Well, the Big Memorial Day Event at THE BRASS ARMADILLO was a blast and it couldn't have gone better, we had a massive turnout all four days and Treasures were steadily moving out the doors.  The "Name Your Own Price" Event on Monday was especially well received... as everyone haggled and negotiated for their best prices.

There were grilled Hamburgers and Hotdogs on Saturday and Sunday... and a Dealer's Breakfast Monday Morning in prepartion for the "Name Your Own Price Event"... and Pizza served at Lunchtime so that we could stay and concentrate on Serving & Bartering with our Customers.

I really had a good time and was able to be there from opening to closing on Monday... it was super busy the entire time and the Event was so successful I Hope we do it again sometime soon. 

Pamela and I were up on the 2nd Floor to give you Panoramic Bird's Eye Views of the Event...

And I had my trusty Camera by my side throughout the Event to capture some of the Lovelies you could discover there...

I had some of my "Helpers" with me on Saturday... it's hard work being Gramma's Executive Assistant... but at least she got to wear a Cool B.A. Cap and feel very important! *Winks*

I just Loved this Vignette...

And this Peacock Feather Head-dress in Ray's Booth...

And some of you have been swooning & drooling over the Antique Butterfly Display I 'scored' here at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST... so I thought I'd let you know that there were some more Butterfly Collections showing up in various Booths in a variety of sized Displays and price points to suit every budget...

Here I am ready for a good Gypsy Haggle... *Winks*   I LOVE the Art of the Deal, don't you?  Well... of coarse you do... who doesn't like getting a Deal or delighting someone by giving them a good Deal and that same euphoric, wonderful feeling, right?  I want to Thank every Customer that came by to  buy and to visit, it was a Joy meeting you.


Now you might be wondering if I also took the time to negotiate some Deals of my own for Treasures I couldn't live without? *LOL*  Well... of coarse I did silly, how could I resist?  But we'll leave the Reveal of what I 'scored' for another Post, okay? *He he he... don't you also Love Suspense? Winks*  

Yeah, I did get some AWESOME Deals and fab Treasures... and I could see, from up in the rafters, that other eager Shoppers had their arms full of Treasures as well.  Here's some Ladies Shopping at my Friends Myko & Brett's Booth...

This Dealer has some Whimsical Metal Creations and Mantiques... and the most adorable Old Golden Labrador Retreiver, Max, that is his 'Executive Assistant' *Winks*...

This is one of the New Dealer Booths with a very Feminine, Romantic Vibe...

And of coarse I'll be shamelessly plugging various items from my Booth {#44} throughout this Post... *LOL*  I have so much Fun Sourcing Treasures for resale... and the constant rotation of Inventory gives me ample opportunity to Decorate & Style to my Heart's content.

Okay... so you already know my Love of Cloches is Legendary... Adored this Vignette under Glass that Myko Styled...

I felt very Undercover getting these Skyline Shots for you all... *Smiles*  The Upper Level is not yet open to the Public so you're getting a Special Treat coming up here with us Virtually.  *Winks* 

If I ever had a Pool in the back portion of our Acreage I'd certainly set up a Tiki Hut and Polynesian Vibe... so I was envisioning this little Tiki Bar Poolside, on the Canvas of my Imagination.

And Ray's Booth always transports me back to Hawaii... his amazing Retro Paradise Vintage Surfboard is now offered for Sale!!! *Swooning*  He said he has more at Home he could bring in... Color me Green with Vintage Surfboard Signage Envy!!!   I'd LOVE to own this one!  Even without yet having the backyard Pool or Tiki Hut!  *LOL*  It would be my Inspiration Piece...

But until budget permits, perhaps I'll have to settle for a more Modest Inspiration Piece... like this Vintage carved Coco Bar Hawaiian Maiden!?!   I'm considering her...

I was intrigued by the Vintage Cabinet with "3600" engraved on it... wonder what it's Story is?  And who doesn't Love Vintage Luggage, Globes, Cameras, Signage & Dress Forms?!?  *Winks*


I got to meet a new Dealer & Artist, Jackson, Booth 609, who Creates the most amazing Custom Belt Buckles and other beautiful Silversmith Creations.   He looks every part the Old West Cowboy.  He told me that if you can Dream up the Perfect Buckle, he can Create it for you!   His Portfolio was quite impressive.

Old Trunk Love... especially those that still have the original Stickers from all their Travels...

This is an Aerial View of the back half of the Mall... which as you can see, is as busy, full & popular as the front and middle portions now that we're over 95% Occupied!  Precious few Booths & Cases are left now to Rent.

I went a little berserk with the Mardi Gras Beads... I have always enjoyed Decorating with them and handing them out at Parties... so Festive and Fun... and an inexpensive way to add to Sparkle and Gaudy Glam to a Space. 

I'm definitely going to have to Source some more Vintage China and Porcelain pieces... it goes fast...

And I was thrilled to Source some Miniature Zarapes to go with my Fiesta Party Vibe... why not mix New Orleans Mardi Gras Party Style with Mexican Fiesta Party Style... a Party is a Party and I enjoy mixing and matching various Styles & Themes.  I say go with whatever you Love... there are no real concrete Rules to Decorating in my Book... Create your own Unique Style that Represents you best and Delights you most.  

I really Love the Vagabond Exchange Booth... they have a great Personal Vibe & interesting Inventory.   Their Kids were also being Executive Assistants during this Event and had the cutest Idea of carting around Vintage Bottles for Sale for a Dollar in their Old Red Radio Flyer Wagon & Advertising Mom & Dad's Booth!  Don't you just Love a Young Entreprenuer that adores & appreciates Vintage already & participates in the Family Biz!!!????

Okay so this is a crappy out of focus shot of this great set of Vintage Thermos...
 but by the time I realized it hadn't turned out so great, well, they were Sold... and I just hadda Share them.


A Simple Romantic Vignette attracts me every time...

And though I don't personally Collect them... I have always thought that Vintage Head Vases were so Old Hollywood Glam!

And a good sized Collection of things always looks way Cool...  I wonder if those Heavy Lashes cause most of these Gals to have their eyes shut!?  *LOL*

And Gals, if you're looking for your Knight In Shining Armor... look no more... here he is... {the one on the Left, the other Guy is an innocent bystander who is probably someone else's Knight & spoken for... in fact I'm fairly certain he was patiently waiting on his Fair Maiden to emerge from that Booth?!?} *Winks*

My Friend and Booth Neighbor, Suzie, has these numbered Mickey & Minnie Mouse Plush Dolls with Wooden Faces & Feet for Sale in her Booth.

And I'm giving more shameless plugs to my Friends Booths throughout this Post too because as Kindred Spirits, we tend to like the same stuff and Styles... Myko had just finished putting a Patriotic Red, White & Blue Memorial Day Styling to her Booth in Honor of those that have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Country.

This Memorial Day I also Hope that you Remembered those that have Given All and Appreciate their Selfless Sacrifice and Pray for the Loved Ones they have left behind?

I was Touched that the little Vintage Doll is missing one Sock & Shoe... much like many Young Ones may be missing their Fallen Hero Parent(s) that Served and never came Home.

I also like Myko & Brett's Collection of Vintage Horse Ribbons and Equestrian Collectibles.

And my Friend Char has some great Vintage Song Books in her Booths.  I'll be showing you some that have caught my eye... LOVE the Graphics on this one...

And the Font and Beautiful Aqua Hue of this one...

And what's not to Love about an Indian Love Song?  That was one of my Dear Dad's Favorites...
And I have to Wonder... if Gwynne Woolworth is by chance a direct descendant of THE Woolworth Dimestore Family?

And it was REALLY difficult to resist this trio of huge Old Movie Reels in three different Metal hues!

Like I mentioned before, The Vagabond Exchange Booth has some really neat stuff!

Yeah, there were many Booths I discovered Treasures in that I would have liked to own...

But Thankfully, long Shifts Selling made it so that I was usually too tired to actually Shop for Self. *Whew*

But it was a "Good Tired"... the kind that makes for a thoroughly enjoyable and productive day.

And getting to see so many gorgeous Treasures coming in and going out was particularly enjoyable! 

A Feast for the Eyes in fact!!!

You know how much I Love Turquoise hues... well, I managed to Source TWO Vintage Turquoise Cake Stands during a recent Junquing Expedition... one to Sell in my Booth...

 And one to keep and use at Home... how Cool & Perfect is THAT?!?

This gorgeous Celluloid Jewelry Box with amazing Castle Scene didn't last long...

But Thankfully this Dealer has a great Selection of Vintage & Antique Jewelry Boxes...

An Aerial View from the Back of the Mall towards the Front...

The same Dealer that has those gorgeous Jewelry Boxes also has some gorgeous Vintage & Antique Photo Albums as well...  Loved this three dimensional one!

And how Sweet is a Birdhouse constructed from Vintage Soda Crates?

And I'm still Lusting after this Gypsy Steamer Trunk with cut Velvet interior.

In fact, if you're looking for Antique Steamer Trunks there are several at the Mall... this one is in my Booth Neighbors, Kendra & Suzie's Space.   You're gonna Love these Gal's Vintage Retro Styling too!


This New Dealer's Booth had a lot of Eye Candy that caught my attention...

I grew up around a Collection of Old Clocks and so I still Love them, this is a fine specimen.  I remember hearing them all chiming on the Hour around our Home... and the Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks were a particular Childhood Delight that I enjoyed of my Parent's Clock Collection.

And this Sweet grouping of Vintage Dolls in Myko & Brett's Booth is too Cute!

Another Booth of yet another of our Newest Dealers... Loving their Vibe and Inventory!

Yes, this Event was Fun indeed!  And I'm so glad you decided to come along Virtually and join us... but it would be even better if...

The next time you could join us in Person!?!


An Aerial View of My Booth #44... with Treasures waiting just for You!  *Winks*

Another angle...

Some of the Cute Inventory at my Friend Pamela's Showroom...

She always Sources the best Vintage Ephemera and Collectibles.  I don't know how or why I resisted this Turquoise BINGO Card with sliding number covers?!?  Sometimes I just get so busy Photographing the Treasures that I forget to Purchase the ones I was most strongly attracted to!!   *Darn!*

So be sure to stop by Pamela's Showroom too... it's the one with the Neon "VINTAGE" Sign lit up at the Entrance of it and Scrapbook Heaven inside of it.

Until next time... I Pray you have a Great Day my Friends!

Happy & Successful Junquing Adventures!!!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
