Yesterday I didn't go Junquing... No... I decided to get things done that couldn't wait until The Man got back from the Utah Bereavement Trip to attend our Nephew's Funeral...

Which meant starting out the day Exuberant & full of Energy & a Full Itinerary, beginning with an early Morning Blog Post & Gardening... and ending it with Exploding Soda!

But as I regale you with this Story I'll Delight you with Visuals from other days... days spent Delightfully, Junquing and Visiting Favorite Haunts... where Soda never Explodes!  *LOL*

But this day was different... we hadn't been to the Gym in quite a few days and since this Year's Family Membership was a Gift and Unexpected Special Blessing from a Generous Sponsor, I had vowed not to waste it and to go regularly and Religiously.

Because I am looking pretty tragic lately in the way of overall Fitness & the effects of prolonged Stress... and Bodily Aging... just like this Old Doll... which could be still well Loved by those that Love Unconditionally... but has obviously been ravaged by Time & use... I can relate to that!  *LOL*

A little warped and wavy around the edges... not at all still in the Shape Intended... I can relate to that too! *Winks*  Though I must say these Old Vinyl Record Bowls are so stinking Cute!

And the added Bonus is that each Day I'm allotted two Glorious Hours of Child Care Free of charge while I do my Workout!  *Happy Dance!*  And that is not only a Welcome Respite for Yours Truly that I eagerly look forward to... but the G-Kid Force LOVE the Gym's Child Care Center because it has lots of Fit Young Adult Attention and Activities Planned to keep them Amused and developing a Lifestyle of Fitness.

So they're always eager to go to the Gym... perhaps even moreso than I am... since at this Season of Life, though I enjoy Working Out... two or more Hours a Day of it can be a particular Challenge Physically and Mentally!  *Smiles*

No... I'm not intimidated one bit by all the Stud Muffins and Beach Body Babes that are already in Fabulous Shape Working Out all around me... I figure I'm Excellent Motivation for them all for KEEPING in Shape as they Age lest they end up looking like this Poster Child for what happens if you don't?!?  *LOL*

It's more that though I WANT to Work Out regularly... and thoroughly Enjoy the Experience and certainly feel better afterwards... I don't have the Stamina or Fortitude I once had for such things... there's a lot of things in Life now that I still Like and Want to do... but simply struggle with more or flat out can't!  *Le Sigh*

And I learned the hard way that some Exercise Regimens just aren't such a good Idea for folks at my Season of Life because we're more inclined towards risking injury... and my Mantra for Exercise now is: First do no harm!!!  *Winks*  There's no coming back from some injuries once you reach a certain age... and I don't have the time to be broke-down or busted up!!!  *Smiles*

And I also must remember & keep in mind that when the G-Kid Force is in tow, that after a couple of Hours in the Child Care Center they still expect to hit the Pool & Water Slides afterwards for another Hour or Two... or however long they can con me into staying?!?  *Insert Huge Sigh from Gramma...*

Not that I don't also Love the Pool and Swimming or hitting the Jacuzzi & Lap Pool or languishing Poolside on a Sizzlingly HOT Arizona Summer's Day mind you... but remember... I just WORKED OUT for TWO HOURS & likely also enjoyed a relaxing Steam AND Dry Sauna that now makes me wanna take a Nap... so this Rose is fading fast at this point!!!  *LOL*

And... being the Foodie that I am that GOT me into this Shape... after a hearty Work Out I find myself to be ravenously HUNGRY too!!!  *Smiles*  And Gym Cantinas tend to Serve tasty but miniscule portions of Health Foods that just don't cut it after I've burned about a gazillion calories & sweat Gallons of moisture out of my pores with only Bottled Water to sustain me!  *LOL*

And so as I'm bobbing around in the Pool or languishing Poolside in 110+ degree Heat frying my brain cells, and watching the G-Kid Force  gleefully burn an Astronomical amount of Calories that I Hope will totally wear them out & make them absolutely Faded once we get Home... *Winks... Yeah, I'm TOTALLY Delusional like that... it must be the Heat*... my thoughts tend to be obsessed with what we'll eat once I manage to lure them outta there?!?

What's that you say?  I'm not supposed to Reward myself with Food after a Work Out?!?  Are you Crazy!?!  'Cause a Ribbon is just not gonna cut it right now... I'm STARVING here!!!  I know, I know, you're RIGHT... But maybe I'm a Hopeless Cause at this point, I dunno... all I know is that Immediately after leaving the Gym... we EAT!!!  *LOL* 

And yeah, we try to pick out something with the Illusion of being Healthier than the Obvious Unhealthy Choices... but clearly, I'm going to be Rockin' it Xtra-Large for a while my Friends... I didn't get like this in a day and I'm not going to whip it into Shape in record time either!   Honestly, I don't even know where I'm Going with this Health Kick thing...  but I'm on my way... *Winks*

So Pray for me when I'm tempted by a ravenous appetite and obsessive thoughts of Food during and after my feeble attempts at getting back in Shape... *Smiles*

I mean REALLY, REALLY, REALLY Pray for me... *LOL*

And so... after we got the entire Posse Fed & Watered after our strenuous Work Out... the last thing on the Itinerary was Grocery Shopping.  Which... when The Man is Home I can do late at Night after I get the G-Kid Force tucked away into Bed so that I don't have an Entourage in tow... or be purchasing & transporting Perishables when it's brutally Hot enough to Perish just about anything...

And quickly loading and unloading a truck full of Groceries in the Heat of the day after I'm clearly already Physically spent.  So... you guessed it... this is where the Exploding Soda comes into the Story!!!

Because remember... I've got the G-Kid Force in tow and by now they're allegedly too tired to schlep bags of Groceries and not really that into Helping unload the Truck carefully... because Playtime with their Friends in the Hood is beckoning as we pull up out front... {Hint: words like allegedly tired and unload carefully are Clues! Winks}

And I'm saying such things as be careful with those bags & don't jostle those Sodas lest they Explode in this Heat...  And Faded Rose that I am at this Point I don't have a lot of Fight left in me to closely Supervise the Loading and Unloading Process... I'm just Delegating and Hoping for the best...

To which the Young Prince, who Envisions himself as the Scientific Mind of the Century, assures me that Exploding Sodas can't happen Gramma because they're not up under enough internal Pressure to Implode or Explode the Aluminum Cans... 

And contrary to the Great Scientific Mind of the Century's Logic... Gramma Intuition and Premonition was more acutely accurate this day... as we had Pre-4th-Of-July Explosions happening right there in the Front Kitchen with Exploding Soda!!!  *Le Sigh*

Next time... I think I'll just go Junquing...  *Smiles*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

*All Treasures Photographed today can be found at THE BRASS ARMADILLO Antique Malls in Phoenix and Goodyear... and THE MAD HATTER Antique Mall in Glendale* 
