Since I'm Home Ministering to the Sick and Injured, who don't enjoy being Sick & Injured so they're Cranky, emotionally raw and uncooperative most of the time, I'm taking Solace and little Escapes into brief Moments of Archived Eyegasm that I Photographed and haven't used yet in Posts.
Today's focus was on Apothecary Madness... I have a fascination with Vintage Apothecary and especially any with Cool Labels attached.
It is Ideal if the Labels are Original, but even if they're reproduced and Pleasing to the Eye and add Interest I'm still Madly drawn to them.  My Friend Myko really must stop bringing in her Fab Stash of Apothecary Inventory to THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST and AquaMarina Antiques Showroom... it's Torturing me!  *LOL*  My Hope is they'll all Sell quickly as other Apothecary Enthusiasts Discover the Bounty of them!
I keep Envisioning a Collection of them in some really great Halloween Vignette in a Home... preferably MY Home, but I'll be Okay if it's your Home... a little Okay... I could be Happy for you 'Scoring' some, lets just go with that. *Smiles*
And even though I was just looking and doing a Photo Shoot of it all... though entirely Pleasurable... I confess that a part of me was Jonesin'!  When you're really Wishing you had some and linger longer than usual, because they're just Perfect... well, I don't have to tell you do I... you've "been there" at some time or another while Beholding something you really Love and Collect.

So I had to remind myself to be Content to just Enjoy the Visuals and how Lovely the Arrangement of them are and Delight in Window Shopping... like when I was a Child.  Remember those Main Street Shop Windows with the Magic happening and your face was pressed up against the glass as your Imagination Transported you and it was all  yours in your Mind's Eye!?   It happens often when I enter their Showroom but I can't resist Entering and Beholding!  Good thing they don't have Window Glass or I'd be leaving smudges all over it! *Smiles*  Since she and I have similar Passions, Collections and Tastes I always know she's going to have great stuff that I will have to Resist and remind myself I'm still Editing, Purging, & Selling primarily... and NOT buying and trading Collections with my Friends!  *Smiles*

I know I could be one of her Best Customers... they joke that I am... and I have Caved on occassion when I have budgeted for a little splurge now and again.  But the splurges have had to be tempered in recent times... I think we've all been "there" too haven't we?  But I do find a type of Contentment in just Looking and Photographing as well... and over Time it is becoming enough and that is good.

Maybe at some point I can pass by anything that I'm Passionate about and may even have a Collection of... and no longer feel any Desire to "add to"... but I'm not quite there yet.  My Past is too filled with those years when it wasn't possible at all, either due to particular circumstance or space constraints when I was more Nomadic and traveled so light.  So now that it is a possibility at times, and I've put down roots finally, well, I rather Enjoy having nice things that I Save for and sometimes have the ability to procure and build a stash of.  It is a Rush... and a lot of Fun to seek out and surround yourself with that which you consider Beautiful & fascinating or holds some Nostalgic Memory you Cherish.

And I'm not alone in my Madness for this Thrill Of The Hunt... I bumped into my Sweet Friend Chelsea doing exactly the same thing... BUSTED!  *Winks*  And so we strolled along together fueling our Desire to at least Behold it all... even if we can't own it all!  *Smiles*  What are you absolutely Mad about my Friends?  Do tell... I'm having a Rare Moment of complete "Me Time" and I'm all ears now... and eyes if you wanna Share a Visual!  *Smiles*  And I could be Happy for you... I really could... just don't even hint that you'll offer it up for Sale & Torture me, 'Kay... pretend if you will that it's NFS... that I can handle!!!  *LOL* 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian