So... are you ready for Part II of "Wicked Faire" at SWEET SALVAGE my Friends?  You are... well... lets get to it then shall we!?!   This was one of my Fav Vignettes near the front entrance... the Humorous Halloween touches were tucked in everywhere and I really Appreciated the Wicked sense of Humor in the Styling and Storyline.
The 'Black Widow' Storyline tickled me particularly since who hasn't had the inkling every now and again when The Men misbehave to feel like killin' em!?!  *LOL*  What!  I'm the only one?!?  Surely you jest?!?  Come clean Ladies and lets be Real, your Man has NEVER done anything that made you say... this is it... I'm probably going to Prison... but...  *Winks*  Right now mine is not always being a very good or cooperative Patient and doing exactly what his Doctor ordered... I'm thinking perhaps the Doc shouldn't have told him what NOT to do... and then perhaps there would have been a better chance that he wouldn't have even THOUGHT to DO IT?!?  *Le Sigh*
And check out this ensemble... very Morticia Addams Macabre and yet also Ethereal don't you think?  Love it!  I'm such a sucker for Velvet and Lace together...
And while we were there Today, on Princess T's 7th Birthday Bash Girl's Day Out Together, we were on a couple of Missions.   Hers was to seek out a Tiara fit for a Princess to wear on her Birthday and when she spied this she squealed, "This is IT Gramma!!!"  Alas, it didn't have a price tag and I immediately thought 'Oh Crap!'... and  feared it might just be for Display & the Princess would Fall Out in a Fit of utter Disappointment?!? *LOL... and who among us hasn't done THAT when something absolutely Perfect turned out to be NFS!?!  Smiles*   But Miss Katie hooked a Princess up... and it went from the Skully Head...
To a Wednesday Addams Style Princess's Head... Thanks a Mil Katie, you're a Life Saver my Friend!!!  *Whew!*   So all was Well in The Kingdom, now that The Princess had her Crown!
And so I sent the Elated Princess on the Hunt now for Gramma's Mission to Seek Out the Found Treasure I had previously left behind by Mistake... the Perfect Mardi Gras Mask!  After all, the Kid has eyes like a Rat, she never misses a thing... and Lo and Behold, she 'Scored' it for me...
Even though it was in a totally different place and I surely would have missed it & thought it Sold!

"Is THIS what you're lookin' for Gramma?!" she says as she Coyly peeks out from behind it!? Yay! Color me Happy!!!  And Relieved... I had really been Obsessing about forgetting about it... and you know how Obsessed you can become about the ones that got away?!?  *Winks*

And the Price was a real Bargain so I was totally Jazzed that I could easily afford it! *Whoo Hoo!*  And it matched The Princess's Ensemble Perfectly don't you think?  So both of us 'Scored' exactly what we'd come for right off the bat!
And that took all of the Pressure off Hunting and we could just Relax now and Revel in the Atmosphere and Admire everything, looking now for Cute Vignettes that we thought were Inspirational, Beautiful, Creepy or Funny.
But wait... you know how the SWEET SALVAGE Team keeps bringing in new Inventory each day for the entire Event?  And so there will always be new Vignettes and Cool Stuff you didn't see on a previous visit... so check out this beyond Awesome Miniature Medical Cadaver!!!  With The Man just having had Back Surgery we'd seen all kinds of these in the Surgeon's Office and Consultation Rooms and I remember thinking... I'd LOVE one of these for a Halloween Vignette!  And this one is the entire Cadaver in Miniature with all his parts totally functional and detailed... and Priced within Budget so I hadda have him!!!  *SCORE!*
I felt like I'd just hit the Jackpot in Vegas!  *Winks*   Speaking of Gambling... isn't the Collection of Dice a Cute Idea?
And I'm always Appreciative of the Perfect Vintage Needlepoint Chair... I have several... so Comfy and Boheme' Lovely!  This one was outstanding and I Loved the Hues and Patina that only Age can Create.   And that Teal Harvest Table behind it caught my Eye as well... too bad I need Old Shelves and not Vintage Harvest Tables for my Showroom.
And how stinking Cute is this!!!??!?  I Adore the Minutia of Styling.
And this Vignette was Genius... Note how the Mannequin Head in the Cloche mirrors the Maiden in the Antique Framed Art.   Someone should definitely buy the entire Vignette for a Killer Unique Halloween Display at Home!
And I always Admire the Bohemian Bling Jeweled Creations at the Event... Lovin' these Repurposed Vintage Spigot Handle Necklaces.
In an array of Styles and Colors...
They would totally be something I'd wear...

And I was positively Drooling over the Antique Caged Dress Form that was Showcasing them!!! *Swoon... break out the Smelling Salts for sure!*   I Loved the Chocolate Brown Aged Fabric and Style of Cage this one had, very Unique.
So what have you been Swooning over so far my Friends?

I KNOW there has to be SOMETHING?  But... just in case you're still on the Thrill of the Hunt... there will be several more Posts to come because guess what... I got my favorite but malfunctioning old Camera back to taking pixs without incident again!  *Whew*

One of the Cute lil Details that I Loved this time around was the little roly-poly Eyes stuck on the Old Portraits... Hilarious and so easy to do... I'm totally Stealing... ummm, I mean Borrowing this Marvelous Idea!  And after Halloween they pop right off the glass without harming your Vintage Portraits.
Princess T kept saying, "High Alert!  Doll Heads ahead!"  every time she saw some... knowing what an Old Doll Head Freak I am!!!  *LOL*   But I resisted... no Doll Heads... Today at least.
Obviously after 'Scoring' my Medical Cadaver I was more into Macabre Anatomy...

And I was totally diggin' these Vintage Magnifying Glass Creations Kim had made... with the Anatomy Chart bits inserted behind the Glass.

Very Cool and Inexpensive... so it was just a matter of choosing a Fav...

  And I came away with this one...

That was it for our Buying Spree... so now we just Window Shopped... which is just as Fun.

And Inspiration is Free... so you can't beat that Price, right?!  *Winks*
I Hope you're being amply Inspired too my Friends?

And you still have one day left of the Event... since it runs through Tomorrow Afternoon!

I'm so glad I came back again... and Princess T was having the time of her Life... she Adores the Creepy and the Oookey, the Altogether Spooky... {Can't you just hear the Addams Family Theme Song now Looping in your Head?!?  LOL}   Da da da da *fingers snapping twice*...

And don't worry, there's still plenty of Fabulous Autumn and Harvest Decor left too... just in case you're not quite in the Halloween Spirit yet and just want to Style for Fall?!?

But Beware... the Shopping Excess demons are ready to Taunt and Tempt you at every turn... there's just so much good Stuff offering up Temptation!!!  *Smiles*

But if I can Resist the Coolest Creepy Vintage Doll Heads you might just be able to Resist some of your Weaknesses too my Friends?  Maybe...  *LOL*   And you can Blame it all on me if you totally Cave after I talked you into going 'kay?  *Winks*

Be sure to come back Tomorrow for Part III of "Wicked Faire" at SWEET SALVAGE...
Blessings and Happy Early Halloween Junquing from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian