I had the opportunity to go back to the SWEET SALVAGE Event since I was taking the G-Son over to spend Christmas in the City with Relatives.

That gave me the chance to pick up the tiny Green Flower Frog {luckily still there so obviously meant to be MINE!}... and a larger Round Flower Frog...  some cards that Spell out FLEA and I even got two more FREE Show Ribbons!!!  *Insert Happy Dance!*  Thank You SWEET SALVAGE for your Holiday Generosity... the Treasure Hunt for the Free Gifts is such a nice Touch to add to the Shopping Experience at The Sweet!

Actually without the crowded throng on Opening Day it was much easier to see all the Inventory, languish while Shopping and 'Score' some of the Delightful FREE Gifts sprinkled around the Shop!   See... there's one right there with the Green FREE TAKE ME HOME Sticker... 
But the Question is... since you were along here Shopping with me Virtually, how many of you SAW that Sticker BEFORE I pointed it out & wouldda 'Scored' a Freebie?  Because if you didn't spot it in an Image, it's likely you might have missed it in Person too while intent on Shopping?! *Winks*  I liked to spot them and see just how long it took before they were Discovered by the other Eager Shoppers!? 
Since I was intent on Photographing things it brought my Focus sharper in line I guess than if I were just Shopping for specifics.  Treasure Hunts are so much Fun and I had 'Scored' a total of three Freebies that were items I wanted & really Loved, the two Fab Vintage Show Ribbons in Gorgeous Hues and a small Metal Genie Style Vase that I plan to Embellish. 
Here's a gander at my Flower Frogs & Cards too...
And I got a Signed Copy of Carolyn Westbrook's new Book "Through The French Door".  And that Gorgeous Vintage European Madonna and Child with Glass Eyes I 'Scored' later in the day at a Thrift Shop for a mere Six Bucks!
This Month I liked that 'The Sweet' had Collections of things so that you could procure an Instant Collection if you so Desired.   The Spines on this Old Encyclopedia Set are quite Lovely.  I've often bought Books just because of the Covers or Spines for Display Purposes...
And of coarse the Coverless Old Books are always Fun too.  I particularly Loved this one that someone had Loved enough to Tape together after Age had taken it's toll... and when you opened it's pages you could see why...
Aren't those Graphics just Wonderful!?!  Alas, I didn't find a Price on this or it would have been mine too... I think it may have been for Display and I probably should have taken the Time to ask since I wanted it... because even in the Repaired Condition I found it worthy to add to my Collection! 
 Here's Sweet Kim and Sweet "Steampunk" Nancy.
Old Books and Old Cameras make a Perfect pairing for a Vignette...
And the Collection of Old Cameras was Impressive this Month.

And if you have been seeking out Vintage Dress Forms this would have been the Month to procure them... and many were even Marked Down for the Holiday Sale!  When was the last time you saw a Vintage Dress Form Marked Down?  Exactly... like NEVER!

In my Friend Jackie's area she had this cute Vintage Commercial Signage...

And speaking of Sweet Jackie... here she is, slowing down for just a milisecond to Oblige me in a Photo Op!
I am always drawn to the Vintage Ephemera... and I didn't have Judy keeping her eye on me this Visit so I had to use my own Restraint not to Pop on some... *Winks*   I Prevailed Judy... and totally Resisted the Urge!  I'm not 'Cured' I'm sure, but I am getting better... *LOL*
And if I had ANY more space for a killer Chandie... look at this my Friends!  *Swooning*


How Awesome would this Vintage Sign be in a Game Room?  And don't you just Love that Rust with Turquoise Hue and Patina on the Old piece behind it?!  I Love when the layers of Paint begin showing through on Old Wood or Metal.

And if you were looking for a nice Selection or Collection of Vintage Canning Jars for those Projects and En Mass Displays... here 'tis!   I did pick up some Vintage Zinc & Milkglass Lids this Month at the Event... I'm always finding lidless Vintage Canning Jars so I like to keep a stash of the Old Lids around to Complete them.

And here's Sweet Debbie... I wasn't able to get pixs of the Whole Sweet Team... the Shop was buzzing with Customers each time I visited so they were all busy as Bees! 
Here's another thing I 'Scored' on Markdown... one of these Lovely Altered Art Bottles with Seaside Embellishments... guess which one came Home with me?
If you guessed the Square Bottle with long Red Coral  you know me well!  *Winks*   Hey, for a mere Five Bucks I wasn't leaving without it to add to my Altered Art Bottle Collection!

I really like the Faucet Spiggot Necklaces... an Innovative way to Upcycle some great Outdoor Elements and Repurpose them in Creations of Wearable Art.  
And guess what The Man recently brought in for me from the Abyss of Goodies stashed in his Workshop Cottage out back?  An Old Metal Stamping Kit in Storage Box, so now I can start making Metal Stamped Art  too!  *Squeal of Excitement*  I hear it's totally Addictive...
I didn't even know he HAD that Kit... and Truth be told, he probably forgot he had it too until I showed him these Creations & told him I would like a Kit!  *Ha ha ha*   Now I can't help but Wonder what other Great Treasures I'd Love to find that he Forgot about and he's got stashed back there?!?  *LOL*   But don't we often do that my Friends, Forget what Awesome Treasures we have in Storage and Dark Recesses Squirreled away & long Forgotten?!

That's precisely why in 2013 very high on my 'Save Up For' Wish List will be a killer Vintage Storage Piece with loads of little labeled Drawers to Organize many of the Smalls and Supplies I use for Altered Art Projects.  I REALLY Loved this one at the Sale...the Colors and look of it couldn't have been more Perfect!   I only Hope I can find one when I do have the Cash Saved up?!?

Old Seltzer Bottles and Yard Lond Vintage Photos are always on my 'Love List'...

And couldn't you just Imagine yourselves in this Ride?!?  And loads of room in the Pickup Bed for Junquing too!  *Winks*

There were still some really Lovely Christmas Inspired Treasures too...

And though none of my Images of it turned out that great, I really Loved this little Vignette... very My Style of Decorating.

And it's not like I didn't take a few pixs of it to ensure I got a decent Shot either... don't you just Hate when that happens and none of them turn out?!!  I know, I've got a Digital Camera and you'd think that I could tell in the viewfinder if the Image had enough Clarity... but sometimes you can't until you download it and enlarge it... realizing it wasn't all that crisp and clean!  *Sob*

And this is precisely why I ADORE Photoshopping Images... so even the crappy ones can be Enhanced and Salvaged!  *LOL* 

Still totally diggin' Vintage Flash Cards... want to find a Box of French ones and Spanish ones so that I can not only use them for Styling... but to brush up on my French and Spanish as well.   These were great because they had Picture of the Item on the Reverse side!

Liked the Sepia tone of this Old Globe.  I still have a Love Affair with Old Globes... they always sell well.

 The Religious and Spiritual Treasures abounded this Month too... this Old Lourdes Madonna was quite Lovely.

And for the Crafty Artsy Chica in us all... there were Jars of Embellishments just awaiting your next Projects!

Yes, I was totally diggin this Flea Market Style Event very much...

And so many Treasures being Marked Down BEFORE Christmas...

Silver and Crystals and Bling oh my!!!

The Rusty, the Sepia Hued and the Crusty... Divine!

Old Loving Cups, Old Watch Faces and Old Books... Le Sigh!!!

Yeah I did really eyeball the Loving Cups as possible Additions to my Collection since they were Cool, Old and Engraved... but alas, both were missing a handle...

Anyone been lookin' for a Raccoon Pelt?  *Winks*

Yes... it was very difficult for me to come away with just a few things and mostly Images...

Still would like one of those Spiggot Necklaces... among other things... *LOL*  You know how Insatiable I can be...
And if you haven't gotten your fill yet either of all things Sweet... take some Time on Wednesday to stop by for the Sweet Finale...   So Rest up to Keep up... we're still going strong in these last days before Christmas...  Yes... I'll be taking a short break from The Sweet Postings to bring you a Christmas Posting on Christmas Day!
And I just heard that my Friend Judy Won one of the Raffle Prizes being given away!!!  This Gorgeous Corona Couture Necklace... Congrats Judy, I'm SO Happy for you!!!  And if you go over to Judy's Blog MY ARTISTIC SIDE you can see what FREE Gift she Discovered too in the Treasure Hunt... it's Awesome!  You go Girl!!!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
