As the New Year was approaching the Facebook Pages lit up with everyone Cyberchatting, Sharing Images, New Years Blessings and Moments with each other.  It made me Truly Thankful for the Advances in Technology that make it so easy to keep in touch now from a Distance.  It was so good to see so many of the Familiar Faces that I Miss so very much!  A Big "Mwahhh" to Sisters Alex (on the Left) and Amelia (on the Right) from Aunt Dawn!  I'm so Proud of you Girls!  And I know you get Homesick sometimes, but know that there is so much that lays ahead of you to Experience and Enjoy outside of Arizona.  And you can always come back for a Visit anytime... the doors of Bohemian Valhalla are always Open to Receive those we Love!
 One of the more difficult parts of 2012 for us was how many more Loved Ones and Old Friends moved away.  We had been so used to being in close proximity for so many Years and doing Life Together.  Certainly we will keep in touch across the Miles but its not quite the same as the frequent interactions in Person.   And we know that for some, coming back to Arizona is not likely except for brief Visits.  Though I am terribly Excited for each of them being able to Experience new Places, new Opportunities and Traveling the Country or the World I Miss each and every one of them so much.  I also miss that part of our own Lives, the Traveling extensively part... its difficult for Nomadic Souls to put down Roots and Stay Put and not roam Freely and often.   

There are still Moments where I want to be as Free as a Butterfly and float where the Wind and a Whim takes me...

To just spontaneously pack a few bags and be off on some Grand Adventure down the Road... Enjoying the Journey as much as the Destination, where ever that might be!?
It's True, I'm not very good at or accustomed to this Stayin' Put Thing... and perhaps I never will be... what lies around that next bend just beckons too strongly...
Just Wondering... is anyone else suddenly having a problem loading Images from Blogger with the "Insert Image" Function malfunctioning?  Mine has quit working and nothing will load... so until it Corrects I'll be going thru Blog Posting Withdrawal I guess!? *Arghhh!*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian