Our next stop on the Melrose Crawl will be the ultimate Shabby Shop of MELROSE VINTAGE.

If you adore Shabby Chic, Romantic and Beach Cottage Style as much as Princess T does then you're going to LOVE this Shop's Inventory!   She was suitably impressed that several of the Fabric Patterns in the Shop even matched her favorite Dress she was wearing!  *LOL*

Yes, this Shop always extends a warm Welcome and has an abundance of Pastels, Whites & Chippy Charm! 

We were adoring these Cloches with the Turquoise Bases... everything looks better and more important when displayed under Glass and so I Love decorating with Cloches. *Smiles*

And as we enter into Spring the Decor and Styling of this Shop just reek of Springtime Freshness and a Romantic ultra Feminine Vibe.

The Princess was enjoying this Shop very much... she's very Girly Girl about Style and Fashion... so she would Love for her Room to look like one of the Vignettes here.

In fact this Bedroom Vignette was her Favorite and she could envision her Bedroom looking like this... if only... if only...

She didn't have to Share it with her Big Brother that is! *LOL*  No... he would never go for their Room looking like that... *Smiles*... though I must say he was a very good Sport this day in allowing us Girls to revel in all our Girlyness whilst Shopping and ohhhh and ahhhh over it all.  *LOL*   I am quite certain he was relieved when he finally got to get dropped off at his Paternal Gramma's halfway through our Melrose Crawl.  *Smiles*   But Princess T got to hang with us Big Gals a while longer until Grandpa showed up to pick her up after his Doctor appointments.

The wee Princess had been quite a Trooper too since she'd had an unfortunate incident with being shoved hard by an overly zealous Adult Shopper very early in our Crawl at another Shop!!!  Her Brother told me he had been shoved & pushed also!!! *Sad but True!*  Scaring them, making her cry & both G-Kids initially want to go Home because it threatened to ruin a good time & caused them both too much anxiety and fear.   Sometimes even Adults can reach a whole new level of Crazy in their Shopping Frenzies that I simply cannot fathom nor understand!?!  Since when is any "thing" or "stuff" so very important to get to that a grown person would shove or knock down a small child to get to it?  Seriously, it really makes my blood boil in fact!  To Shoppers like that I say, Shame on you... CALM DOWN AND GET A GRIP!!!  I feel really badly about that part of our day & will never expose them to an overly crowded Event again, total lapse in Judgment on my part.

I had initially hesitated to Blog about that incident since I try to keep my Blog Posts upbeat & positive... but it is something that upset me since it involved my precious Grandchildren & needs to be said.  Because unfortunately, anytime there are crowds of people attending any popular Event there always seems to be that fringe of folks that act rude & unlovely and behave like they have lost their minds!?!  In the interest of Safety and Civility it is important to remember that there is never a good excuse for bad behavior & actions that can harm others physically or emotionally.  Now that I have gotten that off my chest I feel ever so much better.

Thankfully Kids are very resilient & after managing to remove them safely from what I felt had suddenly become an unsafe overcrowded situation and comforting them when we got outside, we still enjoyed the rest of our day out together and they were once again all smiles and having a big time.  They forgave Gramma for my lapse in Judgment & I appologized to them... and I'm trying to forgive myself since I broke a personal cardinal rule of not taking a child any place that could freak them out or potentially cause them harm in any way.   

Because having a good time should be what Shopping or Treasure Hunting is all about... it should always be enjoyable and relaxing for everyone in my posse when I invite them to join me.  I would not Shop or Junque if it caused stress or anxiety, how about you?

I totally enjoy my Shopping Sprees and Hunting for Treasures in fact and though I typically do it with Adults on my Girl's Day Out, it can be Fun in a different way when we get to take the Children along and have them enjoy quality time together doing things with us that we all enjoy.  Visiting places and people we enjoy so much & making Memories together that I Hope they will reflect upon fondly after they grow up.  My G-Kids are avid Treasure Hunters themselves and already have a trained eye at seeking those things that they find to be Treasures.  They also really like Gramma's Friends... but why wouldn't they, I have terrific, talented, Fun & interesting Friends, no brag, just fact!  *Smiles*  Okay, so I'm totally bragging on my Friends!!  *LOL*

In fact, Princess T was finding so many tiny Treasures on the ground outside of Shops that my Friend Angela gave her a Lovely Fabric Bag with drawstring to keep them in... that was really Special for her to receive unexpectedly, Thank You Angela, you are always so generous... she filled that Bag with her little Treasures by the end of the day!  *Winks*   When you were a Kid did you keep a little box or Special container full of your childlike Found Treasures?   I know I did.  Anything that interested me or caught my eye would end up in mine, there was quite an Eclectic mix in my Treasure Chest.  Do you often wonder how you would reflect upon the contents NOW if you had kept them?  Maybe you did... alas, with all the many moves of my Childhood I didn't or they simply got lost in transit.

The G-Kid Force also Loves to go "Bird Dogging" for Gramma and they're lower to the ground, more agile and quicker so they don't miss a thing *winks*... asking me what Treasures I'm looking out for or like best so that they can see who can find them for me to buy or Photograph for my Blog?!*Smiles*   Nary a Vintage Dress Form or Mannequin escapes their scrutiny without them calling my attention to it!  *LOL*  And they are more aware of my aesthetic than most people... kids really pay attention to the World around them and give you their full attention and all of their unconditional Love... which are Priceless Gifts!

And when they accompany me, most of the Images you will behold were those that they insisted I Photograph to share here in the Land of Blog! *Winks*  Sometimes they have even taken the Photograph... budding Photographers they are.  I like to give a Child a Camera and see the World through their eyes with the eye of the lens... their perspective is so pure and uninhibited.

And of coarse every so often they want to get in on some of the Photo Ops... *LOL*  Especially the Diva Princess who Loves to play Super Model and be Photographed.  *Smiles*  The pains she takes to pick out her ensembles when we're going out together tickles me... she Loves Fashion and Artistic Expression in every aspect of her Life as much as her Mother and I do... she cares not for the approval of others, she likes what she likes & is confident in being True to herself, she steps to the beat of her own Drummer... the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree!  *Winks*

There are always so many things that catch our eyes though or Inspire us... and being the pathological picture taker that I am very few Photo Ops are missed!  *Smiles*  I'd rather take too many photos than not enough... though Editing is still a process I'm working on... still not the best Editor.  *LOL*  So I Hope when I bury you in Images and Details you can dig your way out and see your way clear?  Always be prepared for an Avalanche of stimulation... because I roll deep that way! *Winks* 

But  you don't mind do you?  It may even be why you visit... for a taste of the extreme?  *LOL* 

Because if you are like us, we not only enjoy seeing Beauty in Person... but also in the Images captured through the eye of the lens.  And so we thoroughly enjoy all of the Photos taken by others that are Shared here or in Books and Magazines.  We are insatiable about it in fact... I could never overdose on Beauty and Creativity, it makes me feel so alive and connected to my Source... Who gave us so much to enjoy here on this side of Time and Eternity so I can only Imagine how much MORE there will be on the other side... we're Promised that this will pale by comparison, now that's something to look forward to my Friends!

But whilst we are on this side of the veil, capturing Images with our camera is something that long after the actual experience, we can enjoy again and again or continue to be Inspired by... and so I always take loads of Photos.

Photography has in fact become an Art Form  & Hobby that I am thoroughly enjoying and striving to become better and better at.  The Land of Blog has become a Classroom of sorts to learn more about taking and Creating Images that I can be proud of and strive towards.

And when I visit MELROSE VINTAGE there are even more Artistic Expressions that I want to try my hand at after being Inspired by.  Such as Scrapbooking... which I have never done very much of... but I sure am impressed with some of the amazing Scrapbook Pages that I see many of the rest of you Creating! 

As a person who enjoy Photography and has an abundance of Photographs to put into Albums, I have toyed with the idea of learning how to make Creative and Beautiful Scrapbook Pages such as this to showcase my favorite Photos.

I know that I certainly enjoy looking at the Scrapbook Creations others have made... and the Mixed Media Creations... so it is something I want to learn more about and try my hand at one day.

And this Shop has a HUGE Scrapbook and Craft portion and I find myself buying some of the products that visually appeal to me and I can find uses for.

Plus they always carry the amazing Stampington Magazines that I can't resist adding to our Home Library.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Inspiration and Beauty within the Pages of all of those Stampington Magazines!

And the Bedroom Vignettes here at the Shop look so inviting, lush and comfortable that they make me want to curl up and read a good Book or Magazine!!!  *Smiles*

And I want a Bookshelf like this Reclaimed Auto Shop one... isn't it Fun since it still has all of the original Vintage painted Auto Shop graphics on it!?!

And how about this fab Headboard and Footboard?

Aged to perfection...

And with the most Lovely Gilded accents...

You would need a U-Haul to carry Home all of the great stuff you would Love to have from here!*Winks*

And did I mention that they also have an extensive Fabric Shop within the Shop with all of the best Popular Designer Fabrics that are hard to find anywhere else?

AND they offer Classes too!!!!!  Yep, it doesn't get much better than this my Friends! 

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 
