Today my Friends I'm taking you to another of my favorite Shops owned by my Friend Shelly Session... the Sister Store of "Rust And Roses"...
SIRENS AND SAINTS ... and since it's right next door you can visit both in one easy trip! 

And don't forget that this Thursday, December 15th, is the Melrose Crawl Event from 5-9 pm all along the Shops of 7th Avenue!!!  So I Hope to see you there?!?  Perhaps even here at SIRENS & SAINTS?!?  Because honestly I can't get enough of this Shop and visiting with my Friends there.

Because this is the Store where you can fill those Big Girl Stockings for Christmas with all of those things that make you feel feminine... whether you're feeling like a Siren or a Saint. 

And expand your Wish List for under the Tree as well!!! *Winks* 

I have never been there where I didn't see something I'd Love to have!

And Shelly stocks it with luxurious items to pamper yourselves and make you and your Home smell Divine!!!

The ambiance of the Shop is Divine... it has a very Special Atmosphere that you will just Love.

Because the entire Shopping Experience there is made to feel quite Special... just as you are made to feel.  And everything is Styled Beautifully... Shelly and the Shop Gals are Masters at the Art of Display!

If you're a Fashionista you're going to be delighted by the Clothing, Shoes and Accessories offered... 

The Fragrances, Candles, OOAK Jewelry Creations and Vintage Items Sourced with care...

And I know I can always discover amazing Religious Inspired pieces here, whether Antique, Vintage or OOAK Artist Creations that were Spiritually Inspired.

Every time I visit there are new amazing Pillows that the Girls have Designed and Created...

And amazing new Bag and Tote Creations too!  Unique pieces in Fabrics and Styling that you just don't get from mass produced Retail products.  I enjoy purchasing items made by Local Artists and Supporting their Vision and Talents.

And everything has a sense of Style about it...

And a Unique point of view...

If you're Passionate about Animal Prints then  you will certainly be a Kindred Spirit with Shelly... it's one of her Signatures and when I see an Exotic Animal Print I can't help but think of her!  She mixes the Signature Prints with Gypsy Styling Beautifully!

And she offers great Architectural Salvage and Vintage Finds in both Shops that you can't often find anywhere else in the Valley.

And if you're looking for interesting and Unique Ornamentation for your Christmas Tree and Displays this Season... this is definitely the place to find it!

And Inspiration galore!!!

And you can adorn not only your Tree... but Yourselves in the Treasures you will discover here!!! 

In an ideal scenario I could load up Suitcases {Vintage of coarse... Winks} with Treasures from this Shop to Feather my Nest and adorn myself with.

And it's a perfect place to Shop for your Friends and Loved Ones... what's not to Love about what they might receive from here that you have secretly picked out?

And if you send your Menfolk in to the Shop... the Staff will assist them in choosing the perfect Gifts that will Delight the eyes and senses of that Special Person they're wanting to Wow this Christmas!!!

Oh... and you can leave "Hints" to the Gals on what your Heart might desire so that they can pass the word along and your Guy won't be clueless or overwhelmed with decision making... *Winks*

Or... if you're like me... my Loved Ones know that the Thrill Of The Hunt is what I enjoy just as much as the Gift itself... and so quite often they just fund my Shopping Spree! *And who doesn't LOVE and appreciate THAT?!?* 

Then I get exactly what my little Heart desires... or I might stumble upon that Special Acquisition that I hadn't yet discovered and was waiting on me!!! *LOL*

I just know you have probably discovered something in this Post that has delighted your eyes... am I right? *Winks*

Or maybe like me... a whole ridiculously long Wish List of somethings?!?! *LOL*

Yeah, I know... we can't have it ALL... but it sure is fun Imagining we could and at the very least beholding it, is it not?

And for me, the delight of the Art of Photography and capturing the Images and all of the hard work gone into Styling the Shop is part of the Fun and enjoyment of each visit.

And of coarse sharing it here with you my Friends in the wonderful Land Of Blog!!!

Because I know how much of a Gift it has been to me to be able to come here daily and get my dose of fabulous eye candy from your Blog Posts...

And the Sharing of your Homes, your favorite Haunts, the Shows you've attended, your Talented Friends, and your own fabulous Creations and Styling.

As well as the outstanding Generosity extended here in the Land Of Blog... which is without parallel!

Almost every day feels like Christmas with the generous Give-aways we're Invited to enter...

And the Special Surprise Gifts that Blog Friends so enjoy Sharing with each other.

The great Stories and interesting facts about what they have Passion and knowledge about...

The Tutorials and the encouragement extended to other Crafters and Artists...

In fact, this is probably one of the most Sharing and positive Communities I have ever had the privilege of knowing!

And how very Special and Wonderful would it be if the whole World took hold of that and put it into Action daily!!!

Because really... isn't that The Message that Christ came to impart to us?

To extend the Fruits of the Spirit ourward towards our fellow Men, Women & Children...

And also to value ourselves and each other as God values each and every one of us. 

He Loved us so much in fact that He sent his only Son to walk among us...

And experience everything that we'll ever experience in this Life on this side of Time and Eternity...

And at Christmastime in particular let us not forget that most Special Gift of Sacrificial Love...

And the Wonderful Example He set by how He Lived so that we can all aspire to how it should be done right and righteously...

And each of us be a Light to the World...

And Illuminate the darkness with The Good News that is the Gospel!!!

And Celebrate His Miraculous Birth at this most Holy Time of year...

Merry Christmas my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
