Have you ever forgotten something that absolutely buries you in Guilt my Friends? Well, Princess T had her Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony this past week and we had so much scheduled on the Calendar that we completely forgot about it!!! *Gasp!*  We were overwhelmed with Guilt... Imagining her up there on the Stage during the Ceremony & Singing her Songs she had so carefully rehersed all week... and looking out over the Audience for us... and not seeing us anywhere in sight!  Fortunately it was a very large Audience & she didn't even realize we weren't there until after she got Home wearing her Cap and we realized we'd missed the entire thing!  *Whew*  But we had to come clean & confess... and that was brutal for us... I can't remember feeling Guiltier & more upset or Morose about missing anything!

But kids are so darn resilient, Forgiving and... I might add, CUNNING!  {Or maybe that's just this G-Kid Force Duo, I dunno?!  Winks} The wee Princess didn't seem that phased and certainly not as distraught as we were... she took it in stride and in fact, apparently she saw this as the perfect opportunity to milk her Graduation Gift for all it was worth!  *LOL*  After all, she had us right where she wanted us, mired in G-Parent Guilt... I mean, HOW could we possibly make this up to her?!!

But her Cunning little wheels were churning out the perfect Solution... you see, her Big Brother, the Young Prince, had already gotten "A" Graduation Gift for completing the 6th Grade successfully. {No Ceremony to accidentally Miss, Thank God...}  So she told us she would have to get TWO Graduation Gifts!  Why, I asked?  I had to hear her out on this Logic she had come up with...

"Well, because you BOTH Missed my Graduation!", she grinned with a mischievous Gleam Sparkling in her Beautiful Dark eyes... *LOL*

And so Two it was... even though I totally knew we were being extorted by a six year old! *Winks* Because she did have a valid point & Logic to her demands after all... and in fact... we got her Three Gifts... with a Ranch Barbie thrown in for good measure.  No, not because it appeased our Guilt all that much actually, we sure wish we had been there to see her Graduation Ceremony and Production because those Moments are truly Priceless and can't be bought at any Price... but because we were so darn Proud of our little Hustler Princess.  There's just some things you don't learn in School, and her Natural Born Negotiation Techniques are Exemplary!!!  *Smiles*  So now she and her new, very Lifelike, Chimp are hammering out Tunes on her new Keyboard... so we're getting a Personal VIP rendition of all that she Sang at the Ceremony.  So, it's all good... *Smiles*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian