We live in the Sonoran Desert, which means we don't get much Rain throughout the Year.  Most States get more Rain in a Day than we get Annually, that's a Fact. 
However, I've discovered, quite by Accident, the most Effective way to make it Rain without fail... even in the Desert and without a Cloud in sight... more Effective than a Native American Rain Dance in fact. 
Just decide to do a Great Edit and Purge of your Stuff and need an Outdoor Staging Area to do it in... then drag everything outside... Rain Clouds will suddenly form and appear as if by Magic and on Cue!  It will Rain long and hard within Hours of this decision to Stage and Sort your Stuff Outside... Guaranteed!  

Ignore whatever the Weatherman Predicted, you'll circumvent all Predicted Weather Patterns with this Process and confound Mother Nature and all Natural Laws.
 Such has been the case every Glorious 80+ degree Sunny Day lately that I've been Gung-Ho to drag half the Storage Cottage contents Outside to Stage the Great Edit and Purge going on in there!   Ready to tackle almost anything!!!  *Le Sigh* 
There I will sit, surrounded by stacks of boxes of Stuff schlepped out into the Sunshine to sort through... confident I have a Glorious Day to do it in at my Leisure... and Walla... Rain Clouds start Thundering in like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
 Yesterday was no exception... you see, extreme Stress tends to make me VERY Productive... it's a Great Distraction to be working on some massive Project when all Hell is breaking loose around you... it takes your Mind off of all the Drama, Trials and Tribulations and puts it on the task at hand. 

When I'm not getting constant calls from the School Nurse to pick a Kid up early because they suddenly went into a downward spiral, I actually am Delusional enough to Assume I will get a lot done while the G-Kid Force is being Educated and The Man is Hospitalized!  
 I gain a lot of momentum when up under considerable Stress, so I always make Stress Work FOR ME... hey, if anything or anyone is going to Attach itself TO me then I'm going to put it to Work, okay!  *Winks*  

So... with The Man Hospitalized and both of the G-Kid Force having their considerable Medical Issues simultaneously, I've been Immersing myself in the Great Edit and Purge and making amazing progress with the pent up Stress Energy being Released into a massive 'Project'. It's an Undertaking of Epic Proportions but it feels really good to see the Goal being Accomplished in a flurry of expended pent up Nervous Energy!  I'm like the Tazmanian Devil plowing through it all... cutting a swath through the Hoard until it's virtually disappearing as it heads out to Charity Shops or my Showroom and Loft Spaces!
Well... if the Weather would only cooperate and work WITH me instead of AGAINST me that is.  And I can keep The Force in School all day without having an alternating Sick One Home each day... though I must say they tend to Rally back to Miraculous Feigned Health for the slew of recent Field Trips! {Insert: "I'm sure I'm well enough to go... REALLY Gramma! Please!?!"}  Picture Gramma in Attendance for Hours at Skate Zone, School Dances and Band Concerts!  These Kiddos have a more active Social Life than we do and no Chronic Medical Issues will keep them down and from missing it all... they're Troopers and will Rise to the occassion!  Teen Migraine's aside Pretty Girls are like a Good Medicine for the Young Prince! *LOL* 
And in between Breathing Treatments The Princess still manages to glide as Gracefully as a Young Gazelle across the Skating Rink!  And the Joy on a Kid's Face that has been Battling Chronic Health Issues is Truly Priceless... they have to attempt to have as Normal a Childhood as possible and do what they can when they are able and continue to defy the odds stacked against them.
  Sure... I'm still getting a lot done in spite of Mi Vida Loca... but I'd get even more done if the Weather wasn't constantly turning on a dime the moment I get a slew of boxes of Stuff Outside in the Staging Area of our Acreage! 
  I've wasted more Time rushing to move Boxes quickly back Inside the Cottage after the Clouds move in and the looming threat to Rain on everything or blow it all over the place when the wind suddenly picks up and the temps plummet forty degrees or so within a matter of Hours!  
So... the Desert and all of it's Occupants can Thank me later on this Summer, when everything would normally be parched, for the abundance of unseasonable Rain they received this Winter... and for the Showout of Wildflowers this Spring that the excessive moisture will surely prompt to Bloom prolifically... I practically did it single handedly! 
I would have done my Relatives on the Rez Proud... and I must say it's been a Nostalgic Rush to dig up many of the Old Photos of my Cousins, Aunts and Uncles on my Dad's side of the Family... and the many Pow-Wows attended on the Reservation over the Years. 
Yes, just by trying to Stage the Hoard of excess Stuff Outdoors to wade through and sort, Edit and Purge I've Created numerous unscheduled and unpredicted Rainy Days... and I didn't have to Dance at all! 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... where each Day is a New Adventure... Dawn... The Bohemian