pumpkin.
She was singing all sorts of songs from her binder.
Eastern Market is a series of big open sheds.
Multi talented.
I love this antique store. So much to see. I loved this crazy staircase!
There were a lot of concord grapes for sale.
Now that's a farmer.
Beautiful fresh cut flowers.
You can pick up some barbecue or just enjoy the smells. They had karaoke going to and some were really good...some really bad...
How thoughtful of the graffiti artist to match the purple ribbon stuck in the power lines.
In Michigan we call it pop. Oh and Vernor's is from here too. We call that pop too.
After Eastern Market we headed down the street to a little art fair going on down this brick street. The buildings were so interesting and cool.
Beautiful cakes and cupcakes. I can't find her card! If anyone sees this and knows her info please send it to me. Her cakes rock.
Always love to see Casey Janowski! Her work is pretty sweet. I bought one of her wood keychains with a camera image on it. Find her work here: Fartsyarts
These lovely ladies are both photographers. You can find their work here: amberchoike photography and Shanon Bemiss Photography.
How thoughtful of the graffiti artist to match the purple ribbon stuck in the power lines.
In Michigan we call it pop. Oh and Vernor's is from here too. We call that pop too.