If you're back for the 3rd Day of Flea Market Pickin' with us at MERCHANT SQUARE and PICKER'S ALLEY then I know you're as Hard Core as we are!  *LOL*  Welcome back!
  I don't have a Vintage Signage Collection, but if I did, this would be at the top of my List of 'Must Haves'...  The Enamel was Time Worn and yet the Colors and Graphics were still Pristine... I'd guess this would be a rarer Signage Find?
Loved the Garden Tool Handles on this Potting Shed Cabinet... and I do have a Collection of those Vintage Wicker Picnic Baskets, the Weave Designs are always diverse and they make excellent Stackable Storage.
Even more Cool Commercial Signage, Time Worn Garden Art and an Old Porcelain Sink similar to the ones we have at this Ole' House.  I Love that my Bathroom Sinks have a separate Hot and Cold Tap.  If I want Warm I'll just mix it in the Basin 'Old School Style' .  *Smiles* 
Very Creative use of Architectural Salvage and Old Pressed Glass...
This Drugstore Indian cracked me up because of the exaggerated Eyebrows and Feminine Lips... Drag Queen Drugstore Indian?  Wonder if he had a Make-Over somewhere along his History?  *LOL*
The whole proper Flea Market Vibe for a True Pick was not lost on Yours Truly... I was in my Element digging through stuff... and the Rustier, Dustier & Crustier the better!  Some had Aesthetic Styling which I also Appreciate... but I can also Swoon over a Jumbled Mass of Found Treasures waiting for my Discovery!
Princess T liked the Maroon Color of this Vintage Typewriter... I'd have to agree, it's not the usual hue that you find them in...
We keep saying we're going to make a Project of Creating some of these adorable Wreaths out of Old Book Pages... so little Time... so many Future Projects and Possibilities!  *Smiles*
Which is why we've also never gotten around to Creating some of these Awesome Old Orphaned Chair Benches either... which I just Love and would make a Cool Project for an Old Orphaned Chair Rescuer such as myself!  *Winks*  Yes, I have a Hoard of Cool Old Chairs too, I Confess!
Princess T and I make a Game out of Imaginary Styling & Clients... and this Day we were Imagining being Stylists for a Halloween Witch and a Fortune Teller's House and Wardrobe, we Imagine them to be Room-Mates... we'd have to get the Witch these Boots!  *Winks*
And we'd give their Walls a Faux Treatment such as this... which we were totally diggin'...
And of coarse the Fortune Teller would get this...
And we'd get them this Dragonfly Lamp... oh... and that Hat...
Yes... perfect Stylish Witch Hat... {notice Princess T's tiny feet peeking out from underneath said enormous Hat!  LOL}

And of coarse the Fortune Teller would need some Gypsy Style Shoes and a Gypsy Quilt...

We'll get the Witch some Anatomy Charts...

I have a 'Thing' for them myself... but we'll Source these for her *Smiles*...

And this for their Office... how Cool is this anyway for Storing your Manuscripts & Etc...?!?

We'll also get them a Cool Old Fan... sinced it is Arizona... and one can never have too many Fans or other Cooling Devices in the Desert...
And we found this great Old Apothecary Stash for the Witch...
Even has some Witch Hazel!  Hey, how did they know our Witch Client was Named Hazel anyway??!?!  *LOL*
And though I was gonna wait for the Future Post on it... I'll give you all a tiny Glimpse at their Home... the one we're Imagining our Imaginary Clients that we're Styling for live in and Inspired this Imaginary Styling Spree on the Canvas of our Imaginations and who might live there. But just a teeny tiny Glimpse... you'll have to wait for the Future Post for more Images because Truly their Home deserves a Post of it's own... I'm sure you'll Agree!
How AWESOME is this Historic Home all Over-The-Top Fabulous?!?  Maybe it's the Hippie/Gypsy/Artist in me, but Princess T and I felt we could totally Live in a Pad like this!!!  And we definitely would want to meet the Occupants... they HAVE to have a Great Story and be so Interesting and Fabulous!  
A Future Post will show you more of this Downtown Treasure and Artist Mecca in the new upcoming Artist District being Resurrected from the Historic and previously run-down Roosevelt and Garfield Areas of Inner City Phoenix.  The G-Kid Force and I Love Hanging Out down there with all the Artists, Modern Hippies, Granola Guys & Gals and other Kindred Spirits. 
Okay... so you'll have to wait for that Fun Arizona Adventure... back to the Mall and Picker's Alley. I know after some 'Dark Styling'... some of you who prefer the Pastels and Whites... well, we might be Losing you *Winks*... so this next set of Images is just for you because we Love you so much too... we don't leave anyone out... there's something for Everyone!
I was totally Loving the Creative Francophile Vibe of this Vendor's Booth and these French Inspired Shelves.
Lots of Cool Architectural Salvage Creations...
And who doesn't Adore an Authentic Harvest or Baker's Table?!  This one had perfect Patina on the legs and a great Enamel Top for Baking prep... and it was Enormous!!!  You could spread out quite the Bakery fixin's on this one!
There was all kinds of Beautifully Distressed Chippy Shabbilicious pieces here in fact!
But also a lot of Pristine White and Pastel Decor as well if the Distressed and Time Worn Patina isn't your 'Thing'.

I am CERTAIN this Fab Bench was done by the same Artist that Created my Showroom Sign I'll be using!!!

It had a lot of other Inventory Styled on top of it so I only removed portions to Photograph it in sections... but Believe me, it was AWESOME!!!

And HUGE... I was having a serious Love Affair with this Bench in fact!!!  A Lustfest of Epic Proportions... Alas, darn Budget constraints... HATE having limits, don't you?  *Winks*
Well... gotta call it a Wrap because I'm getting ready to attend the SWEET SALVAGE Event Today on my Girl's Day Out... and possibly take in THE ARIZONA STATE FAIR too.  Gonna be a Fun Filled Day!  The Man has been a Treasure and told me to still go and have my one day out a Month that I'm accustomed to in order to Refresh, Restore and Replenish my Spirit.  I desperately need some "Me Time" and even one day out to yourself is better than no days out to yourself, right? *Winks*  I wasn't sure if I wasn't going to have to miss everything this Month due to all the Medical Drama in the Family so I'm Jazzed that I'm not!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian