"The Loft" is a 9,000 square foot addition to the Goodyear Brass Armadillo West in the upstairs level.  During the Dealer Breakfast on Saturday Morning Spaces were made available to Rent and so everyone got there early to get their choice Space.
A line had formed quite early and I had a good spot in line and was Lucky #13 for Space Choice so I got exactly what I was Hoping for, two Shelf Units beside eath other and two Wall Art Spaces directly opposite my Shelf Units... over 75% of the Space was rented in the first day!

Princess T was really 'Hard Core' and waited in line with Gramma and then we spent most of the day Saturday, after the yummy Dealer Breakfast was served, Painting, Styling and getting Inventory into my new Spaces.  And then back again most of Sunday from Sunup to Sundown to finish.  *Whew!*  Even with broken arm in a Sling this Kid is Faithful to be a Helper and she worked really hard and was a really good Girl for me during two very long & tiring days.  But we got 'er done & since "The Loft" is now Open to Customers, they are already making purchases!  So reacting Quickly has paid off!
Which was a huge relief to Yours Truly since I had a lot to do with a very brief window of opportunity and she had to be in tow with how circumstances have played out with Grandpa being Hospitalized again.  She's still on a series of Medications for some Health Issues & in the Soft Cast & Sling since they won't Hard Cast her until about Tuesday.  So with no Child Care Coverage for her she had to be Gramma's unexpected Sidekick & Assistant for the Event and Move-In to "The Loft" Spaces that I had been long anticipating and thought I would have been able to handle Solo without an entourage.  Thankfully I didn't have both G-Kids in tow... with only one in tow things do go smoother and we get more Quality Together Time one on one too.
Here's a sneak peek at how a small portion of the Shelving Units looked prior to being Rented out and stocked.
And a small portion of the Booth Spaces prior to being Rented and stocked... set up for the Dealer Breakfast with Tables and Chairs in each Booth... the Breakfast was really good and having the cozy Booth areas to eat and mingle was like being in a Restaurant. 
And it's always Fun to Network and Visit with the other Dealers, many of whom are now Friends. Here is Dan, Janet and Rick in front of one of Rick's Booths downstairs... this Trio are just the nicest of people and have been great Mentors for the Biz of Selling successfully in an Antique Mall.
And the always hilarious Randall who keeps all of us laughing with his great wry sense of humor!

And here's the Resident Mall Mascot, Max, who belongs to one of the Dealers... he usually carries around a Popeye "Sweet Pea" Character Vintage Doll and though Old and Arthritic, Max has the Spirit of a Young Pup and Greets everyone with so much Enthusiasm... everybody Loves him!

And here's Taylor getting ready to ring me up...
So now that I've got everything Painted and Stocked with Inventory, be sure to check out my new Spaces in Shelf Units Y13 and Y14 and Art Walls Z44 and Z45 directly opposite them.  And remember that I'll be moving soon to Showroom 114 on the Main Level of the Mall and will let you know the Grand Opening Date of the Showroom as soon as I can. 
 I will begin the move-in process to the Showroom on October 14th, but I'll still be in Booth #44 until November 10th and right now have it all set up for Halloween.
And Halloween & Autumn Inventory is Selling well so I'm very Pleased with the start of the Holiday Season Sales... the Glow In The Dark Vintage Ouija Sold before I even finished re-stocking the Booth!
And Merchandise began Selling off my new Shelf Units only hours after "The Loft" was opened to the Public, so I'm anticipating that the Customers are going to Love the new Space up there are much as us Dealers do!
Even though it was a lot of Work done quickly in order to Receive the Public within Hours of Renting the Spaces I thoroughly Enjoyed the Process and am Excited to be Enlarging the Vision.
After all, you know how much I Love Styling and the Thrill Of The Hunt for Found Treasures to Source for either myself or for Sale!  *Winks*  I really am building Confidence as I take this to each new Level of Entrepreneurship. 
And even though I'm juggling quite a few things right now because circumstances have been less than Ideal on the Homefront with all the Drama & Crisis, I really feel good about the decision and direction I'm going to Sell in an Antique Mall... it has been a very Positive Experience for me and the beginning of something I've been Dreaming of doing for quite some time.

And though it had a small beginning... it is beginning also to Grow and to Prosper.

And it really has been a LOT of Fun and not at all like Work when you're doing something you Love and are surrounded by a Community of Positive, Friendly and Inspirational like-minded people.
So I'm really Glad that I took the plunge in March to embark upon this Journey.
And I know you've been anxiously awaiting a Sneak Peek into some of the Booths of "The Loft" that other quick reacting Dealers got up and running in the blink of an eye... well... haven't you?!?!  *Smiles*
This way Cool very early Coke Machine Sold right away... I had never seen one this early in fact... and managed to get a picture to Share before it was Sold.  It was certainly priced to Sell and wasn't in bad condition, so if I 'd had the Budget for buying new Inventory right now I would have certainly picked it up and considered a full Restoration since it seems quite Rare and Unusual.  After all, as "Picker" Mike Wolf would say, the best time to buy something you've never seen before is when you see it!  *Winks*
Doesn't this scene in this "Loft" Booth remind you of a day at the Seashore?
Okay... so I Confess... we spent so much time Working that I really didn't concentrate very much on Photography or getting in the way of everyone scrambling to get their Spaces ready.
But I am Proud of myself for Resisting any and all urges to Purchase anything either!  *Winks*  No easy feat since the Inventory was Fab... including this Enormous Moth that would have looked great in my Collection!  *Winks*  But Princess T kept me accountable.  *Smiles*
And getting four new Spaces up and running in less than a day and a half wasn't bad so I'm patting Self on back right about now!  *Smiles*   And I do Hope you'll come visit our new "Loft" Section of the Mall next time you drop by... there are several sets of stairs located in various sections of the Mall and an Elevator in the Northeast section of the Mall.   The Vending Machines and Concession Area have now moved upstairs to 'The Loft' too and there is now a new Bigger Showroom on the Main Floor where it used to be that my Friends Cindy & Tony have moved into, so be sure to check that out.   
And now that our Work is done... the Princess and I went to some of our Fav Restaurants for Dinner each day this Weekend to Celebrate... and then go Home to a House we have all to ourselves for a little while to have some Quality Girl Time and watching our Fav Girl Shows since there are no Guys around to hog the remote or roll their eyes as we Enjoy Cupcake Wars & Halloween Wars on the Food Network!  *Winks*
And I'm also Celebrating the fact that the next Post will be my 1,000th Post!  Wow, apparently I've sure had a LOT to say, haven't I?!  *LOL*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 