Though I haven't been able to keep Militaria in Stock for long because it's always a Popular Collectible, I was able to make a small Vignette with what I have left in my Showroom Inventory to pay Homage to our Veterans and Active Duty this Veteran's Day.  Sure, the only Male Mannequin Head I have left has a full beard and mustache, which certainly isn't thirty-five-ten {Sorry}, it does  remind me of The Man though...

Because one of the first things The Man did upon Retirement was go totally 'Duck Dynasty' with the Beard, Mustache and Hair after having to keep everything short and tight for so many years.  *LOL*   For his Thirty Nine Years of Military Service I am extremely Proud and it will be all about him today as we Celebrate Veteran's Day with our Favorite Veteran.

Several of the Local Restaurants will be comping Veterans and Active Duty Personnel a free meal... we Appreciate the Civilian Sector Honoring our Vets with such generosity and recognition for their Service.

Though Earned Benefits have certainly been shamefully eroded or rescinded by recent Administrations, there are still Thankfully some Americans who choose to Honor our Veterans and recognize the Sacrifices that they and their Families make for our Country, it's Citizens and to Preserve our way of Life... and show it... by Actions and not just lip service and empty promises.
The Man and our Family want to Thank those who still choose to Honor, Remember and Respect our brave Men and Women who Serve or have Served.   It means more than you know.

And I want to Personally Thank each and every Veteran, Active Duty Member and their Families for your Patriotism, Heroism and Sacrifices... God Bless you all!!!  Happy Veteran's Day!!!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian... and Family