I am Blessed to have a Fun Loving Family that always makes me Smile and makes a day Special with their sense of Humor and Love... because this Mother's Day was Bittersweet for me.  You see, it was the 1st Mother's Day in my entire Life where I couldn't spend the day with my Mom. The 1st Mother's Day ever that she wasn't living in close proximity to spend time in person and do things together on this Special Day devoted to Mothers. 

And that was harder for me than I thought it would be... really hard in fact... and I really missed the Special Times we usually Shared together every Mother's Day for well over half a Century.  But it also made me realize how very Blessed I had been to have been able to spend that many years enjoying my own Mother's Company... since so many people don't have that. 

So it gave me empathy, compassion and a point of reference for how it feels and the void it leaves.  It made me realize how our Daughters must feel being so far away from us on Mother's Day and Father's Day... and how the G-Kid Force here feels not to be able to spend Mother's Day and so many other days with their Mommy... or Daddy... at such tender ages.  I was having trouble handling it and I'm grown & enjoyed so many years with Mom & Dad... so it made my Heart particularly ache for them. Though Mommy always calls... long distance contact is just not the same and this Mother's Day I felt how they must feel... and dealt with what they must deal with daily.

You're probably wondering what this Image is that you're looking at & I have chosen to Share as my Lead Post Image?   Mother's Day Morning Princess T said she had a surprise for me in the Garden... I Love how Children think outside of the box and express their Creativity so spontaneously and uniquely... it never ceases to make me Smile... and I needed that this Mother's Day since I was dealing with a range of emotions.  We'd had some fierce Dust Storms and Monsoon Weather lately so the Garden was a mess and I couldn't imagine what she had done out there to make it Special... but she exceeded my expectations & made Childlike Magic happen out there!!!

She had obviously spent considerable time and effort Creating this Magical scene, where Confetti seemed to be suspended in mid-air... wafting gently in the breeze... as she had dusted & festooned every gossamer Spiderweb she could find with the tiny Colorful Confetti flakes!!!  Pure Genius... I Loved her Surprise for me!!!  I don't know how the Spiders will handle it... but maybe it will Create a Partylike Fiesta atmosphere for them as they dine on whatever else their web catches?  And Good Lord I didn't realize how busy the Spiders had been out there making their Homes! *Winks*

The G-Kid Force, The Son and the visiting Auntie from Texas had all done so much to make this Mother's Day very Special...  I had Gifts... a Home Pedi & Mani... Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner out... yes, I was indulged.  I'd had Calls and Cards from The Daughters... so with the exception of not being able to spend time with my own Mom it was indeed a Lovely Weekend Celebration!  And of coarse everyone wanted to go to my Booth at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST to check it out... it was the first visit for The Son so we really enjoyed trawling the Mall together.  I had been taking him to places like this since early Childhood seeking out our Found Treasures so he enjoyed it & we reminisced.


And he's a lot of Fun to be with, he's got a zany sense of Humor... this is his Apache Warrior Pose...

And Captain Morgan Pose...  *LOL*

And we both reminisced about Special Times spent with my Dear Mom... his Dear Nanna...

So I knew I wasn't the only one missing her... but Thankfully we have a Host of Happy Memories and know that she's in the best of Care with my Brother and Family in Cali looking out for her and being able to spend Special Times with her in person like we always enjoyed here in Arizona.

And it was so much Fun having the BFF Kathie, who is one of the G-Kids Favorite Aunties, visiting from Texas and being able to spend Mother's Day with us, making it ultra-Special for us all.... we had some real good Times... I really miss her too... and the rest of the extended Family that has relocated to Texas!   And they miss us also so there will probably be future visits back and forth between the two States as regularly as we all can manage it.

She had never been to my Booth either so of coarse we made a visit this Weekend... she's an avid Junquer also... it's just in our Blood!  *Winks*  She Loved the Mall and Imagining what we'd Feather our Nests with if the Budgets were unlimited... *LOL*  We're insatiable like that when it comes to Good Times Together and Loving Beautiful things to surround ourselves with... and always have Fun whether the Budget is busted or in times of plenty... and certainly we've been through the good times and the bad together... in Unity.

And that's what makes Mother's Day, and any day for that matter, so Special... not the stuff... not the presents, though that is nice... but the People who mean so very much and extend unconditional Love to each other and show it in their action, their words, the Time they choose to spend with each other. And I am Truly Blessed beyond Measure that my Inner Circle is so full of such People in my Life!  And YOUR Gift to me this Mother's Day my Friends was that I had my 400th Supporter on Mother's Day!!!  Now how Cool, amazing and Wonderful is that!?!?!?!  Thank You my Blog Community Friends for Valuing my tiny niche here in the Land of Blog and for your Visits and Comments and Friendship!!!

And I Pray and Hope for you that your Circle is full of Special People, Love and a Celebration of you too my Friends!?  And even if you have neglected such Time spent in the Past with those that you Truly Value that you will consider it in the Present and the Future so that there are no regrets... and if your Inner Circle isn't as large as you would like for it to be that you make it a priority this year to expand it outwards and bring more Dear People into it to Love and Cherish and spend Special Time together with.

Not turning our backs on People or becoming so busy that we fail to see or act and not display the Value they have in their very Being ... Because as the Wise and most Loving Mother Teresa once said:

"Loneliness is the most terrible poverty."
"We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."

I Hope you had a Happy and Love filled Mother's Day my Friends... Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian