Today is Girl's Day Out and as Promised it's The Son's Christmas Gift to me to Bankroll it!  Mwahh my Son... it's the Perfect Gift!

After all, Money is ALWAYS the right Color & Size!  *Winks*  So with wad of Cash in hand I shall embark upon our Girl's Day Out Adventure Gleefully and bright & early this Morning after we get the G-Kid Force off to School.
And of coarse there are so many Treasures that have caught my eye in past weeks as I've Shopped for everyone else and for my Showroom Inventory... that I know I'll very likely find something Special for moi as well, now that I can Indulge without any Guilt.  *Smiles*
But the best part of Girl's Day Out is not necessarily the Shopping part of it... but the Fellowship of getting together with the Girls and having the Freedom to just do 'Our Thing' and be in our Element.
Everyone has such busy lives and personal commitments that it is usually only during these rare times taken for Self that we actually get to just be footloose and fancy free to have a Good Time and the Freedom to pursue whatever we like for an entire day out.
It's a great way to unwind, be Inspired, network with Kindred Spirits and de-stress from the everyday routines and obligations that can take a toll if you're not careful to take and make the Time for Self and be Good to YOU.
Pamper yourself just a little bit, it needn't be some epic Indulgence... quite often the Simplest of Pleasures costs relatively nothing if you exercise some Restraint and Moderation in the pursuit of it.
I can be the most avid Windowshopper and feel totally Content in the looking at and being around Beautiful Things without the need to acquire.  So it's just an added Bonus when I'm Gifted with Cash to actually make some Dreamy Purchases that could have been on the 'Wish List'.

Looking with Admiration at the Art of the Display that others have so Creatively Designed and Styled.   Often Inspiring and Sparking some Creativity that we can take Home and Act upon.

For the Artistic Soul there is a deep NEED to be Creative and express Creativity in some way that we were Purposed for bringing forth, it's as vital as our next breath.

There's so many things you might see that you'd like to try your hand at Crafting... for the Pure Joy of it!  Isn't this a Creative way to use cast off empty perfume bottles and lotion jars that you find to be worthy of preserving in some Interesting and Artistic way?

Sometimes the Packaging is just so Lovely that you would be loathe to simply discard it... so if you can Upcycle it into a new Art Form, why not?!  I Applaud the Inventive Re-Use and Recycling of something that might otherwise be thrown out.
And Chalkboard Paints can make even the the most Plain Found Objects Interesting and Useful... with a variety of Purpose with just the swipe of an Eraser and a new Chalked In Message!

Yes... everything Old is New again... and Ideas like this making the term "Living out of a Suitcase" have a brand new Meaning!  *Smiles*

And by the time you're reading this I'll be well on my way to Enjoying our Girl's Day Out with Friends... attending Events and hitting our Favorite Haunts around the City. 
  And whether I come back with a Christmas Gift or just a load of Good Memories of a Good Time with Friends it is still very much a Special Gift from you... so I Thank You my Son for always Indulging me!   I Love you... whether going Grunge, Cochise or clean shaven and finally giving in to my Momly Nagging to go GQ... and your tendancy to be a total Character and shave your whole head in an extreme gesture of feigned Obedience to get a humorous reaction out of me!  *Smiles*
 You see, my Son is one of the Funniest and most Natural Born Comedians I know and has no Shame in acting the Fool in Public.  One of our Fav mutually shared past-times is deliberately Embarrassing each other in Public with exaggerated antics and Impersonations!  I can never stay mad at him, give a good Momly Lecture or remain in a Mood when he's inclined to do something hilarious, ridiculous and utterly goofy just to make me crack a Smile and Lighten Up when I'm attempting to be serious, morose or 'Hard'!  *Always LMAO at his Old Asian Man Character that pairs exaggerated ridiculous looking Comedic Facial gestures with solemn Confucius Advice for me!*  And though he'll often work my last nerve on purpose just to see just how far he can go now that he's a grown Man that towers over me...
I Love my Youngest Child... my 'Baby'!  {God he Hates when I say THAT!  Winks}  And I Promise to try not to comment when you go 'Scooby-Do Shaggy' and attempt to grow out a Beard or Mustache every now and again just to see if you can... no easy feat and futile really for those with Native American Blood coarsing thru our veins.  *Winks*

And as a Proud Mama I'm goin all out to embarrass and Praise you in Today's Post by Raiding all your Facebook Uploads *he he he*... because I can... and I'm pretty sure you're not gonna visit your Old Hippie Gypsy Mom's Decorating and Style Blog anyway!  *LOL... Yeah, the Crew here actually Assume I only discuss and Share Decorating or Fashion here...Bwahaha!!!*  
I'll be baaaaack... with Tales of my Adventures... Dawn... The Bohemian
