Even though we've lived on our Property for well over a decade now, its large enough that we still haven't explored every outbuilding, every crack, every crevice that might reveal even more hidden Treasures waiting to be found!

And so it is the Property that keeps on Giving and I just Love that aspect of it... of the Mysteries still awaiting Discovery!  And this week was one such Discovery as The Man continued his Great Edit & Purge of 2012 in some of the Storage Outbuildings he utilizes.  Behind some Old Lockers he found an Old Tin Box wedged behind them!!!

And when he lifted the lid he knew he'd be Surprising me with the ultimate 'Bohemian Bling Score' that would Bedazzle me and make my pulse race!

Yes, it was an Old Tin Box FULL of Bohemian Bling!!!

Oodles of Vintage Earrings and an Old Watch!!!  *As I opened the Lid, be still my beating Heart!!!*

It was like the Ultimate Junquing 'Score' right on our own Property... hidden for who knows how long?!?  All of the Earrings are clip-on Style and as the Young Prince and I sorted them into matching pairs & arranged them on Silver Trays, there was a grand total of 112 Earring Sets!!!  And not an orphaned one in the bunch!


Now... it's not as if any of these Vintage Earrings is particularly valuable, but to me this Discovery was Priceless because it is another part of the History of our Home & Property...

Someone else's Collection that mirrors my own Passion and Style... so they could have been very much like me in fact, Kindred Spirits?!  And how incredible is that!?


It was a bit like Christmas in May as the G-Kid Force and I, giddy with excitement, rifled through that Tin Box and spread out our Stash of Lovelies...

Discovering each one and picking out our Favorites... though I must say, there were none that we didn't like, that didn't hold a Special appeal... but yeah, there were Favs.  *Winks*


And it made me wonder how long had it been since these had been hidden away... how long since their Vintage Beauty & Uniqueness had been beheld and appreciated?

Certainly it had been almost 20 years at the very least since we have lived here over 12 years and it had been Vacant and in Probate for years before that...


And judging by the Style of the Vintage Leather Cuff Watchband *LOL* I'm guessing 1960's-1970's Era... I remember those and it's been a long time since I've seen one!  Remember when those were popular?!? *Smiles*

And certainly many of the Earrings are from my Mom's Era, because she had a massive Vintage Bohemian Earring Collection gleaned from around the World in her Travels and many of these resembled those Styles and materials used.  In fact, Mom would have Loved this Collection and worn any of them... as I was growing up her Earrings were always a source of fascination and awe.

Mom would Collect and wear the most outrageous and Boheme' Earrings she could find... and in Welsh Gypsy flair she would Bedazzle everyone with her Beautiful Exotic Bohemian look & Style.
I will have to do some minor repairs on a few of the pieces... but thankfully most of the Bling & Pearls that had fallen off over the years were still in the Tin and so they can be restored.   I'm just amazed at how well preserved these actually were after decades stored in an Adobe Outbuilding without air conditioning in the Arizona Desert extremes of temperatures!

And without further adue, here are a few of our Favs... no small feat when you're awash in 112 choices of which you like best?! *LOL*  So narrowing it down for which to show you in detail and close-ups was not easy... But the above set was definitely a hands-down Fav of mine.

And the G-Kid Force chose this Set as a hands-down Fav of theirs...


But to be sure each had their Special Appeal and you just cannot beat Vintage Style can you?

And I can see myself Creating some awesome custom Jewelry out of many of these...

Yet another of my Special Favs... Loving the Color combination and Chunky Cabochon.

The Opalescent Stones just send out such fire, Love 'em!

And Bead Lover than I am, any over-the-top compilation of Vintage Beads and Rhinestones is going to captivate me!

There were lots of interesting materials used in many of the pieces...

And Pearls... probably all faux... but who among us doesn't still Love Pearly Vintage Jewelry, whether the Real Deal or faux?!?

And those Sputnik Glass Bead and Bright Plastic with Rhinestone Sets... Love it!

This was a pair that Princess T was diggin'... she's very much the Romantic Bohemian that one...

And Prince R was diggin' the Colorful Disco Ball Stone set... the G-Kid Force Love playing with Gramma's Collections as much, if not moreso, than playing with Toys... because the Imagination can soar and what Stories we can come up with!  *Smiles* 

I'm sure there's a Story for each pair of these... in the finding and Collecting of them over the years... so we can only Imagine the History and Tales of the Thrill of each Hunt...

And what led the Original Owner to stash them away, secretly hidden and wedged securely behind a large set of Old Lockers in an Old Adobe Storage Building on the back half of our Acre?

And why were they left behind?  Perhaps forgotten?  Or perhaps the Property of someone who passed from Time into Eternity, taking the Secret with them to the grave?

We know that this Property was built at the turn of the Century and continuously owned & occupied by the same Family until the last of the Descendants passed.  But over the years the large Property was broken up... the Main House into several Apartments & the Carriage House & Cottages in back were all rented out for additional income when the last Descendant was battling a serious illness.

Sweet little Straw Bonnets with dyed Seed Pearls that the G-Kid Force chose as a mutual Fav.

So... was this stash owned by the Abbott-Case Family or one of their many Tenants I wonder?

And now... now they're owned by us... and will become a part of our Story...


And please join us over at COMMON GROUND for a Vintage Inspiration Blog Linky Party!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
