Even though the Blogger Function to load New Images is still on the Fritz, Thanks to my Blog Friend Queenie, of QUEENIE BELIEVE Blog, she Guided me through a way around it temporarily where I can manually load Recent Images to my Picasa Web Album! *Color me Happy!*  Thanks Queenie for the suggestion, it's tedious but it works... and it will continue to help me Edit and be more Selective in the Images I choose to manually load because it is a more labor intensive Process. *Smiles*  At least now I can Show Off my new Loving Cup duo I purchased from my Friend Robert's Booth at ANTIQUE GATHERINGS.  The two new ones that join my Collection are the ones in the Middle.
I had seen the Loving Cup with the Athlete Topper in one of Robert's FB Posts of his Booth and I thought it would be perfect for my Collection.  As it turns out Robert's Booth had an Impressive Selection of Vintage Loving Cups and the ornately Engraved 1932 Ping Pong Championship Loving Cup was rivaling the Athlete Topper one in being a Fav... vying for being chosen... and so I just decided to get them both as a belated Christmas Present to Self! 

And speaking of Presents... my Friend Pamela Gifted me a bag full of great Tea Stained Tags, lucious Vintage Trims and took me out to Lunch after we worked on her new Shop and Studio yesterday Morning.  It really is coming together Beautifully and what Fun it was to see the Fab Inventory she has been Lovingly Sourcing for Mixed Media Art.  Her Vintage Ephemera and Millinery stashes are Impressive and we had a good time setting everything up... what a Cheerful Creative Vibe it all has!   These are some of the Tags that I'll now be using to Identify and Organize contents in my own Vintage Suitcase Storage, Love the Sepia Stained Hues that give them a very Aged appearance. 

Organizing my Fabrics and Art Supplies is a 2013 Resolution.  When I brought everything from the Studio Cottage into the Main House it all somehow got very scattered and disorganized, making it difficult to find what I need for Projects and Creations.  It doesn't appear that The Son is moving out of my Studio Cottage anytime soon so I might as well re-organize everything in here for now.
Right now I've got everything stashed in Vintage Suitcases, Old Footlockers and Carpetbags scattered throughout the House and I forget what is in everything since I haven't Labeled the Contents.  Interrupted Creativity while you search for something you need and can't remember where it's at or if you even have it really breaks the Creative Rhythm and hinders Inspiration... so its imperative that I get more Organized, but without my Supplies being a visual distraction or being scattered all over in our Living Spaces.

I'm working towards emptying out most of the Storage Cottage and Converting it into my Art Studio and Library for my Inspiration and Decorating Books in 2013 as well... so eventually everything will move back out of the Main House so that I can separate Living Quarters from my Artistic Pursuits again, which I prefer for a Host of reasons.  Once you've Enjoyed a Studio Space it's difficult to go back to trying to Create in various places around the House where daily Living gets in the way of Creativity and the Art... and the Art gets in the way of other Family Members or they get 'into' it so you dare not leave anything out 'In Process'.  
If I've got to pick everything up and put it away during the Creative Process or not being able to Sequester myself while Creating so that I don't have constant interruptions and distractions, I find myself not really being in The Zone and I neglect starting or finishing anything because its too much of a hassle and Stifles Creativity Flowing Naturally and with ease!
I'm really looking forward to fulfilling these Promises to Myself throughout 2013... and I Hope you too are looking forward to fulfilling your Resolutions for the New Year as well my Friends?!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
