No matter what Style I end up decorating our Home in at Christmas I must say that I still enjoy beholding a Rustic Styled Christmas too.

There's just something about Rustic Styling that is very warmly inviting, comfortable, relaxed and reminiscent of yesteryear.

And when the G-Son and I went on an Old Bottle Junquing Mission for an Altered Art Soldering Class I Hope to take in January we found ourselves deep in Rustic Christmas Charm.  Just look at this tiny Cowboy Boot used as a Tree Ornament at a booth at THE BRASS ARMADILLO... precious!!!  

In fact they had several Rustic Styled Booths that were filled with Rustic Charm for the Holidays.

And their Trees were done in a Salvage Style just like ours at Home... with interesting Vintage Pieces hung as Ornamentation... but with a decidedly Rustic Touch and Vision.

I could envision being in a Cabin in the Woods, as if Time has stood still, with a roaring Fireplace and the fragrance of Fresh Pine, Juniper and crisp Mountain Air.

And I could imagine that all of the Tree Ornaments were worn with many years of daily use in that Lovely Cabin setting...

And the resourceful Occupants were now trimming their Trees with the things that spoke to their Family and Home's History and Traditions. 

Simple, Rustic Touches with years of Character and Charm... and the frugality of yesteryear, where folks used it up, made do or did without.

And yet, the Spirit of their Christmas Holidays remained Rich... Spiritually connected... Family oriented... Community based... and Neighborly.

I recall a Time when that was the Norm actually and not the exception to the rule.

And where when you did business with folks you very often got a useful Customer Appreciation token of their gratitude for doing business with them... such as this Charming Graphic Oven Mitt with Advertising from the Local Banker.

And a Time when many things were made from scratch and fresh... and so there were handy utensils for various purposes in every Kitchen.

And while admiring the Rustic Styled Trees I 'scored' the item nearby that we had been seeking on this Junquing Adventure... a Lovely Old Bottle with the perfect patina of age...

And great Graphics... and it was a Deal... plus I got another 15% off our purchases at the Register!!! *Cha-Ching and a Whoo Hoo* 

Don't you just Love it when things come together perfectly like that?!

And after I'd procured what I came for... it left time for us to just Window Shop and enjoy all of the eye candy at THE BRASS ARMADILLO and the other Shops we visited this day...

Shops such as MAN CAVE MANTIQUES in Old Town Glendale.  And though I'm not usually a fan of stuffed critters, this Taxidermy Bear with Christmas Light Garland was pretty cool and as a Guy usually will with Mantiques, the G-Son was feelin' it and Loved it! *LOL* 

At all of the Shops he lingered in the Rustic Styled Mantique areas, exploring all the goods.  And I enjoyed it too because I also enjoy the Rusty, the Crusty, the Salvage Industrial, the Old Farm Equipment, the Vintage Signage, the Commercial Garage~Shed Style Mantiques, the Old Machinery & Parts, Vintage Hardware and Architectural Salvage that are a Re-Purposing, Upcycling & Picker's Dream!

And finding Old Toys that I remember from MY Childhood Era is always a Rush as well...

And scenes reminiscent of my Nanna's Kitchen...

And my Mom's Kitchen...

And Gran-Gran or Dad's Garage or Shed...

And brings back a Rush of Memories of Sledding down Wintery Slopes as a Child in such places as Maine and Upper Michigan... during a Time when our Family traveled extensively like a band of Gypsies throughout my Childhood and Youth... moving almost every year to some new destination in the States or Abroad.

And the Nostalgia Tour continued as I spied Vintage Product Logos and Packaging reminiscent of my Childhood.

And utilitarian items I remember my Nanna using... such as a Hand Roller Styled Washing 'machine'... well, YOU were really the 'machine' in these instances weren't you? *Winks*  No wonder folks looked leaner and healthier back in the day! *Smiles*

And Prince R was reveling in asking me what each item was or did and did I use or have one back in "the Olden Days"? *LOL*  Yes, for a mere Penny my Boy you can get your weight told and your health charted by the cool Vintage Machine you're standing on! *Smiles*  And who doesn't adore the Colors, Graphics and Styling of such neat Old Stuff? *Winks*

Where even Simple Utilitarian Packing Crates often had amazing Graphic Details back in the day...
That make us glad now that someone had the foreknowledge of Saving some of them to enjoy today and preserve a piece of History.

Some things never change much... just because they can't really be improved upon too much... such as galvanized tin... still as useful today as back in the day...

And remember Fur Muffs?  Spied one... and it was under twenty bucks!!!  Not much use for one in the Arizona Desert though, but I still think it was way cool and reminiscent of a Victorian Christmas... so would make a great Holiday Styling Prop!

And I always enjoyed these particular Christmas Collectible Creations... this was a HUGE Lifesized pair of Mrs. Claus...

And Santa Claus...

And a Scaled Down Version of the Pair as well... adorable!!!

And when I spied the Yo-Yo Clown, well a Rush of Memories came back to me... of my Grandma on the remote Indian Reservation of Oklahoma, who saved all of her old scraps of materials, feedsacks, linens and notions to hand-make Toys to send us every year... including many Yo-Yo Clowns like this one... and we Loved them to death so they usually ended up quite tattered and worn.  Gifts made from the Heart with Great Love are after all the best Gifts of all aren't they?  This Beautiful hand-made Yo-Yo Clown was less than six bucks my Friends!

And remember walking into Grandma's or Mom's Kitchen and smelling all of the freshly baked Christmas goodies made from scratch with Vintage items such as these? 

Well, in our Family it was Dad who did most of the Baking and Cooking since he was a Master Chef and LOVED to Create Culinary Delights for the Family and Friends... so I was Blessed with TWO Parents that could make the Magic happen in the Kitchen!  Our Home growing up always had extra Guests invited to the Table to partake with us... if you happened to show up and a Meal was ready, you were always invited to join us... and anyone who knew Dad or Mom's Legendary Cooking and Baking never declined! *Winks*

And I'll end today's Rustic Styled Christmas Post with a Visual straight from my early Childhood... yes, I had a little Stroller~Scooter JUST like this one as an Infant~Toddler... LOVED tooling around in it and playing with the beads and enjoying many a delectible Treat from the Tray! *Smiles*
Aren't Sweet Memories Grand my Friends?

Merry Christmas and many Happy Memories to you... from the Arizona Desert where it's actually COLD today! ... Dawn... The Bohemian
