{The BFF 'scored' these two Lovely Treasures... a Leather Box & Vintage Card with great Graphics.}

{Dear Katie taking a short rest after the crowds subsided somewhat... the Sweet Team work so very hard during these Events... it is exhausting!}

{The BFF also 'scored' this sweet 1800's Autograph Book with Red Velvet Covers, the Handwriting & Graphics inside was exquisite too!  We're going to rebind it with Vintage Velvet & Lace.}

{The BFF and I 'scored' some of these Antique Opera & Concert Venues, I love Ephemera.}

{A Serious Collector is going to be ecstatic about this Louis Vuitton Trunk!}

{And my fav 'score' from the Event was this fabulous Vintage huge round bubble textured Enamelware container with great Golden Graphics... a Translation anyone?  I'm sure it says something about give us Bread, and I think it's in German, but we couldn't figure out some of the words??! }

I Hope you're enjoying our stroll through SWEET SALVAGE'S "Romancing The Home" Event? Since it was also the day of The Melrose Crawl up and down 7th Avenue's Shops I made a day of it and awaited the BFF Tina being able to get off work later and join us.

I was inspired by so many things... Loving the Idea to use old Ice-Cream Parlour Seats that have no cushions as planters by installing various interesting shaped Baskets and Galvanized Tin to hold the Greenery and Flowers.  I have several sitting around the Property in just that condition and now until I get around to restoring and reupholstering them I plan to utilize them in this Creative and Beautiful way in my Gardens!   And nestling Flowers and Succulents inside of Old Tool Boxes and Metal Filing Boxes that have great Patina and Colors is another great Idea I plan to replicate in my Garden and on our Patio.  I always find those types of Metal Containers at the Flea Markets and Thrifts and now I have a great Purpose for them.

I still had my Christmas Gift Money to spend... since I had to return the Vintage Style Bike. Yes, sadly it's true, I was too short to ride it safely and it was adjusted as low as it would go so I made the decision to return it and treat myself to other Christmas Gifts with the refund.  I didn't mind too much, after all, the possibility of me having a biking accident & possibly breaking a hip or something was too vivid an image to risk, at this Season of Life there's no coming back from some injuries so I opted on the side of safety and well being. *Winks*   I'm thinking more along the line of opting for an Adult Tricycle later on, I like those.  But for now walking is good exercise and strolling 7th Avenue during the Melrose Crawl and the Sweet Event was a pleasurable way to spend my rare free day all to myself.  Knowing I could purchase something ultra Special as my belated Christmas Gifts had me eager to find those Special Treasures that would make my Heart sing.  And The Son had waited until this Month to Surprise me with extra Christmas Gift Money from him to spend too, so I was jazzed!!!   I'm sharing some more of the 'Scores' that the BFF and I took Home from the Event.
And tomorrow we shall conclude the SWEET SALVAGE tour... I still have a bounty of Inspirational Images to Share with you my Friends... you know I'm the Queen of Excess when it comes to Pathological Picture Taking of Beautiful things! *Winks*

Dawn... The Bohemian 
