Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some P
eanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.
That 1908 Tin Pan Alley Song always resonates in my Spirit when it comes to Summertime.  Memories of our own Childhood Sporting Events played during the Lazy Days of Summer.  We Traveled extensively and often in my Childhood so we lived in many different Countries, States and Climates... often Summer was the rare opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors participating in Sports we Loved or going to Special Events on the rare times Dad had a Vacation, since he usually worked two jobs so Mom could be a Stay-at-Home Mom.
And I was Pleased to see a Patriotic Theme in some of the Summer Lovin' Vignettes at SWEET SALVAGE.   With a long History of Military Service on both sides of our Family it warms my Heart to see Patriotism in any form and fashion.   We are Truly Blessed here in the United States and I'm very Proud to be an American and to have this Country be my Home.  I always Loved Traveling to other Countries and Experiencing the various Wonderful Cultures abroad, but coming Home was always Comforting and most Familiar to me.  Even though my Mom is a Foreign National and I'm also Proud of my Heritage and Culture from her side of the Family.  And was Delighted that we got to spend time in North Wales and Connect with the Maternal Side of the Family too and Experience her Home Country and distinctive Culture and Language.
Red, White and Blue Decor always Feels Summery to me... it's Bright, it's Cheerful, it Evokes the Essence of Summer... of the 4th of July, Bar-B-Ques, Picnics, Fireworks, Patriotism, Outdoor Events, Get-Togethers and Reunions with Family and Friends.   My Friends Myko and Brett had my Favorite Patriotic Displays at the Event this Month.   Myko's Styling always blows me away regardless of Color Palette or Theme, she's Masterful at it and Works so hard to make it Just Right!
And Myko also finally went Dark too in some of her Gorgeous Vignettes... yes, we brought her over to the 'Dark Side' for a Show and she did it Superbly!  *LOL*  What many peeps might not know is that though she's a Pastel Gal through and through, she also does the Curated Bohemian Botanist Living History Museum Vibe so well that I'd Love for her to come Help me Refine that Favorite Look in my own Spaces!
Me being Sista Darkness and all this is a Palette, Style and Vibe that Connects to my Soul in some Mysterious way I cannot fully Explain in Words.  *Smiles*  Though I Love Jewel Tones... Black and Sepia has also been a Decorating Staple for me that I keep coming back Full Circle to.  I would have to say that Black and Sepia are my Favorite 'Non-Colors'.  *Winks*
And so it's no Surprise that my absolute Fav Vignette was this one with the Vintage Kitten Images on their Vintage Stands!  Myko... if those haven't Sold by the end of the Event, you and I gotta Work something out GF!  *Winks*  They were Begging to come Home with me... yep, the entire Trio!  Alas, it was so crowded in that corner because the Vignettes were Appealing to so many, that I failed to get a decent Close-Up to Immortalize the Visual for Future Inspiration. *Sob!*
And the few Images I did manage to Capture were blurry because I was jostled with the throng of Shoppers and using Zoom Lens to get closer to the Inventory than was possible in the flesh!  *LOL*  So Thank Heavens for Photoshop Functions that can make even the crappiest Photography and out of focus frames look halfway presentable and Salvageable!  *Winks*  This was my best Attempt at Kitten Close-Ups... *Le Sigh*  I know, so disappointing when I get Home and download them to realize I didn't get the one Best Shot Close-Up that was a Personal Fav of mine!  See the Kitten Candlestick, Sweet huh?
But you know me, I'm gonna find a way... even though I was trapped in a corner of the Space for a while, I managed to get some good Visuals... can't you tell I was practically pressed right up under Lady Libery's Flag Skirt at this point?!?   Yeah, a bit awkward... but the lengths I'll go to try to get that Good Shot knows no boundaries!  *LOL* 
Yeah, I'm Definitely one of those, "Excuse Me, Excuse Me, Pardon Me..." Gals Weaving thru the Crowd with a Camera trying to snap off Blog Fodder Images as I go!  Non-Bloggers probably have no Point of Reference and don't Understand our absolute Obsession with it!?  *LOL*  I'm now a Pathological Picture Taker of Epic Proportions.  And a Die-Hard Blogger, I LOVE Blogging and reading the Blogs of others, it's my Happy Place.
And it was certainly a Pleasurable Time Visiting SWEET SALVAGE this Month and getting me some 'Summer Lovin' and a heady dose of Patriotism just in time for the 4th of July!!!  I'm Embarrassed really that I've been so behind and overwhelmed with Personal Issues that I haven't even Styled my Showroom with any Red, White and Blue Patriotic Accents this Year!   I don't know that I'll have sufficient time now to do it Well?  Probably not...   And you know how it is with those of us with OCD, if it can't be done Well and with Excellence, we probably won't bother to do it at all!
And I don't even know how I failed to Notice and Procure that Fab Red, White and Blue PERFECT Vintage Horse Ribbon?!?!   But I did... and just now noticed it in the download of the Image!  *Darn!But that's how it often is, isn't it, when there is Visual Overload of Lovelies?*
With Layers upon Layers of Inventory that is all terrific, I know, I can't have it all!  Where on Earth would I put it?!?  *Smiles*  But that is a Cool Horse Ribbon for a Patriotic Vignette!
This Black Leather Armchair sure looks comfy too... alas, in the Arizona Desert, Leather isn't exactly an Ideal choice for seating when you're wearing shorts in the Summer.  *LOL*  But it holds up so well that I remember some of the Leather Furniture my Parents had stood the Test of Time for over a Generation!
Does anyone else buy certain Refreshments just because the Packaging and Look of them is so Cool?  I do... Loving those Glass Bottled Colorful Sodas!
And how Cool is this Idea utilizing and Repurposing Old Industrial Spools and making Clocks and Compasses out of them to Style with?!  This trio was 'SOLD' Instantaneously to one of those Lightening Fast Power Shoppers, I don't think the doors were open five minutes before these all had 'SOLD' tags!  *LOL*   But at least the rest of us can receive Inspiration by the Idea of them.
I was absolutely Amazed that this Fabulous Architectural Salvage Slag Glass Window with such an unusual shape wasn't already sporting a 'SOLD' Tag when I Photographed it only minutes after the doors opened... as you can see, most everything else around it was already sporting one!  I felt this had a very Gothic Religious look to it, which I Love!   But it was quite large and thus no place for it at Bohemian Valhalla right now... I'm rather at saturation point on Stained Glass Architectural Salvage anyway since I've been Collecting it for well over Twenty years... back when everyone thought me absolutely Mad for Collecting Architectural Salvage.   Not that they're saying that NOW... and especially since I got mine for a pittance or FREE back in da day when nobody was Styling with it!  *Winks*
Is there anything you Collected and always Loved even before anyone else around you recognized it's Potential or Intrinsic Value?  Anything you stockpiled before it became On-Trend and everyone else began clammoring for it? 
That's why I always say to Collect and Surround yourselves with what you Love regardless of Popular Opinion and what may be Trending right now.
Or go ahead and Create something Unique that you really dig... even if nobody else 'Gets It'.  I Loved this Huge Dressing Mirror in the Boutique, whose frame is Constructed out of various Salvage Frame parts.  Sorry I couldn't get a good shot of it... this was the best I could do and still be Considerate of not getting other Shoppers in frame.  I know that since I Post my Images to the Internet, I try not to get too many random peeps in frame lest they be Sensitive about being in the Photo without their express Permission.  And Honestly, who could possibly get Releases from every random anonymous person that happens to Accidentally walk into or get into frame of something you're trying to Photograph during a busy Event?!  *LOL*
It was definitely Quirky but so Inventive that it catches your Attention whether you Loved it or not!  A great way to utilize small Interesting leftover Salvage pieces or severely damaged Frames so that none are wasted.   Kudos to whoever Created this and Dreamed it up!
If you are a Collector of Old Flags and Vintage Patriotic Buntings, this was definitely the Show for you!  Old Glory in various forms abounded!
Which was a good thing that there was such variety and selection since many 'SOLD' right away... along with Architectural Salvage Columns.
Some of the Flags were Enormous and draped Beautifully as an entire Backdrop to a Vignette.
And Crystal Collections coupled with a Patriotic Color Palette was a Lovely Combo.
I sure Wish I'd gotten to this trio of Fab Industrial Light Fixtures in Myko and Brett's Space before they 'SOLD'... but I can't compete with the Speedy Power Shoppers or those willing to stand in line in above One Hundred Plus degree Temps for Hours, I just don't move that fast anymore or have it in me!  Maybe I never did?!?   *LOL*  To anyone that stood in the direct Sun on this sweltering Morning for Hours on end though, they Deserved to 'Score' the very best Treasures!!! 
 Honestly, I had a Shady spot under the Natural umbrella of an Acacia Tree, sheltered from direct scorching Sun, drinking Complimentary Ice Water and only arrived about 19 Minutes before the doors opened and it was almost too much for me!  *Whew!*  I thought it was Sweet that Umbrellas were made available to borrow, while supplies lasted, to those standing in line on the South Side of the Building the earliest.
If only they'd had it in my Size, this Lacy Vintage Summer Dress was Perfect.  But most Vintage Clothing is NOT in Big Girl Sizes, folks were quite Slender back in da day compared to our 'Average' Typical Sizes now!  If you don't Believe me, just look at some Black and White Classic TV Shows and Movies!
Well, I'm gonna Save the rest of my Images of the Event for Tomorrow's Post... which will be the last day of the Event... so you still have some time before it ends Sunday Afternoon my Friends!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian