Remember when Valentine's Day Chocolates came in Boxes like this?  My Friend Myko has some of the most Nostalgic Vintage Valentine's Day Candy Boxes in her Showroom at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST... this Blue one with Millinery Rose and Satin Ribbon was my Favorite.
But this Yellow Satin pleated one with Vintage Millinery and Lavender Trim was equally Lovely...

And the Hot Pink one with Satin Trims and Plastic Florals was very Romantic and eye catching.  I wish they still made them like these actually... for those of us who would probably Save and Collect the Boxes for the Memories.
But though I didn't get any Vintage Valentine's Day Candy Boxes... I still had a Memorable Valentine's Day with the Family.   Before he went to Work that Morning The Son and I went to 'Wildflower Bread Co.' and had Breakfast together.  I Love the Breakfasts there... the Rosemary Potatoes with Ham and Brie Fritatta... Divine!  And you always have good Conversation over a terrific shared meal.
Though I did have to give him a hard time over taking calls and Texting during the Meal!  *LOL*  And that's why I'm Sharing this awful unflattering washed out pix of him on the Phone at much too early in the Morning for either of us... Revenge!  *Bwahaha... and I don't know what that strange anomaly is on his forehead, some kind of weird camera glare?!!  LOL*  His Generation find it especially difficult to have an uninterrupted Social Event in Person without taking a Call or responding to a Text... it's like a Lifeline or Umbilical Cord!  If I'm going to be doing something with someone I only take Emergency Calls... anything else can wait... I'm 'Old School' that way, the Person with me has my Full Attention.   Yes, after me giving him an ounce of Mom Grief he obediently put it away knowing its a pet peeve of mine... though I looked around the Restaurant and I'd say over half the People were on the Phone, Computer or furiously Texting, even if they weren't by themselves... it makes me Laugh... though I find it Sad too on a Social Level.  See, the Guy behind him is on his hands-free Phone too!  *Smiles*
After Breakfast I drove into the City to Visit with The Man in the Hospital.  He was in Good Spirits, but eager to come Home... no word yet on when that might be.  Since his Birthday is Monday I'm Hopeful he'll be Home by this Weekend at least so that he doesn't have to spend a Birthday in the Hospital too!?  One of the VA Hospital Administrators bought me a Starbucks, so Sweet of her!
And then it was over to RUST AND ROSES to pick up the Valentine's Day Gift that Sabrina had put aside for me out of her Showroom and given me a Special Price on... THANK YOU so much GF, you know I've been Jonesin' for it 'cause it's SO ME, that was so Sweet and Thoughtful!!!   Crooky struck a Pose when I arrived... he's actually warming up to the Camera and me now!  Guess Princess T has loosened him up and wrapped him around her little finger too, he Adores her and now he knows I'm her Sidekick!  *Winks*  He was probably wondering where the Princess was this day?  Sorry Crookie, I don't have my Junquing Wing-Gal today!
And I know you're dying to see what Sabrina put back just for me out of her Inventory... well... weren't you?  *Winks*  She'd had this PERFECTLY ME Antique Art Nouveau Bohemian Candelabra with Crystals the Color of the Rainbow!   I have been Jonesin' for it for some time but my Savings was only halfway there to procure it... but Sweet Sabrina came into my Showroom one day and announced that she would discount it for me at a Special Price... and hold it in the back for me... I was Elated!  Thank You so much Sabrina... with unspoken words between us about the dollar amount of the Deal I'd be getting you had Secretly set the EXACT Price that I had just enough Savings for... obviously the Candelabra was MEANT to be MINE!  *Winks*
I had been making Strong Hints to The Man for Months about this piece... even dragging him along once to see it... Honey, see it turned off AND turned on... Men don't always take Hints literally do they?  Maybe I obsesses about too many Beautiful Things I see so he's not always Clear about the ones I'm dying to have, I dunno?  I told him about Sabrina's visit to my Showroom... he remained Clueless about WHICH Candelabra I might be talking about *LOL*, but told me to go pick it up after I left the Hospital on Valentine's Day... little did he know, I'd picked it up on my way there already since this was my Valentine's Day Gift to myself that I'd Saved up for, he doesn't know it yet but he's buying me something else now!  *Bwahaha!*  My Friend Punkie had shined all the Crystals and it was glistening in the Sunlight, almost blinding you, so I decided to Photograph it outside first.
Because oddly, this piece doesn't Photograph nearly as well as it looks For Real, so Images don't do it Justice... inside or outside, so you'll have to take my Word for how Gorgeous and Sparkling it is, it's a Showstopper!  There's Blood Red, Emerald Green, Sapphire Blue, and Smoky Topaz Colored real Crystals dangling from it and the Art Nouveau Winged Angel holding it up is Gorgeous!  I'm sure she has some Mythical Name, I just don't know what it is?
Our Livingroom can be really dark at Night since we use a Victorian Shaded Floor Lamp and a side Table Lamp for Illumination, since the German Chandie overhead throws off so much Heat and Light that you need Sunglasses and feel you're nearing the Surface of the Sun... so this is perfect for those Nights when you want Brighter Illumination than a diffused Light source.  Yes... I know... one bulb is blown... but it casts sufficient Light even without all of them on so I might not replace it right away.
Stay Tuned to see what The Son got me for Valentine's Day... it's Killer too and something I'd been seriously Lusting After!  Good Son... mwahhhh, Mommy Loves you, big wads of Surprise Cash from an Adult Child for a Special Day is always appreciated 'cause then I can get exactly what I want!  *Smiles*  
 We'll be back to RUST AND ROSES in another Post to Share with you some of the Valentine's Day Images I captured through the Eye of my Lens... and also to remind you that they're having a CONTAINER SALE February 22nd and 23rd!!!  So be sure to click on the Link which will take you to the FB Page as updates roll in about the Event!   Shelly's Talented Artist Husband makes the most Awesome Signs doesn't he?  I would be Loathe to erase this... I'd have to keep every Creation because I'd become too Attached to the results of even the temporary Hand-Made Chalkboard Signs!  *LOL*  
**In case you were Wondering where the Young Prince was on Valentine's Day... he joined Princess T and I for our Valentine's Dinner at a Fav Restaurant after School... but he's at that Age where he strongly Protests being Photographed.  So he'll be more Elusive in Blog Posts until he's over and outgrown that Phase of Camera Evading!  Winks**   Though some people remain Self-Conscious about that for Life... I just Hope he's not one of them... I Love Photographing my Family! 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
