I'm a Goal Setter... and so I've already begun my 2012 Contemplations of what I want to accomplish in the New Year...  I have attainable Goals and grandoise ones as well...

I've got Plans for our Gazebo to be transformed into an Outdoor Gypsy Style Tent Encampment. I've already got everything I will need and so now the only additions would be anything I might want to embellish upon that Vision.  So every time I see Garden Style Treasures I'm looking out for those embellishments that will enhance the Space I'm Planning.

I know I want to add to my Vintage Silver Collections so I'm always on the lookout for Special pieces that I can 'score' at a Deal and have functional purposes for... I like that it can still be had at a bargain and yet evokes a sense of faded oppulence, which lends itself well to Bohemian Styling.

I'm also contemplating an exercise and healthy diet regimen for fitness and weight loss... 2011 was the first year that I began having some health issues and so I want to assist my body in the Healing process by being good to it and fueling it well.  I confess that with stresses, circumstances and putting others first that hasn't always been a high priority for me and it really needs to be. 

I'm also contemplating what direction to take my work, Art and income generating ventures for the coming year... there's so much more I want to do... and could do... but I'm giving it a lot of thought and considering my options carefully.  I'm a spontaneous person in many things... and in others I'm quite guarded and cautious.   Maybe sometimes I'm too sponteanous... and other times I'm too guarded and cautious... I'm attempting a more balanced approach in both of my extremes of personality.

I know what my priorities are and should be... and I Plan to stay True to that and remain grounded even while Dreaming and Goal Setting...

And I have learned that even the best made Plans and Goals have to be flexible enough that the variables of Life that you cannot control can be accommodated and that you learn to adapt and improvise when necessary... and for as long as it takes to get back on track.

Since 2011 had so many of these variables of Life... in extreme forms... I must say that many of the Goals I had set for this year got delayed or shelved and that was frustrating.  I got off task so many times in fact while dealing with Crisis and Emergencies that cropped up that I seemed to have given up on attaining that which I had Hoped to accomplish for the year or Dreamed of.  So it's time for a fresh Vision and Plan to attain those Goals that I still have Passion for.     

Maybe I won't get it all accomplished in 2012 and that's okay... but I want to at least gain enough momentum to keep moving forward and doing something to get closer this coming year.

We've been making Plans to Travel to Mexico and back East to visit our Daughters and their Families for far too long now... and so many obstacles got in the way of making that possible for the last  few years... Health issues and Finances being the two major factors and then several other complications became deterrants.  So we're determined to work out a way to make it a possibility for 2012 even if all of the risks aren't totally eliminated. 

Because we have considered that if this is as good as it gets... then when?  Will we allow that to continue to impede us indefinitely?  Be it Health... Finances... Situational Issues or any combination of those factors.  After much deliberation we have decided that the desire is greater than the obstacles that attempt to prevent us from attaining the important Goal of Traveling to see those we hold Dear to our Hearts.  It has not been possible for them to come to us... but I feel if we all work together we can figure something out to make it happen one way or another.

Working around Age and Health related limitations within the Family has been an ongoing battle... I don't see the way clear of eliminating that completely with Loved ones battling illness and disability... and so there has to be a way to accommodate it within the Plans and Goals we're setting too.

And this coming year I have resolved once and for all to do a complete purge and edit of the items in the Household and Property.  So I'm contemplating ways to get through that process efficiently and completely... then ways to sell, donate or gift the items that will be moving out as we let go...

I'm keeping only that which we Love or have strong Sentiment attached to... we've already begun the process in 2011 and the Family is gaining momentum as we progress with this Goal in 2012...

It is my Hope that the Process will become easier and more expedient as we see progress and make it a habitual practice... I am probably the worst at this... the rest of the Crew thankfully doesn't possess the Hoarding instincts that I have when it comes to my stuff! *Whew* 

 I'm not ready for a Reality Series Segment yet, nor do I want to get to that point! *Winks* And honestly, clutter and disorganization aren't lifestyles I can live with... so when I have too much for my Space, then regardless of the actual or perceived value of it, it really must go if there's no longer a place or function for it.  But the 'letting go' of Lovely things is, well, difficult for me at times.

And... so is the urge to bring in more Found Treasures... and so that is another Goal... a Lofty one in fact, to curb my enthusiasm for the Thrill Of The Hunt and Acquisition of Found Treasures!!!
And it's a particularly Lofty Goal because one of my favorite past-times in fact is frequenting those places I know always hold the Promise of those things I find captivating and worth having. 

So it's a double edged sword... if I could learn to go and only look and enjoy the experience it would be okay to still expose myself to that which I enjoy doing so much... but how many times do us Junquers say or resolve to only do that and then cave when we run across something that stirs us and we have to have it?!? *Winks*  Or am I the only one with this affliction? *LOL*

So anyway... the 2012 Contemplations continue... and the outline of Goals, Visions, Dreams and Plans for the New Year are coming together.  And what are YOURS my Friends?

Dawn... The Bohemian

*Some of the Lovely Images were taken at NOT TOO SHABBY*