Let me introduce you now to Jenny Kuller of REDHEAD SADIE VINTAGE ... My introduction to this Old Soul living in a Modern World was during the Melrose Christmas Crawl as she was a Special Guest presented at the SWEET SALVAGE Event.

Her extensive selection and collection of Vintage Clothing and Accessories offered for Sale was impressive and Nostalgic... because I'm not so much an Old Soul as I am, well... Old... because I remember this stuff when it wasn't Vintage! *Winks*

I still Heart many of the Retro, Vintage Fashions of yesteryear... in fact, I never stopped wearing them really. *LOL*  And so maybe I'm just coming BACK into Fashion, I dunno... my folks always said that everything eventually comes back around... nobody is inventing the wheel... so if you keep it long enough it will probably make a comeback! *Smiles*

Though I never needed the motivation to Save my Old Lovelies simply to Hope they would eventually come back into Style... I didn't care really... I wear what I Love and is my Style preference... regardless of popular opinion... but it is nice when it begins to become appreciated again by the masses so that more of it is saved, curated and used.

Jenny had several pieces that caught my eye...

And brought back fond Memories... wish I HAD KEPT and not parted with my Spaghetti China Poodles! *Le Sigh*

Wish Mom had kept some of her great Vintage Hat Collection... she was way more of a Hat Person than Moi... but I am starting to appreciate Hats more and more... so I have more now than ever. 

Jenny had Sourced an amazing array of Vintage Treasures...

Just look at the details on this Vintage Jewelry Box... I'm all about the details... and I Imagine the now Unknown Artist that Crafted and Created this Lovely Old Shadowbox Art.

Aren't these Crocheted Collars very Vintage Glam?

And they came in an array of Styles and Colors... we really liked them.

Very Retro Chic...

And I'm always drawn to the Bright and Shiny...

It always has a Cheerful Vibe that I enjoy.  So I Hope you will hop over and visit Jenny's Blog Link to discover more of her fabulous Style and Products.

And we'll go back inside SWEET SALVAGE... since the BFF and I had to go back later in the Crawl to retrieve our Treasures...

The BFF had scored this great Old Bible... she and I both adore the Imperfections of pieces and "Condition Issues" for us mean that it is Perfectly Imperfect for our Styling preferences. *Winks*

I prefer the extraordinary over the ordinary any day... and the tattered, worn, quirky, oddities, crusty, rusted and items begging to be repurposed and upcycled scream out to us!

And that can come in real handy really, having Eclectic Style and Tastes... because often many other Shoppers will pass up our favorite 'scores'... which can go unnoticed or unappreciated... and so our Vision can more easily come together.  I also remember to look high and low... because 'eye level' catches everyone's eye... but a Junquer will dig deep and look everywhere, in the more obscure locations and not miss a thing!!! *Winks* 

And sometimes I've been known to Re-Style or foof something just so that I can capture a Vision of what something could look like... ie: Image of Mannequin Modeling 'Before' Dawn arrived...

And 'After' Dawn spied her and left my mark... *Winks*... I fell in Love with that Scarf Wrap... and HAD to see it being Modeled... plus, it was a Cooler day so she needed something snugglier... and a Scarf like that needed to go center stage for a while rather than remaining backstage! *LOL*

But you'll find the Styling to be impeccible and there is just so much to see that it often rotates in and out of center stage and various Vignettes, otherwise, how could you possibly see and notice it all!?!

And you'll certainly be Inspired to how something could be displayed and showcased Beautifully in your own Vignettes at Home, Studio or Business.

You might even be stealing... um, I mean borrowing some of your Kid's Vintage Toys to display now... *Winks*  Not that I ever have mind you... *Bwahaha!!!*

I've always Loved Fainting Couches... but shall have to wait until the G-Kids are older before Investing in better quality furniture that I don't want to be destroyed by the G-Kid Force...
Pale Linen Upholstery + Small Children = A permanent stain or accident just waiting to happen...

I know this because I made this judgment error when I had an Off White custom upholstered oversized chair... the key word here being HAD... it was WAYYYYYY OFF White in no time flat and now has to sport various throws to hide the horror it had become...*Le Sigh*

So now I Style with more forgiving hues... and a Palette I'm more at ease Living with and caring for.

But you will find any desirable Palette and Style to suite your Lifestyle and needs here at the "Sweet" Events...

And I Love that diversity and optiions...

And sometimes it can get me to consider other options and Styles... and possibilities...

There have been times when exposure to something different than my norm has made me more intrigued, interested and comfortable with it as a possible option.

ie: I have never owned a Robe that looked like this... but I was really digging the Hollywood Glam aspect of it... and something like this could definitely now creep into my Bohemian Wardrobe now... I would feel very Marilyn Monroe in such an ensemble. *Winks*

And I wonder if all of these gorgeous Vintage Fashions Sold at the Event?  I wouldn't be surprised if they did... if my resources were more plentiful I know I had some favs...

In fact there is always so much I'd LIKE to have that I must exercise restraint and editing of what I do 'score'... which aren't necessarily my strong points, but I'm working on it. *LOL*  If you 'exercise' anything long enough it becomes stronger... at least that's the theory...

So... there I was... exercising my very weak Restraint and Editing skills *winks*... what a Workout!!! *Whew*

And that is precisely why it's best to bring along Junquing Partners... to keep each other in check and accountable... and bounce objective opinions off of... on what to leave behind... or not make the mistake of leaving behind.

Or what to think upon and delay a decision about...

As well as the obvious benefit of having another set of eyes scouring the Event on each other's behalf... *Smiles*

I know what they like... they know what I like... and very seldom do we snatch up each other's fav 'scores' for ourselves... we're quite benevolent that way.  We've never had to go to the dirt over a coveted piece... well... not yet anyway... *LOL*

And anyway... over time you can always do a Treasure Swap... that's how our Yard & Tag Sales often go... Friends swapping each other's discarded Treasures before the Customers can come to buy it! *LOL*  We move a lot of it from House to House really... sometimes I could forget which House I'm in because we have so much of each other's stuff mingled over the years! *Smiles*

I think The Son is relieved that so many of my Friends and I are peas in a pod when it comes to our Style... that way he doesn't have to worry about inheriting all my Crap... Priceless Treasures. *Winks*

This isn't a Crew eagerly awaiting their potential Inheritance... they want us to Live forever in fact, because the task of wading through all we've amassed is very likely overwhelming! *LOL*

Because, see, we have stuff like this... which they wouldn't have a clue as to why?  Or what it is? Or what it could be transformed into being used for? Or does it have any inherant value at all?  We're very "Green" that way... re-use, recycle and repurpose have been cornerstones of our existance before it was even fashionable to be.

And we're always inclined to think outside of the box because that's how we roll... and so on our Junquing Adventures almost anything could be dragged Home with a Purpose that only we might understand or think was wonderful!? *LOL*

I remember our Kids sometimes explaining to their Friends that No... we weren't Poor... our folks actually like their stuff this way... *Smiles*

We are Living Proof in fact that one Man's Junk is another Man's Treasure! *Smiles*

And here in the Land Of Blog I have discovered so many Kindred Spirits that share our Passions and Interests and Style... and that is rather refreshing to find like minded peeps to share our Adventures and Treasures with.

And so here's me... sharing some more of my 'scores' from SWEET SALVAGE ... I Love Old Shoe Forms and have a few Adult Sizes... so imagine my delight in finding several Child Sized Old Shoe Forms!  Four of them in fact...

Each a different Size, Shape and Patina... and some have graphics on them of the Size, Maker or Mystery Writing...

You would think I'm in training to become a Cobbler or Shoe Maker by how many Shoe Forms I'm Collecting... but at a mere $8 apiece I couldn't resist getting a grouping of these adorable Child Shoe Forms...

Even though I rarely buy things in sets of four... being I have an aversion to the #4... *Winks ~ Strange but True fact I've shared before.*

How Cool are the Vintage Lighting hung in Birdcages?  I have always put Candles in my Vintage Birdcages... but now I might be stuffing a Chandie or Vintage Light in some too. *Smiles*  Someone obviously adored this idea too because they all Sold in a heartbeat!

And even if something is beyond Restoring... it is never beyond Salvaging... Salvaged Parts of Cool Old Stuff almost always has interesting uses beyond what it was designed and originally used for.  These Old Cash Register parts were way Cool.

And even Orphaned Pieces, like a single Beautiful Chair that was once probably part of a larger Set, can still be Salvaged Gold!

Sometimes I just wonder though how much of this Cool stuff gets donated and discarded because the recipient doesn't imagine any intrinsic Value?  Thank goodness for the Pickers who seek out Salvaging pieces of History and offering them up to those of us who are Visionaries in Styling and can utilize almost anything in our Decor! *Smiles*

I've always liked Old Books with tattered or missing covers... and exposed binding... and the distinctive aging of their pages... but I almost NEVER see them in Goodwill Hunting Treks or at Tag/Yard Sales so I suspect too many have simply been Dumpster casualties. *Le Sigh*

The knowledge of that possibility actually grieves me... because many of us who have Creative Ideas for such pieces would consider them Found Treasures!

And until I discovered the vast Junquing Community here in the Land Of Blog I thought perhaps I might be the only person that felt this way about Rescuing such pieces... or Creating things from them... or intentionally seeking them out... and I'm grateful for the Vendors that 'get it' and do Source them for us!

The 'Sweet' Event ended this Sunday... and I Hope you were able to make it?

With my hectic Work Schedule I was only able to make it for the first day...

But we did find a bounty of Beautiful Treasures to add to our Nests during our visit.

And saw a bounty of things we would have Liked to have had...

But I always come away with scads of amazing Images of it all... and so that's sufficient Inspiration for those items I couldn't acquire... or wouldn't have room for... or weren't high on my own Wish List but I could certainly appreciate the Styling of.

I enjoy looking back at the Images in fact for Future Inspiration... just like a good Decorating or Style Book or Publication.

And I only Wish I'd known that the Fabulous Ruffled Curtains were for Sale this time... last Event they were not so I just assumed they weren't this time... I was wrong... darn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And perhaps the Charlie Brown Tree should have come Home with me too... but, it's okay... I stayed within my designated self-imposed budget and that was no easy feat!

Temptations abounded virtually everywhere I looked!!!

And though I would have Loved to have gotten there early enough to access the Vignettes to Photograph in their pristine pre-opening splendor...

I had Fun capturing Images amid the eager Shoppers and finding those Special ones that I thought you might enjoy as much as I did.  I'm cracking up at the Title of this Old Book for instance... maybe I shouldda gotten that one too, just for laughs and a conversation starter Vignette piece? *LOL*

And as usual I went real long haven't I?  But I don't think you mind do you? *Winks*  Because if you've already made it down this far... well...  you probably enjoy excess as much as I do!?!

And possibly you would also have had as much trouble editing Images of things you enjoyed all of... and can't decide which of to share... so you just decide to share it all!?! *Winks*

Has it put you in an eye candy coma or trance yet? *Smiles*

And if so can you only imagine what it would be like BEING THERE?!?!

I know you'd Love it... so I do Hope that one day you can make it for one of the Monthly Occassional Sales on the 3rd Thursday through Sunday.

But if you can't...  you can always come back and enjoy it virtually... and I Hope I take enough Photos that you feel as though you were there with us.  Seeing it all...

And Hopefully being sufficiently Inspired?

And that you have enjoyed seeing what we 'scored'... such as this great Jacket Top that the BFF Tina came Home with... and we had the Mannequin Model for us... *Winks*

And at Next Month's Event it is my understanding that the amazing Artist Christie Repasy of CHATEAU DE FLUERS Blog will be a Featured Special Guest for the "Romancing The Home" Theme!!!  I have adored Christie's Art for years so that is going to be a special treat to finally meet her in person!

I can't even think of Rose Paintings without thinking of her amazing body of Work!!!

So you just know I'll find a way to be there for the Opening Day!!! *Smiles*

And maybe I'll see YOU there too?

And tomorrow we shall conclude this Month's Melrose Christmas Crawl...

Yep, you gotta have serious Junquing Stamina...

So much to see & experience... so little time... *Winks*

So hurry, catch up... we're not done yet... and we don't want to leave you behind!

And we're so very glad you came along...

Dawn... The Bohemian
