Psssttt... Hey, do you want to come along and get a VIP sneak preview before the Grand Opening this Morning at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST my Friends? 

Be prepared for a LOT of Eye Candy & Found Treasures with a Vintage Vibe...

The 900+ Dealers have been bringing cartloads in all week in preparation for the Big Event starting Today at 9:00 am and running through 9:00 pm Sunday Night!

Check out this FABULOUS Vintage Schwinn Bicycle my Friend Janet has in one of her Booths! 

 *Insert Swoon of epic proportions!*

OMG I so want a Bike like this!!!  Those little tail-lights are awesome and what great condition this Vintage Beauty is in, no restoration needed!

Sweet little Child's Vintage Jacket & Boots...

I enjoy using Vintage & Unique Wardrobe as Decor, don't you?

The florals tucked into the well worn Boots are just the right touch!

The Hue of this Vintage Luggage Set is to die for!!!  *Swooning*

Vernors is my Dear Mom's favorite drink... she'd Love this rare Vintage Vernors Cooler!

And what's not to Love about anything Created out of Vintage Tablecloths!?!  *Winks*

Or anything representing my favorite Birds... Peacocks!?!!!

And I have a penchant for Old Bottles too... and Michael has an enormous selection in various hues...

At a really great price for any size!

So if you're looking for a great Old Bottle with Hues aged to Perfection by Time for your Altered Art projects or to Display...

This is the place to come for them...

And there's even some Vintage Opium Bottles left behind by the Chinese Railroad Workers... yeah, unfortunately drug problems aren't just a Modern Phenomenon... 

And I'm always drawn to anything with Turquoise or Aqua Hues...

Or da Bling!!!  *LOL*

Yeah, the Gypsy in me just Loves that Bling!  *Winks*  The flashier the better!  *LOL*

And here's one of my fav Styled Booths... with a Cool Retro Tiki Vibe... Ray did a good job Styling this...

And like me he's downsizing his vast Collections amassed over a Lifetime... and I know  you'll want some of this to go from his House directly to Yours!!!  *Smiles*  Obviously he and I share some similar Passions... *Winks*  LOVING the Peacock Inventory!!!

And I wish his Cool Retro Paradise Surfboard Signage was for Sale... that would look Killer in an Outdoor Party Room with a Tropical Motif!!!  I'd feel as though I finally made it to Bora Bora... *Winks*

And while we're sipping Tropical Drinks with those little Umbrellas tucked in we could listen to some Classic Jimi Hendrix on the Jukebox... or make our own Music with the Vintage Guitars!?

I know... I know... we live in a Desert and though there's tons of Beach, there's no Surf... but remember... we're Vacationing on the Canvas of our Imaginations my Friends... so it's all good...

And some Hawaiian, Cali or Tiki Accents can set the Mood...

And Ray's Booth can be one of the places you Source your Tiki & Vintage Beach Treasures... 

And I spied plenty of Vintage Trunks, Old Suitcases, fabulous Exotic Fabrics throughout the Mall!

And even an authentic Vintage Jaguar Coat!!!   Now don't get me wrong, I'm an Animal Lover and I don't buy Modern Furs... but the Vintage and Antique ones have been a long time gone... so no Hate
Mail please for profiling some Vintage Furs & Curated Taxidermy!  *Smiles*

And being that Mom is Welsh and I was born in the Hills of Wales when my Dad was stationed over there in the Military you know I was totally digging this Welsh Flag!   In fact, this Booth has an amazing array of British Isles Collectibles from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

And I'm always Loving the Vintage Silver and Silverplate... this Dealer has theirs Shined... but many others leave theirs Tarnished... so whatever Camp you prefer, Shines or Tarnished...  you'll find it... *Winks*

I prefer mine Tarnished most of the time but I'm not opposed to a Shine... and I just discovered that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleans Tarnish off Silver in one easy swipe!!!  Who knew?!?  God Bless whoever Invented Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, you're my Hero... so many wonderful uses for those things!   *Smiles*


And what a Novel way to Repurpose Old Maps AND Old Dressers!  This would look great in a Study or a Boy's Room.


The Man has a penchant for Maps... and for the rest of you who share this Passion, you'll find a wide array of Vintage Maps at the Mall too!

And my Friend Pamela's Showroom has some great Upcycled uses for Vintage Game Boards!  I told her I'm totally Stealing... um, I mean Borrowing, this Idea!  *Winks*

And I Sourced my Vintage Bingo Numbers and Cards and Vintage Scrabble Tiles from Pamela's Showroom and Case too!  She has a wide assortment of Ephemera, Vintage Game Pieces, Scrapbook Supplies and Found Treasures!

In fact, if Ephemera is your Thing you're going to be delighted at how many Dealers carry a great assortment for you to discover!!!

And Vintage or Antique China...

License Plates... Art...

Architectural Salvage...


Rustic... Tuscan... Southwestern...



OOAK Creative Touches... like this cute faux Cake made of Silk Floral Petals & Flowers...

Romantic Touches...


Who doesn't adore a Lovely Old Steamer Trunk after all?!? 

Or painted Vintage Furniture and Upcycled Found Treasures?!?

And Old Photos and Photo Albums...

Old Doors and Old Doorknobs...

Vintage Horse Ribbons...

And Simply Shabulous Accessories and Decor in delicate Pastels...

Old Tins and Containers...

Bird Cages...

Floral Accents...

And great Inspiration everywhere you look... so many of the Dealers have Styled their Spaces so Beautifully that you can't help but be Inspired by the Variety and Styling Ideas.

And even if you decide to go with a totally different Style you could Source everything you need in one convenient location my Friends... because if you can't find it here... it probably doesn't exist!?  *Winks... Okay so I'm totally exaggerating... but with 900+ different Dealers under one roof you've got a pretty good chance of finding that elusive Treasure & scoring it!*

And there are items here that you might spend years trying to Source by going from place to place to place to find it...

So whether your Thing is Vintage Hollywood Glam...

And Vintage Hollywood was all about the Glam...

And ever so Classy...

Or trying to discover a Vintage Mini Doctor's Bag...

Or Feather your Nest with some great Antique Furnishings...

You could 'score' it this Weekend my Friends at our Grand Opening Sale!  I was totally smitten with this Antique Needlepoint Chair... the Colors were Perfect and I liked that it was gently worn to give it Character.

And this was the tiniest little Taxidermy Head I'd ever seen... and I thought it would look absolutely Precious with a Tiara atop it's little Head!   But I might start something if I brought it Home... since The Man Loves Taxidermy and then I'd have Moose Heads or something being dragged in and hung up {shudder}... so I passed on the Sweet Antelope Head {at least that's what I think it is?}.

And there are still New Dealers moving in daily... and they're so Creative... can't wait to see what Treasures this Dealer will bring in... Loved the way the Booth was being Decorated... we're almost at 100% Occupancy now!

Love Vintage Hankies...

And how Cool is this Vintage Toy Dog... in fact it felt like real Hair?!?!?!?!?!?

Another New Dealer that just moved in... with great Signage and a Mantique Garage Vibe!

And yet another New Dealer... Loved the Styling of this Space... and her Man is quite handy at building her Visions too... she's got the Ideas and he has the Talent to Build it... so we totally have that in common!  *Winks*

I told her I'm totally Stealing   Borrowing this Ladder Shelving Idea too...

I think I might be Channeling Desi Arnaz?!?  *Winks*

And for those who Adore Vintage Militaria... there is an abundance of it here at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST!

And now that I've given you unprecidented Insider Access before the Big
Sale my Friends so that you could get a sneak peek at just some of the things that caught my eye this week that was being brought in for the Event... will you help me to put some new Inventory in my Booth please???   Pretty Please...

I found a Cool Old Cedar Box... Loved the way it's carved and who doesn't Love the smell of Cedarchests of any size?

And this one has a Sweet Country Scene...

And these Folk Art Japanese Dolls are so darn Cute!!!

I Loved the Vintage Fabrics they're made of and the Coy expressions on their Sweet faces...

So hard to let go of great pieces that I'm also drawn to... and Love to Decorate with...

But I knew they'd look great in my Booth and so here they are scattered about...

And for the Collectible Liquor Bottle Collector, how about a Jim Beam Surfer Fox c. 1975 but in Victorian Era Swimwear?!?  *LOL*

I mean how Cool is he Surfing in a Top Hat?!?  Okay... so how Cool is it that a Fox is Surfing at all!?!?!???!!!   *LOL*   You only see sights like this when you've drank too much Jim Beam I think? *Winks* 

And I do find that I tend to Source Treasure subconsciously with the Color Scheme and Palette that lends itself well to my Booth without even knowing it until I start putting it all in there!!!  Turquoise and Aqua seem to be a recurrent 'draw' for the Found Treasures I'm Sourcing as Booth Fodder!  *LOL*   Well... at least I'm consistent!!!   *Smiles*

The Art of Sister Berta Hummel is always so Precious...

And I was fortunate to find two Plates from consecutive years {good years they were too... winks} both with the Turquoise Edging... Perfect!!!

And a Sweet Mustache Mug... with Aqua Blue Florals...

And this Old China Cat which I just Loved... so hard to part with this Kitty... she kept wanting to stay here at the Bohemian Valhalla Residence...

And frankly if she doesn't sell I won't be terribly disappointed because she can always come Home with me any day...  *Smiles*

And that's the Fun part of having my own Booth now... I can Source Found Treasures and rotate them in and out of the House... buying what I Love and catches my eye and knowing that I don't have to keep it all... I can pass any or all of it along to You my Friends...

This Vintage Globe is actually a Bank!  It's got some dings over the years but I still thought it was Cute...

And since my Shell Collection Addiction is Legendary I'm happy to be able to pass some of my Seaside Treasures and Reading Material on to you also my Friends...  I swear I almost have more Shells than the Ocean!?!  *Winks*

But can one really have too much of a good thing?  I think not...

And look what other Neat Treasure I 'scored' for the Booth... a handmade Beaded Spear!!!

I can't keep something like this no matter how much Love I might have for it... could you just Imagine what the G-Kid Force would do with a Weapon like this?!?  *LOL*   Holy Mother of God, they turn EVERYTHING into Weapons and use it against each other so the Real Deal simply cannot stay or somebody would end up speared around here... but it was way too Cool to pass up... so off to the Booth it went... *Winks*

I liked this Cut Glass Vase with the Red Glass accents...

I really Like how the Booth is coming together my Friends... you're doing a good Job helping me out here...

And now all we have to do is make is smell pretty... Nag Champa being my scent of choice...  my Co-Workers always say they can smell me before they even see me... but in a Good way *Smiles*... as the scent of Nag Champa wafts behind & around me... everywhere I go... *LOL*

And we've worked up such an appetite on this Tour and foofing the Booth that we'll now head to FLAVORS OF LOUISIANA for a Catfish Po Boy and some spiced Potato Salad... YUM!!!

I Hope you've seen some things that you just couldn't Live without my Friends because I'd Love to see you at the Event... remember, it's Free Pizza, Hourly Give-Aways & Gift Certificates to the first 100 peeps Today...  and Saturday come back for free Hotdogs and 50's Style Loose Meat Sandwiches, Hourly Give-Aways & Gift Certificates to the first 100 peeps through the door... then Sunday it's Cookies, more Hourly Give-Aways and another 100 Gift Certificates to the first 100!

Peace be with you... Blessings from the Arizona Desert...  Dawn... The Bohemian