Photo courtesy of Guy Brown, Detroit

Catching Twinkies.
Photo courtesy of Guy Brown, Detroit

Photo courtesy of Guy Brown, Detroit
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Metromix photos click

This past weekend was the
DIY Street Fair which, pardon my language, was f*&
ing awesome!
It was what I worked my butt off preparing for the last 2 weeks and my first big outdoor show. I absolutely loved it. I shared a booth with Erin Hook who was completely adorable and brought her handmade glass beads, which were extraordinary.

I hung my newer necklaces from frames that I nailed upholstery nails across the top.

Sold both of the ones on the left.

Sold quite a few of my photo blocks too. I can't wait to make some more of them.

I had imagined hanging framed pieces from the bars at the top of the tent but when we got there it wasn't possible. We had a different kind of tent that just didn't allow for it. So I ended up tying ribbon to the top and hanging the loose prints from them. I utilized a lot of binder clips! I did hang my large Empty Swings photo in the back of the booth and that generated quite a bit of response from people. Let me just say that hearing all the positive feedback and appreciation from people absolutely gave me a warm and fuzzy! There is nothing in the world like feeling appreciated when you do something creative.

When I made these necklaces from the magical box of junk I didn't even realize that they are pieces from an antique erector set that was made in England until my dad came over and informed me. I still have some pieces left and I'm itching to shine them up and make more stuff with them.

I made these tins by cutting photographs and putting them inside. I also took an old frame that I rescued from a garage sale over 15 years ago and spray painted it. I stretched burlap in the back and attached a piece of sheet metal to the back with binder clips. It worked perfectly.

This woman bought one of my
scarflettes-not to wear around her neck but as a headband. I never would have thought of doing that with them and it looked great!

It was a super busy weekend, especially on Sunday when we had that nice warm and sunny weather.
Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr was playing Saturday evening and they sounded amazing. Love them!

Rock climbing wall.

Morning customers were fun. Evening drunk customers were even more fun. Wish I'd taken more photos.

Sweetest damn boots I have ever seen!

The striped polo was awesome.

Where else but
DIY would you see a
twinkie car shooting
twinkies at the crowd? Awesome.

And where else would you see a double stroller with 2 big ass bunnies in it?

One word:

It was such a fun, crazy weekend!
DIY and
Ferndale are where I feel like I totally belong. It was great to see old
acquaintances, even older
acquaintances, and even meet twitter friends face to face for the first time. I cannot wait for next year!