I freely admit, I wasn't able to wait for the Weekend to go get it!  *Smiles*  So I loaded the G-Kid Force up this Morning to head into the City and get my Mantle from MELROSE VINTAGE and bring it Home!  We'de spent all Night getting the area of the Computer Room it would occupy prepped to receive it. 

The Young Prince originally wasn't game to go with Princess T and I until I convinced him that I needed his 'Man In Training Muscles' to help load it up. *LOL*  I didn't want to wake The Son up that early since he's working 2nd Shifts all week... but he'd be up by the time we came Home to help unload it and get it into place in the House before I took him to work again this Evening.
And even some of the Sweet Customers at the Shop helped us to load it, which was so kind of them to Volunteer!   So... whaddya think of The Young Prince's new hair color?  This is the first pixs he's had taken since Gramma dyed it for him for Crazy Hair Day at School.  Actually, it looks Blonder and less Copper Penny colored as the days wear on and he's totally diggin' Gramma's Amateur Dye Job because the Gals are Lovin' it since it really enhances and compliments the Green and Gold of his Eyes!  *LOL*  I have to admit, I like it too.  And he is getting pretty Strong for a Tall Wiry Young Man... he had no trouble lifting his end of the Mantle.
Of coarse as soon as we got into the Shop, Princess T took off like a Bat outta Hell, since this is the Ultimate Girly-Girl Destination and she's the Ultimate Girly-Girl!  *Winks*   She wanted to Explore and Savor everything before we got that Mantle loaded up and Gramma  and her Big Brother wanted to leave!   She knew once Gramma got it into the Truck Bed I wasn't gonna leave it unattended you see!  *LOL*
So The Princess was conspicuous by her absence once we hit the Shop... she eagerly headed right over to all the Romantic Vignettes, lucious Oppulent Fabrics and Crafting Supplies to get an Eye Full of Feminine Fantasy Decor and Artistic Possibilities!
Yes, this is the Ultimate Artistic and Crafters Paradise for sure... Princess T said she'd like her Studio set up like this.  *LOL... Laughing that she's already Envisioning her own Studio at Age Seven... why do I think she could be the next kiddo to try to take over my next Studio Space and displace me?!?*
In fact, since the G-Kid Force are both very Artistic, they were in their Element scrutinizing every Inspirational Piece that has been displayed by the Talented Design Team of the Shop and getting Ideas for their next Projects.   They could have had Gramma spending much more $$$ there if I'd given in and bought all the supplies they thought they couldn't live without!  *Winks*  I had to remind them that the Mission this day was merely The Mantle... perhaps another day we'd pick out Art Supplies for Summer Projects.
And of coarse they instantly recognized Areas set up for Classes and so that was the next Question... when can we take some Classes here with you Gramma?  *Smiles*  And I'm thinking that might be a clever Idea since they're willing Volunteers to Create Cool Stuff for Gramma to Sell, so long as they get a small cut of the action... but their Commission is already Reasonable, they're Kids and to them it's all Fun and not Work.  *Winks*
If you are setting up a 'Where Women Create' Studio Space of your own though I must say you will be duly Inspired by the Work Area Vignettes set up around the Shop.
And I got some Terrific News while I was in the Shop Today!   Though they will be Closing for the Summer on June 22nd... they will be Opening the 3rd Week of each Month in July and August!  *Whoo Hoo!!!*   When I have the exact Dates and Hours I'll be sure to Post it and give you the Link for more Info.  So... we don't have to go thru total Withdrawal and Cold Turkey over the Summer my Friends!  *Whew, what a Relief!*
With the Weather getting fiercely Hot for Outdoor Activities I must say that Summertime is when we tend to spend more time Indoors than usual and finding Creative Outlets is a great way to spend time staying Cool Indoors and still doing something you Love that is totally Enjoyable and Satisfying.
And darn it, I Wish I hadn't told the G-Kid Force that we weren't getting anything but that Mantle this Day because when I Discovered that Green Mother-Of-Pearl Vintage Crucifix I was really Jonesin' for it!  *LOL*  It was a Bargain too... you have no Idea how much Restraint it took not to go against my Word and unleash that can of worms if Gramma tried to buy something after telling them they couldn't get what they wanted!!!  *Winks*   But don't feel too Sorry for them... Trust me, an Outing with The Force will always cost me SOMETHING!!!  Hunger and Thirst will ultimately consume them even if we just fed and watered them before leaving the House!  *LOL*
Well, with any Luck it will still be there on Girl's Day Out when I hit the Melrose District with my Girlfriends sans Kiddos in tow?  *Smiles and fingers crossed!*
I know... it's Amazing that all I was Jonesin' for was that inexpensive Crucifix huh?  *Smiles*
It's not as if I couldn't fall in Lust with a whole lot more I can tell ya... but I did have The Mantle... and so I was sufficiently Indulged, Content and Jazzed... so that I wasn't having a Lustfest with anything else that I couldn't afford or didn't need. 
But I bet there's a bunch that you're having a Lustfest with right now isn't there?  Since you're
Mantle-less and all that... so it's totally understandable!  *LOL*
Though I must say... when I see a Big Girl Industrial Caged Vintage Dress Form, I do take a second look... she'd go so well with the Triplets I have... and Old Yazmin needs to be replaced with an Older Model some day!    But Old Yazmin doesn't know that yet, so Shhhhhhhhh don't say a word, it'll be our little Secret!!!!*Winks*
I haven't even gotten Old Yashyme out of the House yet and she's been replaced already!
*Ha ha ha!*  I know, I'm running so far behind in all my Projects due to the Great Edit and Purge taking different directions, twists and turns... It and I are still a Work In Progress!
In fact, if you saw all the numerous Piles of Inventory waiting to be Showroom Bound... and Piles of Donations waiting to head to the Charity Shops, that are scattered all over Bohemian Valhalla in practically every room of the House, you'd think we either just moved in and were in the process of unpacking... or were getting ready to move out!!!  *Winks*
Because between Editing, Purging, Curating and Culling what is already in the House and Storage Areas... and recent 'Picks', we've amassed a slew of stuff that will be on it's way out as soon as we get around to it!
And since I've had really good Sales at the Showroom and Loft Spaces I really NEED to get around to it quickly to replace and replenish the Inventory that has Sold!
And since the G-Kid Force are now on Summer Vacation from School they're Eager to go 'Pickin' with Gramma and that's extra sets of Eyes and Hands to Help and get good Inventory stockpiled too!
And though a lot of peeps bring their Kids and G-Kids with them on 'Picks', the difference is that mine are actually diligent about Workin' and not just playing and goofing around..., they're dead Serious about 'Scoring' the Good Stuff with and for Gramma.  That always Tickles the Employees of the places we go to 'Pick' since they can see The G-Force are already Seasoned Pickers and get right to it... they have as much of a Passion and Love for doing it as I and the other Adult Pickers do.
And it's carrying on our Family Tradition of Teachin' them Young... as my Parents used to send me out into the European Flea Markets to Negotiate my Best Deals and I was quite good at it from a very Tender Age.   My Kids also learned to Work their Hustle very Young and it continues to Serve them well.  The Experience serves you well when you've been at it since you were knee high to a grasshopper... it Instills a good Work Ethic, perfected Skills, a keen Eye and a knack for making a Buck regardless of the condition of the Economy!
And its never too late to Learn... there's Money to be made out there... literally from Trash to Treasures... and if you have a Creative Bent there is no Limit but your Imagination!
And I don't know about your Imaginations but ours is very Fertile!  *Smiles*
And after a long Day of picking up Mantles... and 'Pickin'... the wee Princess was totally spent... and asked Grandpa if she could 'Share' our Bed with him and watch TV?  Needless to say, after fading out into Blissful Slumber this is her version of 'Sharing' the Bed, sprawled out Horizontally across our Queen Sized Bed... so Grandpa was totally displaced and asked me to come in and capture the scene thru the Eye of the Lens!  *LOL*   Pillows and Down Comforters are now throw helter-skelter and she's commandeered the entire Bed!  *Smiles*  What can I say, she's an Agressive Sleeper like me!
And she did have some Awesome 'Scores' at the Goodwill Distribution Center... such as the bottom half of this faux Cupcake and Sea Treasure piece that went perfectly with her Dancing Ballerina that she 'Scored' on another Pick!!!   At only 69 Cents a Pound it costs practically Nothing!
And a dab of Rubber Cement and she's Dancing atop The Princess' latest 'Score' in her Room!
Along with the Unicorn and Fairie she also 'Scored' during this 'Pick'.
And the Art Doll 'Mama' and 'Baby' also 'Scored' to go with her 'Daddy' Art Doll... Prince R also 'Scored' one for his Room as well.  They Love to Pose them each Day in a different way... Today she said they're Diving into a Pool since it's Summer and Hot.  *Winks*
And I 'Scored' quite a lot myself... so just a glimpse and peek of a couple of my Fav Finds... this Harem Guy Brass Lamp... which was mightly Tempting to wanna keep since he's so Boheme' and Exotic, but I have a slew of Vintage Lamps so he's heading to the Showroom soon.
But The Man needed a new Bedside Table for his side of the Bed and so I was Jazzed to 'Pick' this Fabulous Antique Bedside Table for only Five Bucks!!!
It's got great Patina, Detail and Curved Lines and is probably 20-30's Era.  He Loves it and it's Perfect since the Drawer is deep... and it's got a Bookcase Section for his Bedside Reading Materials.
And me... well, me was Delighted that the new Mantle/Bookcase fit Perfectly where I wanted it here in the Computer Room... and now gives me a handy excuse to finally get around to painting that Wall!  *LOL*   I'm thinking of a Deep Dusty Victorian Rose Jewel Tone Hue.   And finishing off the Great Edit and Purge in this Room... we've already cleared out so much clutter in order to prep this space to receive the new Mantle that we're on a Roll now and have gained Momentum in clearing out and Curating this Room.
And though the rest of the House is a wreck right now with the Piles and all awaiting being moved out... I'm able to sit back and revel in what we've Accomplished thus far and Admire it from my Chair as I sit here Blogging...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
