I'm sure I've mentioned it before, I have an Old Chair Fetish.  It's definitely a Weakness of mine when I find a great Old Chair at a Bargain not to be able to Resist it.  Such was the case with the above Old Needlepoint Chair in Ideal Hues that I 'Scored' for only $36 {Yes, Thirty-Six Dollars!} at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST!   It's got Horsehair padding and is still extremely comfortable and in very good condition for it's age, with just slight wear in one spot on the seat.  It was my 'Reward' to Self for getting a Huge long delayed and overdue Project almost Completed... a Project that had been bothering me since other distractions had kept me from getting it done and the piles were an eyesore, a source of Embarrassment and in the way.

You see, after my last Rant Post was finished an Amazing thing happened... The G-Kid Force VOLUNTEERED to Help Gramma Price the majority of the Inventory sitting around in piles all over the house and Organize it into Boxes ready to head out to the Showroom this Morning!!!  They worked very hard, especially Princess T, for HOURS Assisting me and did a remarkable job, exhibiting Good Behavior and no Complaints!!!  *Blink Blink... whatssup???!?!  LOL*  Yeah, it made me almost feel Guilty about railing against them in a Blog Post!  *Smiles*  What caused this Transformation of The Force?  They said they could tell that I was really Tired and had too much to do all by myself so they wanted to Help... Bless their little Hearts!  Now... I don't know how long this wave of Compassion and Benevolence is gonna last, so I took full Advantage of the Rare Opportunity it presented to have extra hands willingly Assisting to get a job done!  *Winks* 
We blasted thru those piles as a Team until there is now only a quarter of the job left to do... I can handle a quarter of the job even if they lose interest later on to help complete it... it's no longer so overwhelming and can be ready for Sale at the Father's Day Event this Weekend after all!  *Whew*  When those Kiddos want to Work they really are Productive and can go long!  We worked right up 'til bedtime and it felt so good to get so much Accomplished... and not have to do it all alone.  Many hands lighten the load... even if they're small hands!
And it will really help increase profits to have Inventory actually IN the Showroom for Sale than sitting in piles at Home awaiting processing!  *LOL*  Yeah, I've found that if it's not there you can't Sell it!  *Winks*    We had 'Picked' a lot of nice Found Treasures and it was bothering me to see them languishing in piles, especially with a Special Event coming up that will draw a big crowd of Shoppers and Dads eager to get what they want for Father's Day.  Not to mention how shameful almost every room of the house looked since I had the piles spread out virtually everywhere!  At a glance it looked as if we had either just moved in and were in the process of unpacking... or were ready to move out!?!  *Smiles*
And the G-Kid Force want to go 'Pickin' again this Morning to 'Score' some more Treasures... yes, that will probably mean at least a small new pile of Inventory to Process, but we're on a Roll now and so it's all Good.  We have Fun 'Pickin' Together as a Family and they've got a Good Eye for what I like to Offer for Sale and has My Vibe.   They don't have Summer Camp on the Weekends so it will also keep them Entertained and doing something that I also Enjoy doing and will financially Bless the Family as well... no down side to that!   What they don't yet know is that because they Worked so hard and long I plan to Reward them too and take them out to one of their Fav Restaurants, WILDFLOWER BREAD COMPANY, for Breakfast before we go on our 'Pick'.  Yum!!!
The Man finally seems to look as though he's over that Shared Flu he caught from Princess T that made it's rounds thru the household like Wildfire... so Hopefully the wave of Seasonal Sickness has finally passed and I avoided contracting it and am not incubating a Virus?!?  When you're Caring for Loved Ones who have an obviously Contagious Illness it's a crap shoot on whether or not you'll succumb as well?
But at least for the time being things are FINALLY looking up somewhat... and that's such a Relief since I knew I was bottoming out fast!   And I prefer to keep my Posts and Blog mostly Positive and Light Hearted rather than loaded with a Negative Attitude and Vibe, Doom and Gloom or Perpetual Sorrows.  After all, this is my Little Virtual Happy Place to Retreat to... so I try to leave all Baggage behind when I enter in for my Daily Visits and Concentrate instead on all that makes the Heart and Spirit Sing and Delights the Eye! 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
