Recently I went to visit my Friends Angela & Shelly at RUST & ROSES and SIRENS & SAINTS with the G-Kid Force.  They were busily re-arranging the Vignettes in both Shops and its looking positively Amazing... but then, it always does... they are definitely among my Mentors on learning the Art of Display, they are Masterful at it!
I was captivated by this new Christie Repasy Painting showcased Beautifully in a gorgeous Ornate Frame.  I Love all of Christie's Art, always so Romantic and Timeless.
The whole Vignette taking Form was just Stunningly Beautiful! *Swoon*
And then I got totally Distracted by two of the things that always manage to throw me completely off track and I become obsessive about... I'm talking about Lampshade & Pillow Distraction!!!  *Winks*
Angela had made some Gorgeous oversized squishy Lacy Pillows with Floursack Patches...
And Shelly had made some Velvet and Animal Print ones with gossamer Gauzy ruffles...
Yes, I was now in Pillow Heaven much to the chagrin of the G-Kid Force... who know how I get when I'm Distracted by something I have a weakness for!  *LOL*
And go ahead, now totally do me in with the Other Thing... Lampshades!!!  *Le Sigh*  Beautiful Deconstructed ones...
Like this Lovely Lacy fragment Creation by Punky...
Sitting upon an equally Lovely Ornate Deconstructed Chair!!!  *Triple Swoon*
And then look up and see this Fab Trio Created by Shelly...
Oh yes!!!
And Yes!!!  *Winks*
I suppose I'm drawn to the Deconstructed Lampshade because they so Beautifully frame something I've always had a 'Thing' for... the Bare Bulb.  People used to think me a bit Mad for preferred my Lightbulbs to be Bare and not dressed up, adorned and hidden... but there's something about a Bare Lit Bulb that I find to be Starkly Beautiful.
The Light is just so much Brighter without Fabric or Glass Shade hindering it's Illumination. 
The Glow of the Bulb Appeals to me and I've always preferred a Bright, Cheerful Space opposed to a Dark, Gloomy Cavelike one.
And if a Shade must be more Solid then I prefer it to at least have some cutouts to allow the Light to Shine through...
Like this Trio in my Friend Angela's Booth...
Or be overdone like in the Victorian Era... with lots of Fringe, Tassles, Velvet, Lace, etc... on the Lampshade.  Like this one in my Friend Pauline's Booth.
Or maybe some Vintage Millinery Gracing them...
Anything but the mass produced Commercial Shades you see in most Chain Stores... which I find to be ugly beyond belief!!!  *Winks*
Nope... either give me a Deconstructed Shade or an Overdone one any day... {BTW Pauline, Loving your new Booth Display... especially that Rug on the wall GF!!!}
And I was so enjoying being in my Lampshade & Pillow Distraction... my own little World... that when the Princess fell down and let out a holla I thought she was just acting the Fool.   Because they had begun to get a tad bit whiny and dramatic because Gramma was immersed in her Distractions.  *LOL*
Okay, it's time to leave when they're falling all over the place and beginning to cry I decide  *Le Sigh*... and it wasn't until we were in the Truck that I got past irritation and asked her how she fell when it hadn't seemed she'd gone down and fallen over anything but her own feet... because now I was seeing a tiny curious bump on her forehead?!?

And now that she felt perfectly fine and was over her Tearful Dramatic Moment so that we could get the Story out of her, she quite seriously says, "I ran into God holding The Baby..."   {Bwahahah... Okay, so I Confess that the Young Prince and I were having a lot of trouble not cracking up over that one and trying to keep a straight face so she wouldn't burst into tears again thinking we were mocking her for having a slightly embarrassing injury!} 
But we couldn't do it... no, we couldn't, it was too hysterical, especially the way she phrased it in her Childlike Innocense... Yep, she'd been so busy looking around at all the Lovelies in her own little Trance of Admiration and not paying close enough attention to where she was walking, that she'd run smack dab into one of the near lifesize Gorgeous Religious Solid Plaster Statuaries in the Shop!!!  {Which was probably a St. Christopher or Joseph holding the Baby Jesus... but she's six... so any Spiritual Art to her is representative of God.} 
And Thankfully when her Brother and I burst into Laughter about her 'Running into God' she saw the levity in it too and Laughed heartily right along with us... as we had a most hysterical Moment together.  Because after all... if you're going to run into anything, God is the Best Thing to run into!
May you also Run into God my Friends... and get to know Him in a Beautiful Relational way...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 
