I really haven't had the Time with the flurry of the Holidays to Invest as much Time as I wanted to or should in my Showroom at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST.   Sure, I've been there on numerous occassions but not really updating very much or investing sweat equity... and as things were Selling I wasn't really replacing the Inventory until now either.   But now is the Time, with a Fresh New Year before us, to get myself in Gear and get Busy with it!  *Smiles*  So I've been wading through some of my Favorite Collections in an attempt to downsize them... *Groan!*  It's more difficult to Edit and Purge your FAVORITE Collections isn't it?

I'm finding those specific things that I'm particularly more attached to than others when it comes time to "Let Go" of some of them... Vintage License Plates for instance... Love 'em way too much... have accumulated a Hoard of them... Time to "Let Go" of some of them...

Not easy since they're all different and Special in their own way... be it the State... the Year... Mottos (Gotta Love the Famous Potatoes Motto for Idaho!)... Colors... Patina... Condition... you just wouldn't Believe how LONG it took me to finally get up to "Letting Go" of a mere FIVE of them!  I practically need an Old License Plate Intervention... but The Man was Proud of me for Hauling at least a few off to the Showroom last Night!  *LOL*  I'm taking Baby Steps in this Process... but it's getting easier.  Good-Bye Kansas, Idaho and Ohio Rural 50's~60's Plates... I'll Miss you!  *Winks*

I really still LIKE them all you see... and that is sometimes the difficult part for me in having a Showroom full of things I've 'Picked', Appreciate and Love the Aesthetic of... the Urge to sometimes want to Keep rather than Sell!  I wish it could be strictly Business to me... but then it probably wouldn't be as Fun and might seem more like Work than a Joy to do... so I'm preferring to Learn to Part With Found Treasures and just Keep what I Absolutely Love and not just what I really Like or have amassed a Collection of and need to Edit and Purge from Time to Time.

Now at least there is more Purpose in my 'Picking' and The Family are a lot Happier that I'm Blessing us all with the Proceeds of my Passion and Urge to Salvage, Save, Collect and go Junquing... and it's not just all ending up at Bohemian Valhalla!  *LOL*  But aren't those Hues and Aged Rusty Patinas of the Old License Plates simply Divine? *Le Sigh*   So... I took the last Images of them... which is my final part of the "Letting Go" Process.  It is said that we often Photograph that which we are most afraid to Lose or not Remember as vividly without a Preserved Image to look back upon... I can see that to be True.

And certainly 'Picking' has become a LOT more Enjoyable without as much of a Personal Saturation Point that the Home could possibly hold!  Example... I ADORE Old Globes... they come in so many Shades, Sizes, Colors and Styles... and I can certainly make a greater Impact in the Showroom of a Globe Collection than I presently have room for at Home... so I'm Delighted whenever I Discover a new one to add to the Globe and Map Vignettes!  Very Popular with the Customers too so obviously other folks Enjoy them as much as I do to Decorate and Style with!

And since The Man and I aren't Drinkers and thus don't have a Bar at Home... it's nice to be able to have somewhere to Showcase any Cool Vintage Bar Advertisements I might Discover too, since I've always thought it looks Fun.  This 1977 Schlitz Commercial Advertisement is great and the Color Palette actually matches my Showroom Palette quite well!  *LOL*  So... Showroom #114 is presently in the Process of being Updated and Re-Stocked for the start of the New Year... so stop on in and Visit if you find yourself in the Far West Valley!  And I want to Thank all my Friends who have driven far and wide to already pay me a Visit there during the Holidays, it's always such a Welcome Surprise when you stop by!


Source: BRASS ARMADILLO WEST Facebook... Taylor, Darek and Randall

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian