Okay, so we're back to SWEET SALVAGE for the 2nd Installment of the "Destination Found" Event... which will be going on through Today... but you better hurry over because Sunday is the last day of the Event!  Though next Month June 21st-24th will be the next Event with a "Summer Lovin'" Theme, bringing you thousands of reasons to Love Summer!

And I know that here in Arizona the Summers can be fierce, but I do so still Love Summer... and am still seeking out that perfect Bike to tool around Town on.  This Vintage Bamboo Bike was awesome... and there were several Vintage Bikes at the Event this Month to drool over!

But I admit this one was my favorite... and so Unique.

I have a Passion for Old Books too so though none were on my Shopping List of "gotta haves" since my Collection is already vast, I was still admiring some of those that caught my eye with Charming Graphics and Beautifully Aged Covers, especially those in Sepia Tones.  I'm obviously not the only Old Book Fanatic and Admirer, as the Lady in front of me at the Checkout was buying a virtual Library of Lovely Old Books!  *Smiles*

And as Promised I'm giving you a different Style and Vibe in Today's Post, Covering some of the other awesome Vignettes at the Shop... such as the Serene French Nordic look... which I find very captivating and Beautiful, even though it wouldn't work for me.

If you Love Old Keys then there was an abundance of them available at this Event and they were Showcased Beautifully in the Old Typeset Drawers...

Some of these Fab compartmented Drawers are definitely on my "Wish List"... though finding an entire Antique Typeset Cabinet full of them would be Ideal.  *Winks, if you're gonna Dream, well, Dream Big I always say!*

I could definitely Organize my Jewelry Findings, Bohemian Bling, Old Keys and Smalls awaiting their turn at a Bohemian Treasures Creation in these types of awesome Old Storage.  One day... one day...

And though this awesome Book on French Nordic Style by Jeanne D'Arc Living was not within my current budget, it is one that I'd Love to eventually have in my Decorating Library... every Page was filled with Inspiration and Beauty...

Sorry... my appreciation for and fascination with Old Suitcases and Trunks runs deep... they draw me like a Moth to a Flame... and though it is difficult, I'm finally parting with some of my Old Suitcase Overage... I have some duplicates and my stacks are getting frighteningly high... *LOL*  But I never know when an awesome one will Tempt me... so it's not as if I won't still drag a few Home now and again! *Smiles*

And of coarse da Bling ALWAYS makes me take a 2nd Look!!! *Smiles*

Are you kidding... you KNOW I gotta take way more than just a 2nd Look!!!  *Winks*

With us Gypsy Gals da Bling is most definitely a weakness... if you can't see us from the Road then we're obviously not wearing enough!  *LOL*  And forget about demure restraint when it comes to our Fashion and preferred Style, go Big or go Home is our Mantra... Theatrical Style would even be an understatement!   That's why I prefer to call it Gypsy Style... *Smiles*

And there was absolutely no shortage of Bling for your own guilty indulgences... or to Gift the Special Peeps in your Life with...  And how Cool was this Signage spelling that out my Friends?!

And for the Francophile at Heart then the Frenchiness was abundant as well... and I was Loving it since I Adore French Style... what's not to Love?!   French Bistro Chairs are the most comfy Outdoor Seating ever IMO... and this was a Lovely Set. As was the Killer full sized Child Mannequin Dress Form hanging from an amazing wrought iron Stand!!!  *Insert me Swooning*

I Love the Color... the Age and even the Water Stains which gave it so much Character and Time Worn Beauty... this would certainly have Tempted me to blow the budget...

Had it not already be "SOLD"!  *Whew... As she breathes a sigh of relief and Winks*  Yep, the Lightening Fast Peeps had 'Scored' again!  *LOL*  These are pretty rare though so a High Five to whever won out on this amazing 'Score', they're probably still floating on their Adrenalin High!

But even if your budget was more modest you could still 'Score' some Lovely little Treasures and not blow the Bank...

Ah... nothing says French quite like Fresh growing and Blooming Lavender... and it looked Lovely  in a Vintage Tub Planter...

And there was tons of Architectural Salvage and Old Burlap too my Friends... so On Trend right now...

And wasn't this Vignette a Vision in Romantic Styling?

The right amount of Shabby and yet Chic...

I'm still an Admirer of all that is Shabby and White even though I don't Decorate with it so much personally & Color with Exotic Accents always remains my Mainstay... it always looks so Fresh, Serene and Pristine... well, if it's at YOUR House anyway... not so much with the Crew here... *LOL*
If you've got a rough and hard Crew it's much easier & practical to roll with a Bohemian flair. *Smiles*

Ah... I spied another great Old Globe that someone hadn't yet snatched up... yet being the key word here...  And how Cool is that little Cake Safe?

And the Green of this Old Worn Desk...  Yep, 'SOLD'... And being surrounded by admirers... I had a challenge to even Photograph it.

I really like Old Silver and Silverplate... and especially those that have Engraving on them...

And that Old Bell was darling... but I had a premonition of hearing it being dinged every time one of the Bohemian Valhalla Crew wanted to Summons me to their every beck and call... so forget about it... *LOL*

There was no shortage of Great Old Chairs this time around... I am so envious of those of you who can Decorate with these already... by the time I get the last of the Crew out of the House I'm afraid I might be too Old to bother... *LOL*

And I don't know what type of Chemical Slides these were, but the fact the Cool Old Industrial Cabinet was still full of them was very Interesting and I had to take a peek!!!

But again, I had a Vision of the Young Science Loving Prince conducting some Extreme Scientific Experiment with these and so I hadda Pass... *LOL*  We've already had far too many of his Extreme Scientific Experiments here at the Bohemian Valhalla Residence... but that's another Story... *LOL*

Loved this piece... the pressed raised Graphics & Design were Awesome...

More Old Chair Love...

And Old Ephemera Love...

And Shell Love...

That Old Aqua Trunk was Fabulous... but 'SOLD'... *Smiles*  It's Okay though, I have one just like it in Seafoam Green... so I wasn't too broken-hearted...

More Cloche Love...

And yeah, I even took a pix in the Powder Room since they have it decorated so Lovely... *Smiles*

Old Door Love...

And this Old Escutcheon with the Metal Wire sticking out of it was Interesting...

Loved the Skeleton Keys with the Oval Enamel Numbers attached... Shouldda picked up one of them...

And how Lovely is this Antique Teal Headboard and Footboard... the Essence of French Elegance in the Boudoir...  alas, The Man would NOT want to sleep in a bed that looked this Femme... *LOL*  Though he has been long suffering at my Romantic Bedding Phases, knowing that it's not permanent and I'll eventually go back to Gypsy Style, which he can handle... *Smiles*

I am really digging these Industrial Salvage pieces used as Planters... alas, 'SOLD'... Wow, those Lightening Fast Peeps sure get around don't they?!?  *LOL*  They must look like a blur whilst Shopping?!?

Loved this Italian Tole Chandie... and it wasn't even Sold yet... but I'm sure as soon as I walked away... *Smiles*  I've found that if you just look interested in something it brings it to the attention of other peeps that might not have noticed it prior to your scrutiny... *LOL*  So Word to the Wise:  IF you really ARE interested in something for Purchase, DO NOT scrutinize it and then walk away... because it will be GONE to whoever you caught the eye of & piqued the interest of!   I think that may be a Divine Shopping Law or something?!?  *Smiles*

And for the Artist & Crafter... there were some great bags of smalls to Create from... these happened to be bags of Old Typewriter Keys...

And for those who don't want to bother to Create... or don't have the Time... well, there were those Awesome Creations that other Artists had provided... I was Adoring them ALL... you know how it is when it comes to da Bling... I want it ALL... and would probably even wear it all at once!!!  *Winks*

Well... you're gonna hafta come back Tomorrow for yet another Installment of the Event... because as you know... the only thing I'm more extreme about than Collecting and Junquing... is taking Pixs! *Smiles*

Source: Judy from MY ARTISTIC SIDE Blog

And so I want to thank Sweet Man Jim, pictured here with his Sweet Kim, for Inviting me to come early next Month to cover the Event and take some better shots before the doors open...  and aren't Sweet Jim and Kim just the most Adorable Couple, and such Sweet Folks... I had to borrow this Image from my Friend Judy's Blog, she takes such great Photos of these Events and Covers them Faithfully for you here in the Land of Blog too, so go over to MY ARTISTIC SIDE and see even more of this Event at Judy's Blog...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian