So... Summer is officially here with a vengeance... our Temps have begun to soar and there's one more day left of School... so I'll be Wondering what to do with the G-Kid Force to keep them Cooled off and Entertained for Summer Break?  *Le Sigh*

You see, they Bore easily, this Younger Generation... and I simply cannot relate.   I don't remember ever being Bored a day in my Life... Honestly... I have always been able to think of a million things to do with my Time... my dilemma is more not having enough Time to do all the things I can think of and want to do!  *LOL*
I don't mind Summer in the Desert, even though it's fiercely Hot, because it thins out the crowds that flock here during the more temperate Months of the year.  So quite often you get many places almost to yourself and can Enjoy a measure of Solitude and just the sounds of Nature without the noise of Man. 
Alas... the G-Kid Force don't quite know what to do with Quiet and Stillness yet... they haven't yet reached that level of Maturity where they Appreciate the Zen Moments, the Silence and doing Nothing as much as the busyness of Life and having a full Schedule and Itinerary of stimulating Activities.
I'm at that Season of Life where having less to do on some days is Savored and looked forward to as much as those full days... in fact, I prefer a healthy balance of each... and more do-nothing days than I presently have.

Though I will certainly look forward to Activities and Events, time spent with Family and Friends during the lazier days of Summer... I shall also look forward to those Escapes where I'm Communing with Nature, being surrounded by Wildlife and their Habitat in a Peaceful, Serene and Natural Setting... and the Peace and Restoration it brings to the Spirit and Soul.

And it will be the rare respite to get out there Alone and Savor it properly this particular Summer... things being such that they are at the moment with The Man's declining Health.  And most extended Family and Close Friends not being around this Season... so the usual Invitations the Children had previously Enjoyed for Summer Visits and Mini-Vacations with Friends and Family won't be happening.  They're already lamenting that fact and I know it's a disappointment for them.
I've been mulling over new things and Options to occupy their Time and make up for the lack of having Friends and other Family Members present this Summer.  Hopefully it will Create New Summer Memories for them that are equally Enjoyable and will be somewhat of a distraction for those they are Missing so much and what they were used to being Invited to do with other Loved Ones?
Because Gramma fully Understands that Old People and Sick People just aren't as much Fun as Younger and Healthier People to hang out with all Summer.  And our Resources are designated more for the necessities of Raising them than Indulging them like Grandparents usually have the privilege of doing if they're not Custodial Grandparents... and responsible for fully supporting them in the surrogate role of the absent Parent(s).
And most especially its a 'downer' when you're in your Teen Years and becoming a Young Man and would really rather not have to hang out with Grandparents all of the time... or at all if you had other Options.  *Winks*
 And I must give Credit where Credit is due in that they're Lil Troopers Rolling and Adapting with the peculiarities of being Raised by Seniors.  They spent all Night at the VA Hospital Yesterday with me after Grandpa had taken another bad fall while I was at Work.  They made the Emergency Call with Calm and Maturity beyond their years, while waiting for me to get Home and take over to deal with the Medical Emergency transpiring... yet again... which isn't Fun for any of us and is certainly Stressful for all of us and especially scary for a Child.   But they've Adapted and become Used to Grandpa's Chronic Health Issues and Medical Crisis... it's Amazing what you can become Used to as your Norm.
It would be the last day of School Today filled with all their Fun Events and Good-Byes... so though they were bleary eyed having to stay up late in an Emergency Room until the wee hours and get up only a few hours later for School... they were still Jazzed and Enthusiastic.  And I managed not to get teary eyed on their behalf until after waving Good-Bye and driving off to get back Home to Grandpa. Who at least managed to stay out of the Hospital this time around after he was stabilized and Tests revealed no catastrophic Injury from his recent falls.   Which is a Mixed Blessing that I'm not certain how to Feel about exactly... since meeting him at his Point of Need is becoming increasingly difficult in the Home.
I don't mind still Working hard to help Support Family and provide supplimental Income to our Fixed Income into my Seniors Years... since we still have Young Children to get Raised and increased Medical Expenses... and that is particularly expensive and prohibitive nowadays.   But I need to have the ability to continue Working and a Peace about being able to go to work.  It has been a source of Frustration, a Struggle, Concern and Challenge in the Past and it continues to be.  I've had to go in and out of Early Forced Retirement so many times now that I no longer make long range 'Career' or Financial Plans... I just take Jobs as a means to an end for as long as I'm able... until the next Personal Crisis hits... and just Bloom where you're Planted.
Working to make and Feather our Nest as Comfortable and Beautiful as possible since we are Forced to spend more time here than actually doing things due to The Man's Health... and being surrounded by Beauty and Comfort is Therapuetic.  And it helps to have Beautiful things to Sell Off when you need to and for those periods of 'Out Of Work' times... so I'm always seeking out those affordable Investments that have fluidity of Financing Necessities when necessary.  Having a Showroom at an Antique Mall has given me that Important stream of Income where I don't have to be Present the majority of the time... but you do still have to Work it to make it Work... and Summertime can be a slump in Sales if you aren't being Creative, Hustling and Resourceful!
Fortunately the G-Kid Force LOVE to go 'Pickin' with Gramma... and absorbing Ideas for the Showroom from what they see as Possibilities during Events they Attend with me.  Princess T's 'Pickin' Gloves go clear up to her elbows and she can hold her own, maintaining Stamina and Fortitude even while vying for Treasures with the most Zealous of other Pickers who make a Living from Junquing and doing the Flea Markets and Shows.
And Prince R's developing 'Man Muscles' really helps Gramma out when loading and setting up the bigger stuff!  Lucky for me I've done Physical Work, and Caregiving along with Corporate Work all of my Life so my Gramma 'guns' are still pretty Healthy sized for schlepping and I've got a strong back.
I Wish I'd bought this KC Willis Mixed Media Art piece since I found it to be so very Inspiring as well as Beautiful and appropriate... 
So we'll make it through the lazy days of Summer just Fine... it will just take some Creative Thinking and Adjustments... Adaptation and Improvisation... and the Grace of God.
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 