Pray for me... I don't do "Girl Interrupted" very well... and this Blogger Malfunction has now worked my last nerve and made me a bit testy since I can't get my usual 'Fix' and load any New Images!  *LOL*  And it is the Sabbath so I'm trying to Maintain and come from a Place of Zen.  Each day I come to the Land Of Blog in Hopes that Prayers have been answered and they FINALLY fixed this problem!?  So that I can now Share what's really been going on and happening visually rather than new Stories coupled with Old Images!?!   I don't Enjoy having Trouble in Paradise!  My little Bloggy World is usually so Idyllic and I LIKE that about it!  *Smiles*  Things can be messed up sufficiently enough in Real Life without it seeping into The Idyllic Land Of Blog too!  (She says wringing hands at the keyboard)*
It's a good thing that my Word Mantras for 2013 are 'Zen' and 'Inspired' and that it's much too early to break open a new bottle of Moscato because this apparently was not THE Morning that they managed to rectify the Issue.  And so in not~so~quiet resignation and trying to come from a place of Zen, a New Story will just unfold with re-hashed Old Images I Resurrected and can't even Edit to Appear Fresh and New!  *Le Sigh*  But at least I've realized I'm not the Lone Ranger, many of you who Blog often are going through Intense Blog Post Withdrawals right along with me... it really Sucks huh?!
Especially since I've been on some Grand Junquing Adventures and 'Scored' some Great New Found Treasures and I can't show any of them to you yet because the New Images will not load!  I had been on a 2013 Junquing Mission to 'Score' some Old Loving Cups to add to my Collection.  I scoured the Valley and procured some Fab Ones... but you'll jut have to wait for the Reveal of them joining The Collection.  Tick Tock Tick Tock... when you're waiting for an undisclosed and undetermined amount of Time for something to be able to happen doesn't the Clock seem to drag and Time practically seem to stand still?!?  Well, for the Hyper of us anyway that is Torturous I tell you!
I want to rub a Magic Lamp and have my own Personal Genie appear to solve said Issues so that we can move forward and SHOW YOU as well as tell you all about New Adventures, New 'Scores', Creations, upcoming Events and those we're presently attending so that you can come along Virtually and join us in the Fun like you usually do!

I've been Patiently trying to Wait... I really have... this Exercising of Patience Thing is Brutal as I'm sitting here each day during what is usually a Blog Bliss Segment of my day!  Not quite as Blissful during a Malfunction, but since it is my small slice of Quiet Time when the Crew knows to leave me alone for some Me Time, I dare not let on that until things are Functional I can't Blog!  Heaven Forbid, they'd be descending upon my Time like a pack of Hungry Wolves!  
 As we speak the Beast Princess is Enthusiastically dogging me about, whenever you're done Blogging Gramma, lets hang up baskets of Laundry you already Slaved away half a day at Washing!  Seriously, I can hardly wait!!!   At Seven Years Old Laundry Chores might seem like a Fun Activity... but I'm way past that particular Season of Life with Joy in the Mundane and the Mindlessly Repetitious household drudgery! I just can't get THAT Excited about any Phase of Laundry or Housework... I can't even REMEMBER getting that Excited about it in fact?!  *LOL*  I'd rather be watching the newest Episode of "Mob Wives" or something...
And I'm DYING to Reveal to you my recent Loving Cup 'Scores' and a few other Found Treasures that Princess T and I dug up on our Girl's Day Out while the Guys had their Boy's Day Out at some Testosterone laden places they think are way Cool!  *LOL*   BTW: While clear on the other side of the City and Goodwill Hunting we ran into my Friends Shelley and Myko... I've got a BIG REVEAL coming up on Myko's new Biz Venture and Wonderful Opportunity... HOPEFULLY Blogger will be running Smoothly by then so you don't miss any of it?!???!???
And I am thinking that perhaps I should have bought this Beautiful Necklace Set because it is a Timely Reminder of these Wonderful Truths.  I can hear Louis Armstrong singing the Song right now in my head... LOVE him singing that Song!
But wait!!!  Didn't The Man recently dig up some of these Old Stamping Tools out of his Man Cave for me quite recently!"!  Wouldn't hammering and bashing the crap out of some Old Silverware relieve Tension and Blogger Frustrations?!?!!!  Since the "Zen" part of my Word Mantra is still taking some perfecting... perhaps I can Roll with the "Inspired" part now and Create some Spoon Art with Zenlike Messages!  The Lord's Hand in my Religious Art seems to almost be Suggesting it in fact! *Smiles*

Creativity never fails to make the World a better and more Beautiful place after all and Creating is the best Rush of all!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
