One of my Favorite International Styles is Dolly-kei and nobody does it better than GRIMOIRE.  I have drooled over the Style Online for quite some time and so it is always a total Rush when the GRIMOIRE Team come in from Japan to 'Pick' at our Antique Mall THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST... and they were there Yesterday during my Shift!
Manager of the Shop and Model Hitomi Nomura (foreground) is just this Adorable in Person and her Dolly-kei Style is a mixture of Bohemian Wood Nymph meets Alice In Wonderland... I like to call it the 'Gypsy Doll' look and I just Love it!
If you've never checked out this Shop and Style you simply must, it truly is a 'Wonderland' for the Wardrobe and Home... especially if Over-The-Top Fabulousness and layering of Funky Styles in Wardrobe and Decorating is your 'Thing'... so of coarse you know it would Appeal strongly to Yours Truly!  *Winks*  It is beyond a doubt my Favorite Decorating Style and I'm mezmerized by the Styling!
Source: Tumbler GRIMOIRE
Hitomi is a Blonde now and totally Rocks the Dolly-kei Style... if I hadn't of been working I would have certainly asked her if she would have minded posing for a pix in the Shop... the Ensemble she was wearing was equally as Adorable as this Ensemble is.
And I was beyond flattered and Jazzed that they 'Picked' something from my Showroom...

So yes... my Vintage Jesus Statuary... which has Graced Bohemian Valhalla for Decades is now on His way to Japan to Grace the GRIMOIRE Scene at their Shop... I only wish I was a stowaway going with Him!  *Winks*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian