As I take you on a stroll around THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST today I am reminded of my Natural attraction to the Bold & Beautiful.  In fact I'm not certain I shall ever escape the clutches of Bold, Beautiful objects... I'm just drawn to them like a Moth to a flame. 

Not that it's a bad thing mind you... there has to be a reason why each of us is attracted to some things more than others and that diversity of taste, aesthetic and Loves is what makes Life interesting and how we each Feather our Nests unique and distinctly US.   But from time to time I have tried to make a change and go with other Styles, other Loves of Decorating and Collecting... only to come back time and time again to what I'm Naturally drawn to & attracted to strongly... the Bold & Beautiful.  The Quirky and that which is an outward reflection of my inward personality at the very core.

And so today I'm sharing some of those Bold & Beautiful things that struck my fancy at the Mall... and yes... I did come Home with a couple of the less expensive Treasures that I found impossible to resist the appearance & price of... namely the Peacock Feather Duster and the Vintage Persian Runner in a gorgeous shade of Minty Green.  *Winks*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
