I make a Habit of taking a Reflective Break from Stuff & Fluff every so often...

Yes, ME... the Queen of Excess, would actually prefer being around Nature than around Stuff or Fluff, no matter how Beautiful the Man-Made objects are.

There is just something about being around what the Creator has Created that brings such Serenity & Peace, such Calm and pure Relaxation to the Body, Soul & Spirit... that it becomes effortless to be Reflective and Restored.

In fact, nothing that Man has ever made matches it... it pales in comparison... because there simply is no comparison...

In Nature, everything, from the tiniest Detail, has been carefully Orchestrated to work in Unison with everything else... everything has Purpose for Being.

And the Beauty of it all abounds...

The Colors and Variety abounds...

And so I've been taking many Reflective Breaks outdoors in Nature recently... Reflecting, Relaxing, Restoring my Body, Soul & Spirit.

And though I like to Imagine what it would be like if Money were no object and I could Indulge my every Fantasy... it is in these Reflective Moments that I Imagine the other end of the spectrum...

If I had Nothing... what then would I NOT want to Imagine Living without?  And the List becomes ever so much shorter and more focused than the insatiable List that Money could buy... because those things that I couldn't Imagine Living without are truly Priceless and have never had to be bought or sold... nor could they, even with an infinite amount of Money.

And I realize how Truly Blessed I have been to have my Short List available to me... even during the most difficult of times and when Money was scarce.

And so many times when we're busy chasing the Stuff & Fluff of Life we can miss Experiencing the best the Short List has to offer... because it's usually there, patiently waiting upon us to pause and be Still enough to notice.

Just like this Beautiful Shrine sitting out in the middle of the Desert... discreetly tucked away so that most won't even notice if they're passing by too quickly...

Or are too distracted by the business and busyness of Life...

Because some things need your Full Attention to see and witness...

Would you have been Still enough in your pace, your thoughts, your day to have Noticed my Friends?  Or would it have eluded you and never have been Appreciated and wondered about?

You see... there are so very many things we have been Given Freely and with Great Joy by our Creator... but it's up to us to Notice, to Enjoy and to Appreciate.  So I Challenge you to take some Time every so often for a Reflective Break from Stuff & Fluff...

Your Body, Soul and Spirit will Thank you... because the Restorative Qualities cannot be compared or matched... since you were Carefully and Lovingly Designed that way.

Because after taking a Quiet Reflective Break I am able to come Home to such things as this creeping up on me... and handle it in my stride... without the Heart Attack factor!  *LOL*  And this could be used as a Metaphor for a great number of Scary things that creep up on us in Life unawares...

Yes, it was merely the Beast Princess in Wolf's Clothing trying to give Gramma a good Scare as I sit here Blogging!  *Smiles*

Not that she can't be equally Beastly and Scary at times without the Mask!  *LOL*  She can be the proverbial Wolf in Sheep's Clothing in fact {so many things in Life can be don't you think?} ... because she APPEARS as docile, Sweet and harmless as a Little Lamb! *Winks*  But you never know what she's going to be up to... or INTO...

Yes, OBVIOUSLY she got INTO last year's Halloween Costumes this day... *Winks*

Which USED TO BE in a neatly Organized and Cleaned portion of Storage... USED TO BE is NOW the key phrase... *Le Sigh*   Ah well, now that I've been Scared by the Big Bad Wolf... regaled by one of Captain Jack's Posse... and have yet another tore up portion of the House... it will give me the PERFECT EXCUSE to take yet another Quiet Reflective Break... *LOL*  See how well it all works out my Friends?! *Winks*

Blessings, Quiet Reflective Moments and Peace from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

"Being Indian is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of being in harmony with all things and all beings. It is allowing the heart to be the distributor of energy on this planet; to allow feelings and sensitivities to determine where energy goes; bringing aliveness up from the Earth and from the Sky, putting it in and giving it out from the heart." - Brooke Medicine Eagle
