The Showroom is now emptied of it's previous occupants and so the Night Before we stopped by to view the Blank Canvas we will build our Vision and Dream upon.  It was so Exciting and Exhilerating that  Princess T began to Dance and Twirl and Sing around the Room!

Here's our Entrance... I Love the Tin Awning... and we will also have the 4 feet on each side of the exterior of the Showroom... so that large piece of Art will come down and be replaced with our Art.
I'm Grateful that the previous occupants never painted or made the room personalized so that it remains a Blank Canvas for me... just as it was originally built.  I prefer a Space to be barren of too much personality so that we have less work to make it our own and instill the Essence of our Personality and Aesthetic.  Since I would change everything anyway. *Smiles*

There's very little Built-Ins in this particular Showroom, just the little bit of Shelving in a Corner... on the side that a Storage Room is on the other side of... so no neighbors there... I can build up without being Intrusive and that's a Bonus!

There was such a Positive Energy in the Space that you could just FEEL it... and as Princess T Danced, Sang and Twirled I began to notice something Manifesting through the Eye of the Lens and Floating about... Dancing along with her... starting as points of Light and growing ever bigger...

Until they began to fill the Room!!!  Now let me tell you that our Family is very attuned to Spirit... and so when these Orbs of Irridescent Light and Colors began to show up and Float around I see it as the Essence of Spirit showing up, Revealing themselves and Celebrating with us.  There were many... I counted no less than ten in this Image alone!  All Dancing and Twirling along with my Lovely Little Princess.

I like to Believe this is the Spritual Essence of our Ancestors and those Loved Ones that have gone before us Joining in on the Beginning of a Dream that I've held in my Heart, my Spirit and my Imaginings for a very long time.  They may not be here in the Flesh to see it come to fruition... but they have made their Presence known through the Eye of my Lens and that made me Happy and I Marveled in Witnessing and capturing it.

The Time has Finally come... and we are Rejoicing in it!!!  From this side of Time and Eternity and the other side of it too.   I know they are watching over us... our Angels...

And Today is the Beginning of the next Chapter of the Journey... and the "Before" Images of a Space we will Create our Vision and Dream in and around... I Hope you too will Join us and Celebrate with us... we Welcome you all... in Spirit and in Truth!


And I want to Wish our Youngest Daughter a Happy 31st Birthday Today... we Love and Miss you so much!!!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian