I've been Sourcing Treasures for my Booth and came across a few to keep for myself in the process... Another Beautiful Old Book from 1940 for my Easter Vignette...

The Colors still as vibrant and vivid even after all these years and I Love the Graphics... the hues of which go so well with my Old Violin Case & dyed Ostrich Feather!  It now joins the other Lovely Old Book in the Vignette that I 'scored' last week.  And the best part, it was a Goodwill Hunting Score on 50% Off Everything Day so it only cost me 99 cents!

And check out the great 5x8 Turkish Wool Rug I 'scored' for a mere $18!  I had thought about selling it, but decided I Loved the Design too much to part with it just now... after all, can one really have too many Exotic Rugs in the House... I think not!!! *Winks*

I went so far as putting a Price Tag on it before changing my mind though! *LOL*  The Man thought that was hilarious... he could see me falling in Love with it as I spread it out to photograph it... and off came the Price Tag! *Smiles*  I do have some Exotic Rugs in my Booth that I was willing to part with... but not this one... not just yet anyway, I doubt it is very old, but it's Design sure is eyecatching.  I don't know as much about Turkish Rugs as Persian ones... so I plan to research and learn more about it's origin.

And when I went to stock my Booth with some more goodies at the West Side BRASS ARMADILLO, I see that I have yet another new Booth Neighbor and she has a similar aesthetic to mine! *Whoo Hoo!*  Loving her Booth in fact... her Styling and Inventory are right up my alley so I am certain we are Kindred Spirits. 

I'm so Happy that all up and down our row now there are Booths that compliment each other's Style and Aesthetic.  Several new Dealers have said they intentionally rented their Booth there on our row because of mine and that was such a  flattering compliment.  I'm so glad I rented early & got my Booth together real early so that the Like Minded Souls could congregate down our little row there on Nebraska Ave. 

I Hope we'll see  you there sometime when you're in the area?  The BFF and I have already 'scored' some amazing Treasures for our own Homes and new Dealers are moving in every day, its so exciting!  And just for you... we're having Customer Appreciation Days March 16-17-18-19 entitling you to 15% off everything in the Mall when you sign up for our E-Mail!

I was Loving this Gal's Inventory... so much so in fact that I treated myself to a few little Treasures...

You know how I have a "Thing" for Botanical Sage & Sepia Style... so this Sweet Pair of Botanicals was perfect for a wall I'm doing at Home.

Yes, eventually I shall Reveal that Project too when I complete it.  And you're probably wondering what Found Treasures made their way to my Booth?  Stay tuned... *Winks*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian