I had a Mission to procure a Special Piece from my Friend Myko's Display at SWEET SALVAGE at this Month's 'Reclaiming Style' Event...
Source: Myko Bocek
The Preview of Her had been on Myko's Facebook Page and this Image had Captivated me, I felt I NEEDED this German Glass Glittered Madonna!  *LOL*

So I made a Beeline for Her the moment I walked through the door!  Quickly snapping my own Images of Her in the Vignette... I'm sure I was perhaps the only one, because I was just that fast to get to Her and not many Shoppers had gotten to that part of the Shop yet!  *LOL*

I also wanted to get to Myko's Vignettes to behold and Photograph them before they were ravaged by the eager throng of Shoppers... as always, it was a Vision.
With Spring quickly approaching I am drawn to Lighter Palettes more than usual... and everything looks Lovely Styled under a Cloche and elevated on a Beautiful Pedestal.
I have a 'Thing' for Cloche Displays... to me everything looks more Important under Glass and appears Curated, like at a Museum or Gallery, so I Love to Style and Decorate with them and draw Inspiration from Cloche Displays I Enjoy in Retail settings.
This Cloche Display was my Favorite, so many Sweet things grouped together... makes you want to buy the entire Display.
And this Cloche Display was my Second Favorite... Love Old Alarm Clocks, whether working or not... and Natural Collections from the Sea... and that Pedestal was very Ruins from Atlantis-like.
Now I ADORE Old Loving Cups... and have quite a Collection... but Myko takes 'Reclaiming Style' to a whole other Level with giving them some Romance and Sparkle with German Glass Glitter!
This Vignette really evoked a sense of Springtime and Easter being around the corner to me... a Beautiful Muted Pastel Springtime Color Palette.
How Sweet would it be to put some Pastel Easter Eggs nestled in an Old Bird's Nest tucked into a Sparkly Loving Cup!?
Had to caputre an Image of an Old Friend... looks much Sweeter in one of Myko's Vignettes... and I was Delighted with our Gypsy Trade too.
Next time you have some Roses cut the stems down real low and arrange them in Beautiful Orphaned pieces of Old China... so much more Interesting and Informal than a Traditional Formal Vase arrangement.
And when they Dry you can tuck a few here and there around your other Collectibles...
I Loved the new Section that had a wealth of OOAK Jewelry Creations made from Reclaimed and Repurposed Old Jewelry and Hardware by various Artists...
I was SOOOOOOOO Tempted to get that Bohemian Necklace made from an Old Brooch, Doorknob Plate and Medal.
I liked the Brightly painted Industrial Style pieces...
I didn't stay long during our initial Visit because The Man was being released from Hospital that Afternoon and I needed to pick him up, luckily the VA Hospital is close by SWEET SALVAGE!  So I had a great Excuse to hang out for a little while before going to get him!  *Winks*  His Physical Therapy Team determined that he would do better with Home Visits for Rehabilitation than having Nursing Home Placement, so we were all very relieved and Happy at this Great News!
Here's my new Madonna taking Her place at Home with one of the Rosaries from my Collection.
I just Love Spiritual Art and Religious Collectibles, they are my Favorite and Oldest Collections.
And now to Share my Law Of Attraction Moments this day!!!  The Law Of Attraction always Amazes me and this particular day it was in hyperdrive and Delivered SO FAST that Pamela and I were incredulous!  Okay... so here's the Scene as it unfolded... Pamela and I are just entering SWEET SALVAGE and she asks me if I'm looking for anything in particular?  Except for the Madonna I wasn't, so I just replied, "No, but you know what I've been seeking for Months?  A Black Replogle Globe, but you almost never find them and I've always gottten outbid at Auction... so if you EVER see one, pick it up for me if it's a good price okay?"  About two Minutes pass (Yes, a mere TWO MINUTES after I say this...) and I walk into my Friends Ron and Cynthia's Space and there in all it's Glory was... you guessed it... a Fabulous Black Replogle Globe... at a GREAT Price!  I was so Excited I didn't even Photograph it there first before snatching it up and heading for the Register!!!  *LOL*

I'm very used to Law Of Attraction Moments after I Voice a Desire out loud... but very Rarely do TWO turn up so quickly after Mentioning them and on the same day!  But this was just one of those Memorable Days where the Laws Of Attraction were bringing things my way and Delivering Instantly!  I was telling Pamela that just before The Man went into Hospital a couple of Weeks ago I had been showing him a Vintage Industrial Table with Wheels, but it was almost Seven Hundred Dollars... and saying that IF ONLY I could 'Score' a Vintage Industrial Style Top... well, he could make me the Table since we have the Old Wood and the Industrials Wheels in our Stash at Home and he's a handy and Talented Carpenter if I just tell him my Vision for a piece.
Okay, so now we're leaving SWEET SALVAGE and driving down some random Neighborhood Street nearby... it happens to be Bulk Garbage Day in this particular Hood it seems... and there on a Vacant Lot, propped up against a Telephone Pole was... you guessed it... my Vintage Industrial Style Table Top... which has the Galvanized Metal Top on some Old Reclaimed Wood, probably from a large Old Door I'm guessing due to the Hinge Marks!!!
You never seen a Truck stop so fast... and beside my Table Top was a Great Industrial Style set of Shelving for Pamela too!  *High Five, we both 'Score' just what we Desire and for FREE!*  Do you think we can lift this into the bed of the Truck she Wonders... Even if our Ovaries fall out on the Road we are I says, 'cause I ain't leavin this behind! *Winks*  Luckily us Junquing Gals always have healthy loading Muscles *Smiles* and Pamela even carries her loading Gloves with her... so we schlepped it right in my Truck Bed with ease!   And for now it's just sitting on top of my Harvest Table that The Man made for me... fits pretty good actually and gives a bit of a Vision of what it could look like when we finish the Project it will eventually be made into one day when he's feeling better.
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
