I really think I am on to something and have finally found my "niche" for etsy. I am considering opening another shop on there too with only these necklaces and my metal work. I got some awesome metal stamps so I can now put words and numbers onto metal. I brainstormed last night and came up with so many cool words and phrases that are just a bit different from the necklaces I have seen like these elsewhere. Don'tcha love the camera one? It says, "click."

I am combining metals and stamping on aluminum. This one is for me!

I used to think a dremel was my favorite tool but then I started using a blow torch. Yes, give me a blow torch and I am a happy girl!

Working at my little table. I have an entire page of ideas for these so I am going to be super busy at this little table. Hopefully my back can take it!

My first ring! I'm so excited about it.

Got some exciting news too! I am being interviewed tonight for an article for the Detroit News about my photography. Things have really been taking off lately...now if I could just make some actual money at it. Ha!
