As we continue Crawling & Trawling Melrose we now come to RUST & ROSES... and we can't just do this fab Shop in one Post... so this will be Part I of two installments of the Lovelies you will behold here...

Yes, as we waited for The Man to join us after his appointments at the VA Hospital, the BFF, G-Kids and I enjoyed visiting with our Friends here and taking in all the fabulous Vignettes so Artfully displayed by Shelly and the Shop Gals.  {NOTE: There will be a Future Post about that fab new Vest & Bag I'm wearing that were created by my Talented Blog Friend Jill of GYPSY BROCANTE}

Master Vignette Creators they are and I'm always wowed and Inspired by their Artful Displays.  It has taught me much about the Art of Vignette Creation.

And this was one of my favorite Vignettes... just check out that awesome Antique Velvet Throne-like Chair!!! *Swooning*  It looks as though it has just come out of a Castle or off a Movie Set!  I hear that the resident R&R Cat, Crooky, has designated this Chair his Throne!  *Winks*

And there are always the Fun Hats that Shelly Creates... I own two and I just Love wearing them.

Are you a "Hat Person"?  I wasn't until later in Life, I used to wear a lot of Gypsy Turbans & Scarves in my Youth, but I sure enjoy wearing Hats now... sometimes still over a Gypsy Turban or Scarf. *LOL*

Princess T was having a good time... the G-Kid Force Love visiting Miss Shelly's Shops... they are a definite favorite when they accompany Gramma on her Shopping & Junquing Sprees and they always ask when we're stopping by there.   The Young Prince was with us too but he's at the age now where posing for Gramma's Camera in Public embarrasses him somewhat... actually BEING WITH Gramma embarrasses him somewhat, he's reached THAT Phase. *LOL*  So he and the BFF were evading the Camera... but not the Diva Princess, she blooms & flourishes in front of the Camera! *Smiles* 

But there was plenty to Photograph to Share here in the Land of Blog... even if the peeps were being a bit Camera shy this day...

And I kept coming back to THE CHAIR... Guess I Love it as much as Crookshank does!!! *Smiles*  He may have to fight me for this one... I could definitely see myself presiding Royally over Bohemia and looking out over my Kingdom of Bohemian Valhalla in this Chair!*Winks*

And the Young Prince, whose Musically inclined, could play Vintage Instruments such as this...

Yes, quite Magical and Enchanting it would be... I can see and hear it all in my Mind's Eye...

And suddenly certain Taxidermy is starting to appeal to me... which The Man is quite excited about... he's already talking about Hunting and Stuffing this and that for my new Transformation of the Bohemian Valhalla Residence! *Winks*  Gotta be careful what stuffed Critters you admire when you're Married to an avid Hunter!   He has fantasized about going Hunting Zebra in order to 'score' your requested Taxidermy piece Pauline!!!! *Gasp*  I have squashed that Fantasy Hunt... after all, aren't Zebra kinda tame like Horses?  I know the ones at the Zoo come right up to you...  just sayin'... *LOL*

Ah yes, the Dream Vacation Fantasies for each of us can be vastly different... Me:Trip to Bora Bora... The Man: Exotic Hunt... If they had any exciting Big Game Hunts in Bora Bora I'm sure we would have already been there in fact!?  *Winks*  But I digress... *Smiles*

And I'm adoring the new pieces that Shelly has Upholstered in great Rustic Old Burlap Fabric... this huge round Pouff would made an awesome alternative to a Coffee Table.

And what a great Chair... looking awesome suspended from the ceiling... this might sound Mad, but wouldn't it be Cool to suspend some Chairs from the Ceiling at Home just to see folks reaction when they enter? *LOL*  It would be very "Alice In Wonderland" don't you think?  *Smiles*  But then again, I could also envision the G-Kid Force finding a way to climb into said suspended Chairs and using them like Swings or a Trapeze... so, maybe not such a great idea... *LOL*

Of coarse I had to come by and have "Visitation" with the Diva Bohemian Goose...

I'm so glad Shelly got her... and The Man finds it hysterical that I almost bought her and wanted her so... and only refrained because of all the years I resisted him bringing Taxidermy into the house!*Smiles*   Though he winced at the thought of us Gals dolling up our Taxidermy pieces with Fashion, Bling and Accessories that we wear! *LOL*  Guess that Tiara on the Zebra Head that Pauline wants is somewhat offputting to the Great White Hunter?!!  *Smiles*

Yeah sure, after all these years Married to me he totally gets that I do stuff like that all of the time... and he's somewhat gotten used to it... but I'm not entirely certain he "Gets it?"  *Winks*  But that's okay... YOU all "Get it" right??? *Smiles* 

The same with our fascination with Old Doll Heads scattered about... it's the Addams Family coming out in us...  *Winks*

And check out this awesome Vignette using an Old Steamer Trunk... Love it!!!  I've got my eye on an Old Ellis Island Style Gypsy Trunk that I'd die to have actually... showed it to The Man today... it's Upholstered with Orange Antique Belgian Cut Velvet {Photos to Follow in a Future Post} ... I'm not certain he's entirely digging it though??? *Laughing Hysterically*  Definitely has no Gypsy in him...  *Winks*

But he is accustomed to all of the layers of Exotic Rugs around the place so I'm not complaining... he knows I find them virtually impossible to resist when I find one at a great price whilst Junquing...  he's almost relieved if it's expensive or too large so that I won't be so tempted to drag it Home.  *LOL*

Is there something particular that you find virtually impossible to resist whilst Junquing my Friends?

Vintage Suitcases perhaps?

Architectural Salvage perhaps?

Whatever it is that you find irresistable... you'll probably discover it here at RUST & ROSES... so be sure to come back tomorrow for Part II...

We'll all be waiting for you to join us...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
