It was a glorious day on Thursday, our Weather couldn't be better, Sunny & Warm just like a Spring Day... and since I'd been in a not~feeling~so~well~funk since the New Year, I decided I needed to get out into the Sunshine & walk. 

 The Outdoors always beccons me when I'm not feeling 100%... most folks might recuperate better in bed... I recuperate better Outside in Nature.

Since I had determined to schedule my consultation with my Eastern Medical Doctor and obtain my Herbal Remedies in Old Towne Glendale that day, it was also time for some Cottage Garden Therapy.  Since my Friend Carol's COTTAGE GARDEN Shops are situated on each side of the EVERGREEN CENTER OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE it is the ideal remedy for whatever ails you! *LOL*

What one of us hasn't benefit from a bit of Retail Therapy after all? *Winks*  As well as beholding Beautiful Vignettes & Treasures, visiting with Good Friends... and taking a long walk in the Sunshine, well, I was feeling better already!

Meilan had just finished this Beautiful display of Pure West Bags at COTTAGE GARDEN 2.  And Monica and Carol were busy at COTTAGE GARDEN 1 making everything look like Spring!

Indeed it was feeling like a Spring Day in January already... and being surrounded by Images of Spring is uplifting and fresh... nothing like the trappings of Spring to bring your Spirit to Life regardless of how you might have been feeling.

And yes, I know it's still Winter, but the thoughts of Spring always remind me of Renewal, and right now I needed a renewed sense of Health, Vitality and Positive Energy... so my thoughts were in Spring~Mode and forgetting all about Winter! *Smiles*

After all, that's why most of us here in the Arizona Desert choose this kind of climate... Winter does not appeal to us and we'd brave the Heat before we'd endure the Cold! *Smiles*

And for those of you enduring the Cold... I'm sending rays of Arizona Sunshine Vibes your way to Warm your Spirit...  Along with a bounty of COTTAGE GARDEN Therapy Images to make you feel Good... including Artist "Becky Edwards" Bohemian Bling...

And Artist "Laura Van" Unique Wood and Tole Metal Creations.  I have been adoring her Hearts for quite some time and lusting after one... and I've got a big surprise for you in a future Post of what I 'scored' while Junquing this day... but you'll have to wait... yep, it's a "Teaser", but hey, you wanted an excuse to come back to visit soon anyway didn't you? *Winks*

But, my Friend Meilan did contribute to my delinquency this Retail Therapy excursion too.  Yes, it was all HER fault! *LOL*  You see, I've also been admiring these "Wings Of Lace" Rosettes... by the same Artist that made my Lace Duster.  But I was spoiled for choice in what Color to get... I Loved them ALL... why, of coarse I did... I'm Me after all! *Winks*

And so I was quite conflicted... and I wandered around the Shop debating on whether to buy even one if I was so indecisive?

But they sell so quickly that I also knew I might miss my window of opportunity to get even one if I procrastinated any longer... and would Carol be able to get more anytime soon... I wasn't certain?
So Dear Meilan suggested we just put one of each Hue together and then decided... and you know what that meant didn't you?

Yeah, now I wanted one of each Hue!!! *Le Sigh*  But, if I'm going down in flames, well, one Rosette would never do anyway would it?  Have you ever known me to buy one of anything I Love?  Me... the Queen of excess???  Of coarse not... that would be out of character... and so... yep, I bought one of each... a Trio... and I'm glad... because these are a very versatile accessory I'll get a lot of use out of.

And I had resisted the Laura Van...

Which is never easy my Friends... I Heart Laura Van... and still had Laura Van Hearts on the brain as I waltzed away from the Shops... and Serendipity played out later...

But whilst there I was enjoyed the fresh smell of Lavender bundles...

And the Beautiful new Jewelry Creations by various Artists.

This one was a favorite... if you didn't want to wear a wristwatch this would be perfect to keep track of Time while looking splendid in the process!

And layered the Bling always looks even better IMO... yes, layering Beauty is most definitely my Style... be it Clothing, Decorating, Art or Accessories.  

And Chippy Shabbyness always captivates me too... the Cottages have an abundance of Cottage Charm from Yesteryear so the ambiance is Ideal.

I even resisted all of the fabulous Becky Edwards pieces on this visit... I'm ADORING her OOAK Mirrors... but then again, I adore ALL of her Creations... she's a Creative Genius!

I resisted the Pure West Bags... not an easy task either... never seen one I didn't like! *Winks* Vintage Velvet and Silky fringe Gypsy Style fabulousness I'm always drawn to and can't get enough of.

Can you have too much fabulousness???  I think not!!!!!! *Smiles*

And though this Image didn't focus the way I intended for it to in attempting to capture the Bling in the forefront... I actually Love the way it blurred and sparkled... looking so Surreal!

Some Images become Happy Accidents that turn out more Special because of the mistakes!  Now the Beautiful Necklace became like individual points of Light... like a Painting of one of the Masters!

Yes, I did resist a lot of fabulousness and came away with just the Images to share with you my Friends.

But... since the Christmas Treasures were now 50% off... I HAD to have this
Sweet little Bottlebrush Tree... it's the type of Styling I'll keep up year round.

  I have a particular fondness in fact for Bottlebrush Trees.  And this one looks Lovely in a Home Vignette now...

So... have you seen anything you might have not been able to resist my Friends?

Or some After~Christmas Bargains you would have come Home with? *Winks*  These Rabbit Fur Stockings are awesome!

And I pinned a couple of my Rosettes onto my Tote that I got for Christmas...

Aren't they Lovely!?!

And I think they go well with this particular Bag... I always like to change things up... adding and subtracting Accessories constantly... which is why I Love Brooches and Pins so much, I always add them to my Bags and Clothing when I want a change.

And I put the darker hued one on my Duster...

And for some strange reason, though in person it matches perfectly, in Photographic Images the Duster appears more Pinkish Brown... but it's not... strange how that sometimes happens with pieces isn't it?

And Okay, I decided not to keep you in Suspense after all about my Surprise Reveal... I was still thinking upon how much I'd like to have a Laura Van Heart when I walked over later to visit my Blog Friend Eileen's Booth at MAD HATTER ANTIQUE MALL... and my Heart nearly stood still as I saw THE HEART... was that what I thought it was? *Blink Blink*  A Laura Van Heart in her Booth?!?  Yes, yes it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Happy Dance!*

God don't you just Love Serendipity like that?!?  I do... Divine Coincidence I like to call it!

When you're thinking of something you want and it just happens to show up!!!  So... I got my Laura Van Heart at a great deal! *Yippee!!!*  A Perfect ending to a Perfect Day... with more Posts to come about the Adventure...

Dawn... The Bohemian
