Last Night was our Halloween Spooktacular and 15% Off Sale at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST... and this is Halloween 'Brass Armadillo Style'!
As my Friend Randall...
And my Friend Adam were totally Rockin' it Vintage "G Style".
And my Friend Shelly was Rockin' it New School "G Style"!  *LOL... Luvin' the Teardrop Shel!* 
 My Friend the Adorable DeAnna with Adam... a New School
Bonnie and Clyde Rockin' it Vintage Style...
The Boss was not someone to mess with this day... he looked positively Fierce!  *Smiles*  Hey, with all the "G's" on Staff this Evening he HAD to be Hard Core Intimidating, right?  *Winks*
I brought my own Lil Genie that Evening... eyeing which "I Dream Of Jeannie" Bottle she would call 'Home'...  we have a Great Authentic Selection of them at 'The Brass'.  You see, several 'Old School' Customers asked her if she was the Legendary Jeannie and she had no idea what they were talking about?  *She had also been asked if she was Shakira... now THAT she 'Got'!  LOL*
Of coarse I had to explain the whole "I Dream Of Jeannie" thing... *Winks*... it's times like this that I really realize I'm Dating myself when I mention a once Iconic Character or Program from my Era and get the blank stares and "??????????" from the Younger Generations!  *LOL*  But she totally dug the Vibe of the Barbara Eden Tale & the Genie Bottles once I clarified the Character & Iconic Show.
Initially I had chalked up the dazed and confused look to the Lil Genie's Exhaustion... this was our last Event of the Day and we'd been going strong since 6:00 am when they decided to get into Character & Costumes for all the Activities, Festivals and Celebrations we had planned to take in on just one day!  *Whew*  Yep, we all were pretty tuckered out & lookin' disheveled by the time we hit 'The Brass'  5-9 pm Halloween Celebration, which was our last stop on the frenzied Itinerary of Halloween Fun! Her once Fountain~Like Ponytail was now droopy and halfway down her head ... and stray hair was everywhere, with Straw still stuck in it from the earlier Hayride!   *Smiles*
But Connecting with their Friends at the Event perked everyone up considerably and they were good for another 10,000 Miles...  and I was having Fun with my Friends too, though maybe not good for another 10,000 Miles, my Odometer of Fun was pretty tacked out by now!  *LOL*
But how Fun is it to see all your Co-Worker Friends in Costume and getting into the Spirit of it all!!!  I just Love Costumes and Masquerades... though I Confess that since I knew I was in for a long, Fun filled day with the G-Kid Force I didn't get into my full Regalia just yet.  I know... Bummer... but I just didn't have it in me at the impromptu 6:00 am wake-up call that Morning, after having only retired from the Night Before at 1:00  am!  I can only do so much on a mere 5 Hours of sleep at this Season of Life!  *Winks* 
And after being rolled out too early... and viewing the Bathroom that the G-Kid Force had put their own Make-Up on in *Gasp!*... using all MY Make-Up Supplies *Clutching Chest!*... well, I felt rather Zombie-ish in Real Life so no Costume was necessary!  *LOL*  Though Prince R's Friend Miss C looked Adorable in her Zombie ensemble.
In fact, Zombie's were abounding... the Zombie Craze is definitely making a strong Comeback... much like Vintage Decor and Styling with it... which is absolutely Awesome.
In fact, it's Awesome to Work with a Crew like this... we have so much Fun!!!
And here I am 'busted' making a Purchase *Bad Pamela! Smiles* ... and with all my Cameras on the Counter!!!  Yes, I carry a backup Camera... which everyone thinks is totally Hilarious... I'm a Hard Core Blog Photographer, what can I tell ya?!?  *Winks*  Purchase Reveal is further along in this Post...
And Pamela and I have a pair of Adorable Wee Princesses and they were anxiously awaiting the Trick~Or~Treat Part of the Spooktacular!  Candy Bags a-ready...
My Friend Pamela's Adorable Girls...

And the first Candy Man arrived aptly in Robin Hood Attire...  
Love it! 

And it wasn't just the Wee Ones who were descending upon the Candy...  Okay, so I hadda get her back for Busting me with Evidence on the Purchase... *LOL*
Love ya GF!!!
Switching sides to try to get my 'Good Side'... not sure really if I have one anymore though... *LOL*  And Prince R takes so long to line up a Shot that I simply couldn't hold my stomach in that long either... you other Big Gals Feel me on that one dontcha?!  *Smiles*  My 2013 New Year's Resolution ONCE AGAIN will be to lose more weight and get into Shape... well, a better one than Round anyway... *Smiles*
But at least I'm still in better shape than this Guy... crawing out of one of my Friend Geo's Awesome Carved Tables...
And these Guys... yeah, definitely in better Shape than them too... *Smiles*  And many of the Halloween Items are now on SALE... so if you haven't picked out your Halloween Props and Costumes yet... head on down... you've still got a few days left!
And I do Hope you were able to make it down for the Big Sale and Spooktacular Celebration my Friends? 
Because as always, there was some Awesome Inventory!  I was TOTALLY Captivated by these Vintage Photo Buttons...
So hard to choose just one... but at 15% off I couldn't resist because they were already such a great Price, so being on Sale too, well, what can I say, I totally CAVED... so here's the Big Reveal of the One Purchase I limited myself to this Evening...
Ta-Da... isn't it gorgeous and so very Vintage Goth?    I may go back and see if any are left after Payday because it was difficult to just get ONE!  *Winks... I know, I'm Afflicted!*
The 'Naked Ponch' in my Friend Debbie's Display Case had me LMAO!!!  I used to have such a Crush on Erik Estrada... maybe I even Envisioned him like this a few times back in the day *winks* ... well... maybe not exactly like this, this is too Hilarious!!!   Good Lord, he still has his Gloves on... and that Expression!!!  And whose that he's with, Chuck Norris... or Kung Fu Grip G.I. Joe?!? *Still LMAO... maybe I should buy this every time I need a good Laugh, huh?!?*
 Source: Vintage Erik Estrada Images courtesy of Bing Images
Sorry Erik... but the Naked Ponch Doll does you no justice!  *LOL*  Image #1 is a better Fantasy Visual for sure!  *Winks*  At least the one I used to have before the Image of the Naked Ponch Doll was seared into my Visual Memory Banks now!  *LMAO*
Yep, it's True... the Gals and I LOVE Shopping and Working at 'The Brass'...
And better yet, our Families Love the Mall too and are always eager to spend time there...
A couple more Items I was Swooning over because they not only were Fab... but what a Bargain too... the one on the Right was only Five Bucks!  So I know it won't last 'til Payday... Darn!
Sometimes its torturous to look around at all the Lovelies... and resist Temptation!  *Winks*
Because Temptation is certainly everywhere my Friends... and now we have TWO LEVELS of it!!!
So from The Crew and I... Happy Halloween... BRASS ARMADILLO WEST Style...  Dawn... The Bohemian
