I really miss my Mom living close enough to visit... and so I'm Delighted when my Brother sends new Images of Mom and I can see that she's still Rockin' it in her Eighties and as always the Fashionista and Bohemian Beauty personified!   You will never see Mom not put together impeccibly, she wouldn't even make a trip to the ER without her Make-Up, Hair done, Jewelry and a Fashionable Ensemble!  *LOL*

We remember when it became apparent that Mom would need to live full time in a Nursing Home, it was a Somber decision that my Brother had to make this time around, since she had moved to Cali to live with them in their Home after leaving the Arizona Nursing Home in Litchfield Park.  She couldn't live alone anymore and their Home was better equipt to Receive her, at least for the few Months that it was possible.   And yet there was that Moment that made us all Laugh... when the Nursing Home suggested he take all her Jewelry Home with him!  *Bwahahaha!*  Mom... without her Bohemian Bling, Bohemian Wardrobe and Make-Up was simply Absurd... wasn't gonna happen!  And I pity the Fool that would consider messing with her or her Bling!  *Winks*

And so it really made my Day when I saw these Images of my Dear Mom and my Lil Bro'... Love and Miss you Guys, Mwahhhhh!!!
Dawn... The Bohemian