{I 'scored a couple of these sweet little Vintage Bottles with the most Beautifully Aged glass that has given them a Pearlized Rainbow swirly Pink & Lavender Hue}

{This great Salvage Stained Glass Church Window from Pennsylvania had the BFF & I contemplating whether to enlarge our Stained Glass Window Collections?!  Hard to leave behind... the price was great... but we resisted the Temptation. I really feel if I drag Home yet another Old Door or Stained Glass Window The Man might have another Stroke?!  And my obsession with them is beginning to rub off on my Friends!  So it must be contagious, huh? LOL }

{Wouldn't this fab Folk Art Carved Signage be ultra cool to own if you had a Special Romantic Memory tied to an Event on the Pier!?} 

{It was difficult to say Good-Bye to my fav Christie Repasy Painting... it's on my extensive "Wish List" now to get a Print of this Painting! *Hint Hint to The Man*  This one is so Me & has a Gypsy Chic Vibe I just adored. I found out that my Blog Friend Judy got it for her Birthday as a Gift from Friends during this Event... what a Great Gift from Loving Friends you Lucky Gal!!! }

Today we're concluding the SWEET SALVAGE "Romancing The Home" Event Posts.  I Hope this has made you feel as though you were there my Friends?  In fact, some of you WERE there and it was such a Treat to run into you and chat, perhaps meeting for the very first time in Person!  I have a good Memory but it's rather short at this Season of Life *Winks*... so please forgive me if I don't always recall every Dear Blog Friend's Face, Name or Blog when we connect in Person.  If we run into each other enough times it will all finally click into the old Memory banks and stick. *LOL*  And there are some Dear Blog Friends who I now meet in Person quite regularly at several Events and we really do look forward to enjoying each other's company when we are doing our 'Thing'.   It's always great when like-minded peeps enjoy the very same things that you do isn't it?  Next Month's Event will be "Raw & Re-find" so it should be very interesting, upcycled, deconstructed and Organic.

I am however questioning my Sanity at attempting to Photograph popular Events or Sales on the first day though?!? *LOL*  Since I'm a complete amateur it takes me a while to get my shots so I want to be considerate & I don't want to be invasive to other Shoppers.   So it can be a particular challenge doing so in the midst of swarming chaos and eager throngs at Special Events or big Sales.  Though the Vignettes & Images are at their most Lovely prior to being Shopped, unfoofed and left in shambles... *Smiles*  I know that so much effort goes into the prep & Styling of an Event of this magnitude,  the Sweet Team puts so much hard work into this and it is such an absolute Joy to behold that I've made an exception and braved the crowds each Month.  It seems a shame not to Preserve as many Images as possible for Inspiration, for those that cannot make it & for posterity. *Smiles... I always want to see & document it ALL... are you like me?* This is why I'm inclined to try to Photograph it ALL I suppose ! *LOL* And there are those items that are grabbed first that would be nice to Share at least a fleeting Image of before it ends up in a Private Collection somewhere unseen & never enjoyed by most of us.  I was so glad I got to Photograph the very desirable Louis Vuitton Trunk for the previous Post for you & I to enjoy... they don't come up for Sale very often from Private Collections so it was a rare opportunity. *Whew*  Some serious Collector is going to be ecstatic to own this!

But I never have been one that is comfortable with shopping frenzies and I typically avoid them like the plague, so this is rather new for me to brave any and I don't know how long I shall want to rise to the challenge... I'm still very conflicted about it in fact.  This is probably why I've never attended a Black Friday Event and never will... and avoid most big Sales.  I prefer Serenity, Sanity and a relaxed pace... even moreso now that I'm older. *LOL*  It is also impossible to bring the G-Kid Force to a crowded Event for fear they could get pummeled or detached from me and freak out! *Smiles*  I've been fortunate thus far to be able to sneak away & have Volunteer Babysitters for these Occassional Sales or attend during School Hours. *Winks*  I'm considering whether it may be best to just leave the coverage of big Events to the Professionals and see what it was like from their Images rather than attempting to get my own.  Blogland always delivers with great exposure & coverage of the best Events & Shows and I'm never disappointed as I'm transported to each venue via fabulous Photos & commentary. Even if some remain forever on my 'Bucket List' I've attended them virtually thanks to those of you who have Shared your experience of being there.  Though I know a part of me would surely miss being there in the flesh & beholding it for myself... to capture those Images that speak to my own Heart & delight my eyes and senses.  So, needless to say I'm still on the fence about it... and in my best Hamlet ad lib to a soliloquy: "To go or not to go... that is the question!?!" *LOL*

Dawn... The Bohemian