Bears in Santos Crowns and Gypsy Styled Geese ... they're a part of the World my Friends and I Live in.  Where Fantasy and Imagination blend with Reality and are brought to Life.  Vignettes straight from the Canvas of the Imagination and full of Storybook Style Enchantment!
These Delightful Creatures can be found in my Friend Shelly's Shop RUST AND ROSES and were Delightfully brought to Life from the Imagination of my Creative and Beautiful Friend Pauline Sierras, "RANCH BARBI".   We're still on the lookout for a Zebra Head Mount for her to Create Magic with... it will definitely be Transformed into a Delightful Party Animal!  *Winks*

We all Lived within the Realm of our Vivid Imaginations we had as Children, but sadly, so many Adults never return to those Enchanting Places they used to Dream of and felt were Real in their Childhood Daydreams.  I never left mine... Maturity never dulled my Imagination and Dreams... and in Adulthood I found that I Connected with and became Friends with many others who didn't either.  

They never lost the ability to bring a Fantasy Scape to Life with Artistic Flair and heavy doses of Inspiration.  From a mere Thought and an Idea... which is what all Creativity and Creation is Manifested from.  We have all the Raw Materials that the Master Creator Endowed us with and Provided so Generously.  He Created us in His Image which is why we're Creative Beings... and He left the Creating of what we don't already have TO US... out of the Raw Materials that we already Possess!   It's only one IDEA away from Becoming your Reality my Friends!

What would YOU bring to Life from your Imaginings and Ideas my Friends?  When was the last time you paid a Visit to the Realm of your Childhood Fantasies and the Enchanting Places you Dreamed up and used to spend Quality Time in when you Believed anything and everything was possible?   If its been a while I'm sure you've been Missed there... and Returning is very likely to Spark Creativity and Rekindle the Fire and Vision so that once again anything and everything will be possible in your World!  Everybody has Ideas, tap into yours.   And on this New Year's Eve my Hope for you is that you Renew and move forward towards your Hopes, Vision and Dreams with tenacity and Faith that you will Attain them.

As the New Year quickly approaches and the Old Year is drawing to a close, I've been Meditating upon my own Ideas... because it is only our own Ideas that WE can bring to Life and have a Responsibility for Manifesting.  If you have gotten a Word, a Thought that has brought forth an Idea and done nothing with it you must always ask yourself Why?  I've been asking myself this Important Question... because I know I'm only one Idea away from that which I've very likely been Praying for and Dreaming of... how about you?


Be Safe and not too much of a Party Animal my Friends!  And when you wake up New Year's Day... if you're in the Valley Of The Sun... stop by for our New Year's Bash at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST!  I'll be Working 9:00 to 1:00 New Year's Day so I'll Hopefully see you there!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... a Place of Bears in Crowns and other Adventures... AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!... Dawn... The Bohemian
