And it's only Saturday!

Took these two photos at my aunt's house. It was only 20 degrees out with a crazy wind chill but it was worth it. The shadows on the pond looked amazing and the snow was sparkling in the sunlight.

These are the hearts I hammered out of aluminum and brass sheets. I am going to be selling my jewelry and photography at The Crofoot in Pontiac on Feb. 13th. Should be a crazy night! There will be live bands, dancing, drinking, and art. I just started cutting hearts and didn't stop until I used up all my metal.

I listed this necklace on etsy. It is completely made by hand, even the jump rings.

Working at my little Ikea table.

My new dapping block. How I love it so!

Can't just use it for jewelry....I had to photograph it too.

While I was taking product shots of the necklace I took advantage of the warm sunlight and took this self portrait too.

Again, I couldn't pass up the oportunity to take a picture of the hearts all laid out in the sunshine. I listed the print in my etsy shop too. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?